Eggs Do Not Cause Bad Cholesterol
News You Can Use
Science Proves Eggs Do Not Increase Heart Disease Risk
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Eggs are the perfect food. The content of an egg is converted into a baby chick. Everything needed to form the chick is included in the egg to make the feathers, skin, muscles, brain, bones, nerves, and internal organs. Nothing is left over and nothing is lacking. The total fat content of an egg is 70 percent on a calorie basis.
This web site will prove the most healthy diet for humans is:
70% total fat on a calorie basis
31% saturated fat
7% polyunsaturated fat
25% monounsaturated fat
7% other fats
27% protein
3% carbohydrates (20 gm of which 3 gm or less is fiber).Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.
Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cholesterol Science.
Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions, and Lies That Will Destroy Your Health.
Top Ten Historical Events That Created Our Current Health and Nutritional Quagmire.
Cholesterol in
eggs does not cause heart disease. |
Saturated fat prevents coronary artery disease? An American paradox.
Dietary fats, carbohydrate, and progression of coronary atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women.
Myths, Distortions, and Lies About Free-Range, Cage-Free, Organic Eggs
The myth that "free-range" chicken eggs are more healthy is related to the beef scam concerning Omega-3 fatty acids. The plea to eat eggs only from "free-range" chickens is a scam. Keeping chickens and turkeys in cages is perfectly fine. Chickens and turkeys must be the dumbest birds in the world, as those who have raised them can attest. Commercial "free-range" chickens may be given an access to an outside area, but it is usually nothing but barren dirt where they rarely go. The idea they are walking around in the grass eating insects is simple ignorance. When given the chance to be free, they will return to their cages. Chickens would certainly stop laying eggs if the cage caused them to be under stress, but they lay eggs even more frequently. The Omega-3 egg is also a scam. Oh, certainly a tiny bit more Omega-3 fatty acids could be in the eggs of chickens fed salmon scraps, but most likely the producer is cheating. Eggs should not be depended upon as your source for Omega-3 fats because all eggs are inadequate in Omega-3 fats. It is much less expensive to buy regular eggs and eat some cold water fish or take cod liver oil as mentioned below. The comments about "free-range" chickens below were sent in by a reader after visiting a farm that sold "free-range" chicken eggs. No grass or bugs were seen on the concrete floors.
"I agree with you the "free range" idea is bunk. I have been to a "free range" farm. It consisted of huge barns of chickens (10,000 per barn) that were meandering across concrete floors. That's what free range means here in New England."
Cows are about as dumb as chickens. A cow kept in a beautiful grassy pasture will lie down in its own excrement. Free-range chickens in the same pasture will scratch and pick in the excrement for lunch. Animals do not have human emotions or concerns because they are stupid animals.
One tablespoon of cod liver oil has more Omega-3 fatty acid than four (4) dozen eggs.
Take one tablespoon of Carlson's Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil per day. Ignore the smaller dosage listed on the bottle, and ignore the common myth that the healthy vitamin D in cod liver oil can be toxic. One would have to take 30 tablespoons per day for six months to reach the lower level of toxicity. Avoid fish oil capsules because they are often rancid. Omega-3 fats become easily oxidized and rancid as identified by the smell. Food processors remove omega-3 fatty acids from their products to increase shelf life and eliminate the need for refrigeration.
