Myths and Facts on the
Low-Carbohydrate Diet
News You Can Use
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Most people experience a condition called ketosis when they suddenly go from a high-carbohydrate diet to a low-carbohydrate diet. This occurs when ketone molecules are circulating in the blood in a higher amount than on the previous high-carbohydrate diet. Ketosis is a normal physiological state caused by very normal and healthy body functions contrary to the myths, distortions, and lies published by vegetarians and other high-carbohydrate diet supporters. Ketosis allows the body to function efficiently and live off of stored body fat when necessary. Ketones are not a poison which is how most medical and nutritional experts refer to them. Ketones make the body run more efficiently and provide a backup fuel source for the brain. The three substances known as ketone bodies are acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, and acetone. Some unknowledgeable people have an absolute fit when told that ketosis produces acetones in the blood, since acetone is a common household solvent. Acetone is commonly used as a fingernail polish remover. The body produces ketones as the preferred fuel for the heart, outer part of the kidneys, and most areas of the brain.
Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition commonly associated with Type 1 diabetes and insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes. Ketoacidosis is not the same as normal dietary ketosis. The abnormally low level of insulin in the diabetic leads to a toxic build-up of blood glucose, causing excess urination, thirst, and dehydration. The glucose cannot enter the cells to produce energy in the absence of insulin. This causes the body to break down an excessive amount of body fat and muscle tissues for energy. Ketoacidosis is an unhealthy condition in which the body has excessively high glucose and ketone bodies at the same time. The ketoacids lower the pH of the blood to an unhealthy level. The body is very sensitive to changes in blood pH. The condition is never present in a non diabetic on a carbohydrate-restricted diet in which beneficial ketosis is achieved. Normal ketosis stabilizes blood glucose within a normal range and prevents the breakdown of healthy muscle tissue. The dietary restriction of carbohydrates prevents any build-up of excess glucose. The blood glucose level remains perfectly normal and stable, almost straight line. The body is actually powered normally by ketone bodies while we sleep. Ketosis was common and normal in all primitive people who lived on a high-protein, high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet such as the North American plains Indians and northern Eskimos. Dietary fatty acids and ketone bodies are very healthy fuels for the body in contrast to glucose which causes insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Many people falsely believe they cannot or are not losing weight because the ketones drop to a lower level. The Ketostiks, used to measure the ketones in the urine, are no longer showing the purple color on the test strip. However, weight loss continues with or without the ketones being present. The spillage of excess ketones in the urine disappears on the low-carbohydrate diet after the body becomes accustomed to using dietary fats for energy instead of glucose. This usually occurs within a few weeks on the diet. People who normally eat high-carbohydrate meals have been fueling their bodies with glucose and fructose obtained from the carbohydrates. Their cells have had very little experience burning fatty acids for energy. The body uses the glucose first to prevent high levels of glucose in the blood.
The body experiences a new condition when a person goes on the low-carbohydrate diet. The more commonly used glucose fuel is no longer available. The body reacts by dropping the pancreas' production of insulin and increasing the hormone glucagon. The glucagon draws stored fat reserves in the form of triglycerides for use by the cells as the new energy source. However, the cells are slow to react to this new fuel source, and the individual feels weak or lacking energy. The resistance to burning fatty acids for energy can vary greatly among individuals. Some people feel this weakness, but others pick right up and take off with the feeling of greater energy than before.
The liver begins to catabolize (break down) the extra fatty acids when they are not being utilized by the cells; however, the liver does not have the enzyme necessary for complete catabolism of the fatty acids. This causes the discharge of the ketone molecules into the blood. The strange taste in the mouth and mild breath odor shows the presence of these ketones. Other body cells can utilize the ketones for energy. The brain can utilize ketones contrary to the myth that the brain must be powered by glucose only; although, some areas of the brain still require glucose which the body makes from amino acids or fats. Ketones are the preferred energy source for the muscles of the heart.
The body begins to utilize the fatty acids for energy more efficiently after a few weeks on the low-carbohydrate diet, and the ketone level drops to normal. This does not mean a person is not losing weight. It means the body is becoming a more efficient fat burner.
