Vitamin Deficiencies and Vitamin Toxicities
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Vitamin A - retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, carotenoids such as beta-carotene
Hypovitaminosis A |
Hypervitaminosis A |
Bones/Teeth | Cessation of bone growth, painful joints, impaired enamel formation, cracks in teeth, tendency to decay, atrophy of dentin-forming cells | Increased activity of osteoclasts causing decalcification, joint pain, fragility, stunted growth, and thickening of long bones; increase of pressure inside skull, mimicking brain tumor; headaches |
Blood | Anemia, often masked by dehydration | Loss of hemoglobin and potassium by red blood cells, cessation of menstruation, slowed clotting time, easily induced bleeding |
Eyes | Night blindness, changes in epithelial tissue (hyperkeratinization), drying (xerosis), triangular gray spots on eye (Bitot's spots), irreversible drying (keratomalacia), and corneal degeneration (blindness) | None |
Skin | Plugging of hair follicles with keratin, forming white lumps (hyperkeratosis) | Dryness; itching; peeling; rashes; dry, scaling lips; cracking and bleeding of lips; nosebleeds; loss of hair; brittle nails |
Digestive System | Changes in lining; diarrhea | Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss |
Immune System | Suppression of immune reactions: frequent respiratory, digestive, bladder, vaginal, and kidney infections | Overstimulation of immune reactions |
Nervous/Muscular Systems | Brain and spinal cord growth too fast for stunted skull and spine | Loss of appetite, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, restlessness, headaches, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, interference with thyroxin |
Other | Kidney stones | Amenorrhea, jaundice, enlargement of liver and spleen, massive accumulation of fat and vitamin A in liver |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 400-401.
Vitamin D - calciferol, cholecalciferol, dihydroxy vitamin D
Rickets in Children |
Osteomalacia in Adults |
Hypervitaminosis D |
Bones/Teeth | Faulty calcification, resulting in misshapen bones (bowing of legs) and retarded growth; enlargement of ends of long bones (knees, wrists); deformities of ribs (bowed, with heads or knobs); delayed closing of fontanel, resulting in rapid enlargement of dead; slow eruption of teeth; malformed, decay-prone teeth | Softening effect: deformities of limbs spine, thorax, and pelvis; demineralization; pain in pelvis, lower back, and legs; bone fractures. | Increased calcium withdrawal |
Blood | None | Decreased calcium and/or phosphorus, increased alkaline phosphatase | Increased calcium and phosphorus concentration |
Nervous/Muscular Systems | Lax muscles resulting in protrusion of abdomen; muscles spasms | Involuntary twitching, muscle spasms | Loss of appetite, headache, weakness, fatigue, excessive thirst, irritability, apathy |
Excretory System | Increased calcium in stools, decreased calcium in urine | None | Increased excretion of calcium in urine, kidney stones, irreversible renal damage |
Other | Abnormality high secretion of parathormone | None | Calcification of soft tissues (blood vessels, kidneys, heart, lungs, tissue around joints), death |
Animal-rights wackos have propagated the lies about vitamin A and D toxicity from cod liver oil in hopes that people will avoid taking it because it is an animal product. Other unknowledgeable people pass the false information on and on and on until nearly everyone accepts it. One teaspoon of Carlson's lemon flavored cod liver oil has about 20% RDA of vitamin A and 100% RDA of vitamin D, or 400 IU. This website author has taken 2 tablespoons (6 teaspoons) per day for several years with only healthy benefits. This gives just a little more than the RDA of vitamin A and 6 times the level of vitamin D. However, you would have to take 30 tablespoons per day for 6 months to reach the slightest level of toxicity of vitamin D. Polar bear liver can have such a high level of vitamin D that it killed early explorers in just one meal. So, don't eat any polar bear liver....LOL. A "global warming" brainwashing scare was presented on the Internet and TV on December 1, 2006 in which polar bears looked forlorn as if trapped on the floating piece of ice? This brainwashing story is run several times a year on the Internet and TV. Actually, the bears are simply looking suspiciously at the humans nearby who are taking pictures. The story is nonsense and brainwashing. The bears can swim for 100 miles in open sea just for the fun of it, and they know where they are going. The ice along Northern Canada and Alaska has always melted at the shoreline in summer. That is why explorers tried to search for the Northwest Passage, a route that was ice free around Northern Canada. The passage is rarely fully open, but an icebreaker has made the trip from Greenland to Alaska. The Franklin party comprised of two ships tried to find the passage in 1825. They knew they would be trapped in the ice all winter and prepared for it by bringing guns, food and lime juice for vitamin C. They all died anyway from scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. The men on the trapped ships could see the nearby Eskimos waving as they went about their daily routine hunting seals, raising babies, taking care of old people and feeding their dogs. The Eskimos had no guns and ate a 100% meat diet. Professional nutritionists brainwash the public by claiming that meat has no vitamin C. Actually, the Eskimo's 100% meat diet prevented scurvy and could cure scurvy in those who suffer from it as proven by arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson.
