Your Personality Test

Excellent! This is the last page of your test.

Again, select between two columns of characteristics the one that best describes you.


Prefer my life to be decisive by imposing my will on it. Seek to adapt my life and experience to what comes along.
Prefer knowing what I'm getting myself into. Like adapting to new situations.
Feel better after making decisions. Prefer to keep things open.
Enjoy finishing things. Enjoy starting things.
Work for a settled life with my plans in order. Keep my life flexible so nothing is missed.
Dislike surprises and want advance warnings. Enjoy surprises and like adapting to last-minute changes.
See time as a finite resource and take deadlines seriously. See time as a renewable resource and see deadlines as elastic.
Like checking off "to do" list. Ignore "to do" list even if I made one.
Feel better with things planned. Would rather do whatever comes along.
Settled. Organized. Tentative. Flexible. Spontaneous.


Which column best describes you?

Column A or Column B

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