Obama has started World War III

Barack Obama
Treason against USA

Hillary Clinton
Treason against USA

We have a dangerous, radical, communist in the White House.

Truth About Zionism
The French Connection

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Dr David Duke

Truth About Zionism, Israel, and the Holocaust


The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Documentary

Zion -Obama- The Rothschild Choice Pt. 1 of 10

All of the people charged here with treason against the United States of America knowingly protected and supported rebellious protesters in Egypt and Libya of which they know are members of the al-Qaeda terrorists organization who killed 2,977 people on September 11, 2001, and continue to kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. These traitors are now supporting the enemy in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and other areas of the world.

   Punishment: Execution!
As defined by the Constitution of the United States of America.

 September 11, 2001 Facts:

World Trade Center in New York City, NY, had 2,753 victims who died including 2,606 people in and around the buildings, 87 people on American Airlines Flight 11, 60 people on United Airlines Flight 175, 343 firefighters, and 60 police officers from New York City and the Port Authority.

Pentagon Building in Arlington, VA, had 125 people in and around the building and 59 people on American Airlines Flight 77.

Shanksville, PA, had 40 people on United Airlines Flight 93.

Total: 2,977 people excluding 19 terrorists hijackers who were members of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization.

Robert Gates
Treason against USA

John McCain
Treason against USA

Robert Gates is Secretary of Defense and past head of the Central Intelligence Agency. He knowingly protected and supported rebellious protesters in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen of which he knows are members of the al-Qaeda.

Senator John McCain knowingly protected and supported rebellious protesters in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen of which he knows are members of the al-Qaeda by his public speeches and promotions.

Susan Rice
Treason against USA

Samantha Power
Treason against USA

Susan Rice is the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. She knowingly protected and supported rebellious protesters in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen of which she knows are members of the al-Qaeda.

Samantha Power is a member of  the National Security Council. She knowingly protected and supported rebellious protesters in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen of which she knows are members of the al-Qaeda.

Obama's Women Advisers Pushed War Against Libya

Who Truly Caused the USA and Worldwide Financial Crisis of 2008?


Alex Jones gives proof that Obama’s purported birth certificate is fraud.
Yesterday, April 27, 2011, I could see myself that the background green was erased where the characters were pasted over. This is a childish fake. Why? Obama want to stay on this topic rather than focus on the unconstitutional war in Libya by this dictator. His birth certificate is a diversion tactic.

Obama and NATO violate International law by targeting a country's leader.


This attack killed Gaddafi's son, three grandchildren, and others.

 These are a war crimes.


Washington in a frenzy over Pakistan leaving US Empire

Bin Laden’s daughter confirms her father shot dead
 by US Special Forces in Pakistan - May 4, 2011

Truth About Zionism, Israel, and the Holocaust

"And you shall know the truth, 
and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

Test all things; hold fast what is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21


"Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance" full-length film by Ted Pike
This video explains why the Bible says Jerusalem is the Whore and Babylon.
However, the Rapture and End Times doctrine are incorrect in this video.
See the correct End Times in the following web page.
Major Christian Doctrines in the Bible


The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Documentary


'Marching to Zion' Official Full Film
Exposes the Treacherous Creation of Israel as Children of the Devil

Jew World Order Exposed

Jew World Order Exposes Jewish Treachery Worldwide

The Treachery by Which the Zionist Were Given Palestine
Zionist Jew Agenda Exposed - SHOCKING Truth

How the Jews Are Destroying America

- Historian -
‘Did Hitler Have Reason to Hate the Jews?’

Holocaust Hoax & Zionist WW2 Lies Exposed - YouTube

Is the Holocaust a Hoax?

The "Six Million" Myth

Facts of the Holocaust - Complete - YouTube

Holocaust Survivors who Tell the Truth - YouTube

Judea Declares War on Germany (Full Version)
Facts About the Holocaust you DIDN'T know! - YouTube

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust Part 1 of 2 - YouTube

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust Part 1 of 2 - YouTube

The Lies of the Holocaust by a Jewish Investigator David Cole - YouTube

The Holocaust Hoax Exposed - Interview with author Victor Thorn - YouTube

Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction Part 1 of 3 by Ernst Zundel - YouTube

Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction Part 2 of 3 by Ernst Zundel - YouTube

Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction Part 3 of 3 by Ernst Zundel - YouTube

Christians were murdered in the USSR under Jewish Marxism between 1917-1945

Yes, This Is BAD News. 
Even Senator Ted Cruz Is an Israeli Lackey

ZIONIST Israeli Plant, TED CRUZ, Booed Off Stage By Fed Up Christians and Arabs

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Atkins' Diet Healthier Than the American Heart Association's Diet.

Dr. Weston A. Price Foundation.

Genetically Modified Corn Study Reveals Health Damage and Cover-up. The Mediterranean Diet is a Big FAT Lie.
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and  Proper Diet During Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby

Mommy Goes Shopping for Baby Food.
Read Why Mommy's Diet Causes Infant Autism.

Top Ten Exercise Health Myths About Running, Jogging, Biking, Marathons, and Triathlons
Top Ten Embryonic Stem Cell and Human Cloning Research Claims, Promises, Facts, Expectations, Exaggerations, Hype, and Myths
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske
Top Ten Myths About Nutrition and Diet in the Bible
The Truth, Myths, and Lies About the Health and Diet of the "Long-Lived" People of Hunza, Pakistan, Hunza Bread, and Pie Recipes
The Truth About the Balanced Diet Theory and the 
Four or Five Groups of the Food Guide Pyramid
Study With Mice Shows the High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diet Improves Alzheimer's Disease and Most Likely Will Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

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