Stefansson 1 - Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health. Read the book, My Life With The Eskimos, if you can find it. There is a link to a used book source on the above web page.
THE MERCK MANUAL, Vitamin Deficiency And Toxicity.
"Vitamin D 1000 μg (40,000 IU)/day produces toxicity within 1 to 4 mo in infants; as little as 50 to 75 μg (2000 to 3000 IU)/day, if taken for years, can produce toxicity. In adults, taking 2500 μg (100,000 IU)/day for several months can produce toxicity."
TEST: Any health advisor, professional nutritionist or medical doctor that discourages taking cod liver oil by warning of vitamin A or D toxicity is a wacko. An adult would have to take 30 tablespoons per day for six months to reach any level of vitamin D toxicity. If you believe the vitamin A or D toxicity stories, you have been brainwashed.
BTW, Did you see the "global warming" brainwashing scare on the Internet and TV on December 1, 2006 in which the polar bears are looking forlorn on the floating piece of ice? This brainwashing story is run several times a year on the Internet and TV. Actually, the bears are simply suspicious of the humans nearby. The story is all nonsense and brainwashing. The bears can swim for 100 miles in open sea just for the fun of it, and they know where they are going. The ice has always melted at the shoreline in summer along Northern Canada and Alaska. That is why explorers tried to search for the Northwest Passage, a route that was ice free around Northern Canada. The passage is never fully open, but an icebreaker has made the trip from Greenland to Alaska. The Franklin party comprised of two ships tried to find the passage in 1825. They knew they would be trapped in the ice all winter and prepared for it with their guns, food and lime juice for vitamin C. They all died anyway from scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. The nearby Eskimos would wave to the men on the ships as they went about their daily routine hunting seals, raising babies, taking care of old people and feeding their dogs. They had no guns and ate a 100% meat diet. Professional nutritionists will tell you meat has no vitamin C. That is just another example of brainwashing.
Stefansson 1 - Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health. Read the book, My Life With The Eskimos, if you can find it. The link is on the above web page to a used book source.
The major story on December 1, 2006 was not about the polar bear trapped on the ice floe. It was about Chicago trapped in the ice of a major winter blizzard. More than 400 flights were cancelled at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport and 2.4 million people are without power. Ice is everywhere. Trees are collapsing under the ice load and taking down power lines. Schools are closed.
TEST: If you believe the story about polar bears being trapped on a melting ice floe, you have been brainwashed.
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 408.
Vitamin E - Alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol, tocotrienol
Hypovitaminosis E |
Hypervitaminosis E |
Blood/Circulatory System | Red blood cell breakage, anemia | Augments effects of anticlotting medication |
Digestive System | None | General discomfort |
Nervous/Muscular System | Degeneration, weakness, difficulty walking, severe pain in calf muscles | None |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 411.
Vitamin K - menadione, menaquinone, phylloquinone, napthoquinone
Hypovitaminosis K |
Hypervitaminosis K |
Blood/Circulatory System | Hemorrhaging | Interference with anticlotting medications; vitamin K analogues may cause jaundice, red blood cell hemolysis, and brain damage. |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 416.
Vitamin B1 - Thiamin
Deficiency Symptoms | |
Diseases | Beriberi Dease |
Blood/Circulatory System | Edema, enlarged heart, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure |
Nervous/Muscular Systems | Degeneration, wasting, weakness, painful calf muscles, low morale, difficulty walking, loss of ankle and knee-jerk reflexes, mental confusion, paralysis |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 349.
Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
Deficiency Symptoms | |
Diseases | Ariboflavinosis Disease |
Mouth, Gums, Tongue | Cracks and redness at corners of mouth; painful, smooth, purplish-red tongue |
Nervous System and Eyes | Inflamed eyelids and sensitivity to light, reddening of cornea |
Other | Skin rash |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 353.
Vitamin B3 - Niacin, nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, niacinamide
Deficiency Symptomsms | Toxicity Symptoms | |
Diseases | Pellagra | Niacin Toxicity |
Digestive System | Diarrhea | Diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, ulcer irritation, vomiting |
Mouth, Gum, Tongue | Inflamed, swollen, smooth tongue | None |
Nervous System | Irritability, loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness, mental confusion progressing to psychosis or delirium | Fainting, dizziness |
Skin | Bilateral symmetrical dermatitis, especially on areas exposed to sun | Painful flush and rash ("niacin flush"), excessive sweating |
Other | None | Liver damage, low blood pressure |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 355.