Organic Egg Brainwashing Today, November 8, 2004, a shopper at the local Whole Foods market was observed buying a half dozen (6) brown, organic, cage free chicken eggs for $2.49. She could have purchase five dozen (60) regular eggs at the nearby Costco Wholesale store for $2.89. She paid 8.6 times or 760 percent more for eggs that are no different than the regular eggs. The organic food craze has reached the level of mass delusion. |
Egg producers are well aware that consumers have been brainwashed into thinking an egg yolk with a darker color indicates a healthier egg. This is myth is scientifically false. The claim that "free-range" chicken eggs are better is pure nonsense. Egg producers simply add synthesized chemicals called carotenoids or other dyes to the chicken feed that will give the desired darker color yolk to cage-free eggs. They do the same thing to regular eggs and sell them as cage-free eggs. Adding color chemicals to feed is the same tactic salmon farmers use to give the flesh of farmed salmon a more desirable dark pink color. These chemicals actually make cage-free eggs less desirable and unhealthy. The reason for this scam is simple. The consumer is totally gullible and profits soar. The profits on cage-free eggs can be 1000% of those of regular eggs. The egg producer can easily fill all the orders for cage-free eggs because many of the eggs don't come from cage-free chickens. It is simple fraud and the consumers just suck it up. Many consumers simply say, "If the egg producer cheats that is their problem, not mine." These consumers are actually assisting the egg producers in this scam. The consumer wants a warm, and emotional feeling that the chickens are basking in the sun picking bugs in the lush grass. They are not really seeking scientific truth or good health. They just don't want the poor chickie to be in a cage. They visualize cage-free chickens as running through the grass eating bugs in the sun. This is denial of reality. "Cage-free" chickens are actually walking around on a concrete floor in their own excrement and eating some of it. Cage-free chickens are more likely to be contaminated with the salmonella bacteria and other diseases because they spread the bacteria more widely among the flock. Commercial caged chickens are more healthy, and they are much less likely to have lice, salmonella bacteria contamination, and disease.
Nutritional Contribution of Eggs to American Diets
Song, W.O., Kerver, J.M., "Nutritional Contribution of Eggs to American Diets," Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 19(5 Supplement), 2000, pages 556S-562S
The following information is available at Pub Med.
Objectives: The main purposes of this study were (1) to assess the nutritional significance of eggs in the American diet and (2) to estimate the degree of association between egg consumption and serum cholesterol concentration.
Methods: Data from the most recent National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES III, 1988-94) were utilized to compare the nutritional quality indicators of diets that contained eggs (USDA food grouping system) with those that did not. Nutrient intake (from 24-hour dietary recall), egg intake (from food frequency questionnaire), sociodemographic data and blood cholesterol levels of subjects who met inclusion criteria (n = 27,378) were grouped according to the occurrence and frequency of egg consumption and were analyzed using SUDAAN.
Results: Daily nutrient intake of egg consumers (EC) was significantly greater than that of nonconsumers (NC) for all nutrients studied (except dietary fiber and vitamin B6). Eggs contributed < 10% of daily intake of energy and vitamin B6, 10% to 20% of folate and total, saturated and polyunsaturated fat, and 20% to 30% of vitamins A, E and B12 in EC. Compared to EC, NC had higher rates of inadequate intake (defined by Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) or < 70% Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)) for vitamin B12 (10% vs. 21%), vitamin A (16% vs. 21%), vitamin E (14% vs. 22%) and vitamin C (15% vs. 20%). After adjusting for demographic (age, gender and ethnicity) and lifestyle variables (smoking and physical activity), dietary cholesterol was not related to serum cholesterol concentration. People who reported eating > or = 4 eggs/wk had a significantly lower mean serum cholesterol concentration than those who reported eating < or = 1 egg/wk (193 mg/dL vs. 197 mg/dL, p < 0.01). More frequent egg consumption was negatively associated with serum cholesterol concentration (beta = -6.45, p < 0.01).