History pictures and movies taken during the rescue of inmates in German concentration camps at the end of World War II show the brain and heart can endure harsh starvation. The bodies of the poor victims were almost completely depleted of muscle mass because the bodies were consuming muscle protein as fuel to stay alive. The concentration camp survivors showed excellent mental capacity when interviewed many years later and many lived to very old age. The heart muscle eventually gives out during starvation but that does not occur until the person is so weak and frail they cannot stand or walk. The brain and heart survive surprisingly well during starvation. The observation of German concentration camp inmates proves that a low-carbohydrate diet has no detrimental effect on the brain or heart as falsely claimed by many professional nutritionists.
The scientific and practical amount of carbohydrate needed in the diet is ZERO -- NONE. Dietary carbohydrates are not a requirement in any body function. In fact it appears that the lower the carbohydrate level in the diet the better the long-term health. Age-related degenerative diseases are caused by high levels of carbohydrates in the diet. One can be on a very low or zero-carbohydrate diet indefinitely as has been shown by the study of many primitive societies.
Absolute Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Are Pathogenic.
Stefansson 1 - Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health.The author was on the Atkins' Induction phase eating fewer than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day for many months. Ketosis had long since disappeared. I went for a blood test at a Quest Diagnostics walk-in facility after the required 12-hour fast. The results showed a perfectly normal blood glucose level in the midrange. It could not have been better. Carbohydrates are not required to maintain a normal blood glucose level and not required in the diet as brain fuel. The body can make all the glucose required from protein and fats in the diet, and it makes glucose at a healthy level in this manner.
Blood Pressure Control and Blood Testing Information.
Dealing with Low-Carb Ketosis or Hypoglycemia Symptoms
The low-carbohydrate ketosis diet typically produces a mild ache in the forehead. This is especially true for those new to the diet. In most people the feeling is unlikely to be hypoglycemia (low blood glucose). Simply ignoring the mild headache is one possibility. Here are some helpful suggestions:
Get a Free Blood Glucose Meter. Buy an Accu-Chek meter or any other brand that offers a full-cost rebate. The best brand and model to buy depends on the number of test strips included because replacement strips are expensive. It is simple to use with a small lancet and a lancet holder that looks like a pencil. Some lancets should also be included. The blood glucose level is most likely to be highest for a non diabetic (100 to 110 mg/dl) upon awaking in the morning because the liver produces glucose during the night. Readings less than 100 during the day are normal on the low-carbohydrate diet.
Hypoglycemia. The low-carb headache is not hypoglycemia unless the blood glucose level is below 70 mg/dl.
Snack. Eat a good high-fat meat for a snack. Baked or fried chicken thighs are great. Fifty-eight percent of protein can be converted by the body into blood glucose, as needed, without raising insulin levels. Meat in a snack prevents hypoglycemia naturally without eating sweets. Canned salmon is the perfect food because it also has a high level of essential DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure the salmon includes water and salt only. Do not buy a salmon with soybean or other bad omega-6 vegetable oils. Do not eat tuna fish as is a common practice because it does not have any omega-3 fats. Hard cheeses are also excellent snack foods, but the salt content can be a concern. Swiss cheese usually has the lowest sodium content.
Minerals, Vitamins and Supplements. Optimal health requires an abundance of vitamins, mineral, and supplements. The full array of colloidal minerals is very important. Click on the links on the attached page to see products at a reasonable price.
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.
Protein and L-Glutamine Drink. Prepare a drink made with whey amino acid protein powder which is enriched with extra glutamine amino acid. The protein powder consists of a full complement of amino acid isolates that heal the body and require no digestion. Prepare the drink by blending 8 to 16 oz of reverse osmosis with UV lamp water or unsweetened, low-sodium tomato juice with 1 heaping teaspoon (12 gm) of whey protein powder plus 1 rounded teaspoon (8 gm) of glutamine amino acid powder. Stirring vigorously with the teaspoon is sufficient. The whey protein must be specified on the carton as isolates from cross flow microfiltration and ion-exchange, ultrafiltered concentrate, low molecular weight, and partially hydrolyzed whey protein peptides rich in branched chain amino acids and glutamine peptides. The low-carbohydrate type at 1 gm per scoop or less is best, but it should not be more than 4-5 gm of carbohydrates per scoop. Do not substitute protein from soy, egg, casein, or any other source. Sugar or any other sweetener is unacceptable. Use the "natural flavor" without additives. This amino acid drink can be enjoyed anytime with or without a meal. Amino acids are foods that build and maintain the body. Refrigerate whey protein powder and discard if it is old. Whey protein powder can cause some gas and an unusually "full" feeling. Discontinue the whey protein powder if the reactions are unpleasant. Continue to take the glutamine powder.