Deficiency Symptoms | |
Blood/Circulatory System | Abnormal heart action |
Digestive System | Loss of appetite, nausea |
Nervous/Muscular Systems | Depression, hallucinations, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue |
Skin | Drying, scaly dermatitis, hair loss |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 358.
Deficiency Symptoms | Toxicity Symptoms | |
Digestive System | Vomiting, intestinal distress | Occasional diarrhea |
Nervous System | Insomnia, fatigue | None |
Other | None | Water retention (rare) |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 359.
Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine
Deficiency Symptoms | Toxicity Symptoms | |
Blood/Circulatory System | Anemia (small-cell type) | Bloating |
Mouth, Gums, Tongue | Smooth tongue, cracked corners of the mouth | None |
Nervous/Muscular Systems | Abnormal brain wave patter, irritability, muscle twitching, convulsions | Depression, fatigue, irritability, headaches, nerve damage leading to numbness and muscle weakness |
Skin | Irritation of sweat glands, dermatitis | None |
Other | Kidney stones | Bone pain |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 361.
Folate - Folic acid, folacin, pteroylglutamic acid (PG)
Deficiency Symptoms | Toxicity Symptoms | |
Blood/Circulatory System | Anemia (large-cell type) | None |
Digestive System | Heartburn, diarrhea (loss of villi and their enzymes), constipation | None |
Immune System | Suppression, frequent infections | None |
Mouth, Gums, Tongue | Smooth, red tongue | None |
Nervous System | Depression, mental confusion, fainting, fatigue | None |
Other | None | Masks vitamin B12-deficiency symptoms |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 366.
Vitamin B12 - Cobalamin, cyanocobalamin
Deficiency Symptoms | |
Diseases | Pernicious Anemia |
Blood/Circulatory System | Anemia (large-cell type) |
Mouth, Gums, Tongue | Smooth tongue |
Nervous System | Fatigue, degeneration of peripheral nerves progressing to paralysis |
Skin | Hypersensitivity |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 370.
Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid
Deficiency Symptoms | Toxicity Symptoms | |
Diseases | Scurvy | None |
Blood/Circulatory System | Anemia (small-cell type), artherosclerotic plaques, pinpoint hemorrhages | None |
Digestive System | None | Nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea |
Immune System | Suppression, frequent infections | None |
Mouth, Gums, Tongue | Bleeding gums, loosened teeth | None |
Nervous/Muscular Systems | Muscle degeneration and pain, hysteria, depression | Headache, fatigue, insomnia |
Skeletal System | Bone fragility, joint pain | None |
Skin | Rough skin, blotchy bruises | Hot flashes, rashes |
Other | Failure of wounds to heal | Interference with medical tests, aggravation of gout symptoms, urinary tract problems, kidney stones |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 379.
Comparison of Water-Soluble and Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Water-Soluble Vitamins: B Vitamins and Vitamin C |
Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E and K |
Absorption | Directly into the blood | First into the lymph, then the blood |
Transport | Travel freely | Many require protein carriers |
Storage | Freely circulate in water-filled parts of the body | Trapped in the cells associated with fat |
Excretion | Kidneys detect and remove excess in urine | Less readily excreted; tend to remain in fat-storage sites |
Toxicity | Unlikely to reach toxic levels when consumed in excess | Likely to reach toxic levels when consumed in excess |
Requirements | Needed in frequent, small doses | Needed in periodic doses |
Adapted from Understanding Nutrition, Seventh Edition. Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes, p. 347.
Links to Vitamin Toxicity Resources
Vitamin A and D are not nearly the overdose risk as claimed.
Vitamin K3 synthetic can be toxic, but Vitamins K1 and K2 are not.
Synthetic vitamin E has been proven to be unhealthy. Take natural mixed tocopherols.
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency and Toxicity Facts - Acu-Cell Nutrition
Nutrition, Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin Deficiency and Toxicity on Bible Life Ministries.
Vitamin Toxicity on Medscape.
THE MERCK MANUAL, Vitamin Overview, Deficiency, and Toxicity.
THE MERCK MANUAL, Mineral Overview, Deficiency, and Toxicity.
THE MERCK MANUAL, Electrolytes Overview, Deficiencies, and Toxicity.
Dietary Supplements - Warnings and Safety Information - U. S. Food and Drug Administration.
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