Conclusions: In this cross-sectional and population-based study, egg consumption made important nutritional contributions to the American diet and was not associated with high serum cholesterol concentrations.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 75, No. 2, 333-334, February 2002
© 2002 American Society for Clinical NutritionEggs and heart disease risk: perpetuating the misperception by Donald J McNamara
Egg Nutrition Center 1050 17th Street, NW Suite 560 Washington, DC 20036
E-mail: enc~enc-online.orgConclusions:The fact that no studies in the past decade have reported a significant relation between either egg consumption or dietary cholesterol intakes and heart disease risk (5) is consistent with the view that the hypothesis that dietary cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease should be dismissed. A small, statistically significant increase in the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol has little biological importance concerning heart disease risk when considered relative to those dietary and lifestyle factors that do in fact contribute to heart disease risk. Concerning the suggestion by Weggeman et al that eggs make no important contributions to the diet, I refer them to a recent supplement of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (10) in which the merits of egg consumption are documented. In an evaluation of the relation between dietary cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, it is crucial to not only have accurate estimates of risk but also a practical perspective of what a risk estimate represents.
10. McNamara DJ, ed. Where would we be without the egg? A conference about nature's original functional food. J Am Coll Nutr, 2000;19:495S562S.
JAMA 1999 Apr 21;281(15):1387-94
A prospective study of egg consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women.
Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Manson JE, Ascherio A, Colditz GA, Rosner BA, Spiegelman D, Speizer FE, Sacks FM, Hennekens CH, Willett WC.
Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass 02115, USA.
Context: Reduction in egg consumption has been widely recommended to lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent coronary heart disease (CHD). Epidemiologic studies on egg consumption and risk of CHD are sparse. OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between egg consumption and risk of CHD and stroke in men and women. DESIGN AND SETTING: Two prospective cohort studies, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (1986-1994) and the Nurses' Health Study (1980-1994). PARTICIPANTS: A total of 37851 men aged 40 to 75 years at study outset and 80082 women aged 34 to 59 years at study outset, free of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, or cancer. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incident nonfatal myocardial infarction, fatal CHD, and stroke corresponding to daily egg consumption as determined by a food-frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: We documented 866 incident cases of CHD and 258 incident cases of stroke in men during 8 years of follow-up and 939 incident cases of CHD and 563 incident cases of stroke in women during 14 years of follow-up. After adjustment for age, smoking, and other potential CHD risk factors, we found no evidence of an overall significant association between egg consumption and risk of CHD or stroke in either men or women. The relative risks (RRs) of CHD across categories of intake were less than 1 per week (1.0), 1 per week (1.06), 2 to 4 per week (1.12), 5 to 6 per week (0.90), and > or =1 per day (1.08) (P for trend = .75) for men; and less than 1 per week (1.0), 1 per week (0.82), 2 to 4 per week (0.99), 5 to 6 per week (0.95), and > or =1 per day (0.82) (P for trend = .95) for women. In subgroup analyses, higher egg consumption appeared to be associated with increased risk of CHD only among diabetic subjects (RR of CHD comparing more than 1 egg per day with less than 1 egg per week among diabetic men, 2.02 [95% confidence interval, 1.05-3.87; P for trend = .04], and among diabetic women, 1.49 [0.88-2.52; P for trend = .008]).
Conclusions: These findings suggest that consumption of up to [the maximum consumption for this study] 1 egg per day is unlikely to have substantial overall impact on the risk of CHD or stroke among healthy men and women. The apparent increased risk of CHD associated with higher egg consumption among diabetic participants warrants further research.
Comment in: J Am Coll Nutr. 2001 Feb;20(1):93-4.
The impact of egg limitations on coronary heart disease risk: do the numbers add up?
McNamara DJ.