L-Glutamine Amino Acid.
Ultimate Lo Carb Whey Powder - Natural Flavor by Biochem.
Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.This combination of amino acids has been shown to provide the following healing properties:
Provides pain killing effects by healing the nervous system.
Absorption of body building amino acids without requiring digestion.
Stimulates insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which functions similarly to insulin and enhances protein synthesis and healing.
Fights infections by stimulating the immune system. All immune cells are made from poly-peptides of amino acids.
Provides bone growth of protein collagen and strengthens bones. Poor digestion has been shown to cause osteoporosis and degenerative bone disease.
Provides all of the amino acids required to heal and grow ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles, intestinal tract, heart muscle, and all other organs of the body.
Prevents hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) symptoms in people with hypoglycemia or diabetes.
Toxic Heavy Metal Poisoning, Contamination, Symptoms, Testing, Chelation and Detox Protocols.
The three most nutritionally important omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic fatty acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA). Alpha-linolenic fatty acid is one of two fatty acids traditionally classified as "essential." The other fatty acid traditionally viewed as essential is an omega-6 fat called linoleic acid. These fatty acids have traditionally been classified as “essential” because the body is unable to manufacture them on its own and because they play a fundamental role in several physiological functions. As a result, we must be sure our diet contains sufficient amounts of both alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid.
Blood Testing Information
Laboratories affiliated with HealthCheckUSA will perform any of a large number of health screening tests without a doctor's prescription, and they provide a very detailed report of the results by Internet and/or mail. You can elect to have a physician interpret the results at additional cost or interpret them yourself from information on the report. Other websites listed below provide information to assist you in understanding your test results. Any test result out of the normal range will be indicated and should be reviewed with greater concern.
HealthCheckUSA will also have a trained professional visit your home to take the necessary samples at additional cost, if desired, and you will receive the report with your results in the mail. All of this can be done without leaving your home.
An appointment and a 12-hour fast are required before the blood is drawn. Simply make the appointment in the morning and hold breakfast until afterward.
"HealthCheckUSA has affiliates with nearly 10,000 centers strategically located in all 50 states. Many of these laboratories are used by doctors to conduct health screenings for their patients. Because HealthCheckUSA helps hundred of thousands of health-conscious consumers throughout the USA, we can offer health screenings at some of the most affordable prices in the nation. You simply order your tests online and take the order to your nearest testing center." | Health Screening Tests You Can Obtain Without a Physicians Prescription.
The following are websites that give helpful information for interpretation of your results.
Blood Tests and Interpreting Blood Test Results.
Three Books Are Now Available!
here to review and order!!
The books are more complete than the web pages!!
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Kent R. Rieske
5086 Cottonwood Drive
Boulder, CO 80301 USA
The Latest Ketosis News
Pill that tricks you into losing weight - December 26, 2006.
"An obesity pill which can help women drop two dress sizes in a year has been hailed by scientists after stunning test results."
"A course of one a day could have a dramatic effect on quality of life and cut the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Many slimmers find that, after weeks of successfully losing weight, their metabolism slows down and they hit a plateau. With the pounds slower to come off, many lose their resolve and end up piling weight back on.""Excalia gets round this by tricking the hypothalamus - the brain's weight and appetite thermostat - into keeping the metabolism running fast."
Don't expect this new drug to perform as claimed in the news report. Oh yes, the patient may indeed lose weight as claimed, but increasing the metabolism will increase blood glucose and blood insulin levels. These changes promote heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The news reporters make the mistake of assuming a reduction in weight equates to a reduction in the risks for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The drug will most likely cause an increase in insulin resistance that is a dangerous signal of impending incidences of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A high metabolism is unhealthy. A low metabolism and ideal weight leads to the most healthy state which can only be achieved on a low-carbohydrate diet.
Reference Books and Online Support Groups:
Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
This is a must-read book. Gary Taubes is an award-winning scientist who has specialized in exposing misleading, incorrect, or fraudulent science. His seven-year research in every science connected with the impact of nutrition on health shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong. For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates are better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet with more and more people acting on the advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes.
Taubes argues persuasively that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, easily digested starches) via their dramatic effect on insulin -- the hormone that regulates fat accumulation -- and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number. There are good and bad calories. Taubes traces how the common assumption that carbohydrates are fattening was abandoned in the 1960s when fat and cholesterol were blamed for heart disease and then -- wrongly -- were seen as the causes of a host of other maladies, including cancer. He shows us how these unproven hypotheses were emphatically embraced by authorities in nutrition, public health, and clinical medicine in spite of how well-conceived clinical trials have consistently refuted them. He also documents the dietary trials of carbohydrate restriction which consistently show that the fewer carbohydrates we consume the leaner we will be.
With precise references to the most significant existing clinical studies, he convinces us that there is no compelling scientific evidence demonstrating that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease; that salt causes high blood pressure; and that fiber is a necessary part of a healthy diet. Based on the evidence that does exist, he leads us to conclude that the only healthy way to lose weight and remain lean is to eat fewer carbohydrates or to change the type of carbohydrates we do eat and, for some of us, perhaps to eat virtually none at all.
TNT DIET - Targeted Nutrition Tactics
by Jeff Volek, Ph.D., RD and Adam Campbell, Men's Health Magazine
The explosive new plan to blast fat, build muscle and get healthy.The TNT Diet is a great book for bodybuilders and everyone else who wants to preserve and build lean muscle while controlling body fat. This book is a must read for anyone on the low-carbohydrate diet.
Active Low-Carber Forums - Atkins & low-carbohydrate Diet Support Group
You can talk with others who have bowel diseases or Candida about their experiences. Registration is free but is required before you can post your own message or question. You can click above to visit and read posts by others. Look for the "Candida Yeast & IBS" topic link.
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life
Life Without Bread is an important addition to the growing body of literature on the benefits and importance of low-carb diet. Written by Christian Allan, Ph.D., and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D., the book is based on Dr. Lutz's experience using carbohydrate restricted diets with thousands of patients for more than 40 years. It is based on extensive research in the medical and scientific literature and provides ample references. The book presents a unified theory of how high (and even moderate) levels of dietary carbohydrate cause or exacerbate various health problems and how carbohydrate restriction can help people to recover from those problems.
The book Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D. has a chapter on gastrointestinal diseases. Don't be mislead by the title to believe the cure is the simple elimination of bread. Mr. Lutz's older book is out of print but has essentially the same information. It may even contain more detail than his new book above. Fortunately, Chapter VII: Gastro-Intestinal Tract of the older book can be read online.
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Revised and Improved
The Atkins' New Diet Revolution is the best book for an initial dietary change and quick weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol. Look for the companion book for recipes. It has some very interesting case studies from the doctor's patients. It includes data from past civilizations proving the low-carbohydrate diet is the most healthy.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. ISBN: 006001203X.Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution
This is Dr. Atkins newest book. The main topics are the cause, prevention, and cure for diabetes and heart disease which have become major health concerns in the United States and many other developed countries.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. with Sheila Buff ISBN: 0312251890.Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's Answer To Drugs
This is the best book for determining the correct vitamin and mineral dosage for therapeutic (disease curing) effect, excessive dosage amounts, and normal recommendations. Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution discusses the vital function of vitamins and nutritional supplements and then provides a list of diseases and complaints that the supplements can help cure or alleviate.
This book by Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Dan Eades has an excellent chapter on "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which describes the cause of bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases.
Why Stomach Acid is Good for You
This groundbreaking book unleashes a brilliant new plan for permanently curing heartburn by relieving the root cause of the problem -- low stomach acid. The fact is that heartburn is caused by too little stomach acid -- not too much, as many doctors profess. Book by Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation, or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health clinics.
Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.
Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs.
The following sites have excellent information on a good diet for healing and health preservation.
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