Egg Nutrition Center, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
For over 25 years eggs have been the icon for the fat, cholesterol and caloric excesses in the American diet, and the message to limit eggs to lower heart disease risk has been widely circulated. The "dietary cholesterol equals blood cholesterol" view is a standard of dietary recommendations, yet few consider whether the evidence justifies such restrictions. Over 50 years of cholesterol-feeding studies show that dietary cholesterol does have a small effect on plasma cholesterol concentrations. The 167 cholesterol feeding studies in over 3,500 subjects in the literature indicate that a 100 mg change in dietary cholesterol changes plasma total cholesterol by 2.2 mg/dL. Today we recognize that dietary effects on plasma cholesterol must be viewed from effects on the atherogenic LDL cholesterol as well as anti-atherogenic HDL cholesterol since the ratio of LDL:HDL cholesterol is a major determinant of heart disease risk. Cholesterol feeding studies demonstrate that dietary cholesterol increases both LDL and HDL cholesterol with little change in the LDL:HDL ratio. Addition of 100 mg cholesterol per day to the diet increases total cholesterol with a 1.9 mg/dL increase in LDL cholesterol and a 0.4 mg/dL increase in HDL cholesterol. On average, the LDL:HDL ratio change per 100 mg/day change in dietary cholesterol is from 2.60 to 2.61, which would be predicted to have little effect on heart disease risk. These data help explain the epidemiological studies showing that dietary cholesterol is not related to coronary heart disease incidence or mortality across or within populations.
Eggs Protect Against Breast Cancer - February 2003
"Eating eggs may protect women from breast cancer. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found evidence to suggest that teenage girls who regularly eat eggs are less likely to develop breast cancer later in life. The study, based on 121,707 women, also indicates that other types of food, such as those containing vegetable fat and fibre, may have a protective effect as well. The researchers suggested that high levels of amino acids, vitamins and minerals may protect these women."
Don't Fall for the Fraud and Lies About Free-Range, Cage-Free, Organic Eggs
Claiming eggs laid by "free-range" or "cage-free" chickens are more healthy is one of the latest frauds going around. It touches the heart to think of chickens running free outside eating bugs and grass, but that is not the true situation. They don't know the difference between being in a cage and being in an open pen. Free-range chicken operations have an area where the birds can go outside, but it is not a grassy field with jumping bugs. The eggs are labeled cage-free if the chickens have access to an open dirt area or a slab of concrete even though the birds rarely go there. Chickens are one of the most stupid birds known to man.
"Organic eggs" are promoted by repeating myths, distortions, and lies in order to extract triple or ten times the profit from the gullible, brainwashed consumer. The chicken feed is the same in most cases, and all chickens must be treated with insecticides to prevent lice, salmonella, and other diseases. Everyone along the supply line from grain farmer to feed manufacturer to final egg producer has the opportunity to cheat and reap a huge increase in profits. Don't waste your money on the organic egg scam. Organic eggs are much less healthy because they are more likely to be contaminated with the salmonella bacteria and other diseases.
The Omega-3 eggs are the third major egg fraud. Chickens fed a diet with some fish scraps may have slightly more Omega-3 fatty acid in the egg, but the amount, if any, is negligible. A person should get Omega-3 fatty acid by eating the fish and taking cod liver oil.
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health clinics.
Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.
Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs.
Reference Books and Online Support Groups:
Active Low-Carber Forums - Atkins & Low Carbohydrate Diet Support Group
You can talk with others about their low-carbohydrate diet experiences. Registration is free but is required before you can post your own message or question. You can click above to visit and read posts by others. Look for the topic link of your choice.
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life
Life Without Bread is an important addition to the growing body of literature on the benefits and importance of low-carb diet. Written by Christian Allan, Ph.D., and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D., the book is based on Dr. Lutz's experience using carbohydrate restricted diets with thousands of patients for over 40 years. It is based on extensive research in the medical and scientific literature, and provides ample references. The book presents a more or less unified theory of how high (and even "moderate") levels of dietary carbohydrate cause or exacerbate various health problems, and how carbohydrate restriction can help people to recover from those problems.
The book Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D. has a chapter on gastro-intestinal diseases. Don't be mislead by the title to believe the cure is the simple elimination of bread. Mr. Lutz's older book is out of print but has essentially the same information. It may even contain more detail than his new book above. Fortunately, Chapter VII: Gastro-Intestinal Tract of the older book can be read online.
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Revised and Improved
The Atkins' New Diet Revolution is the best book for an initial dietary change and quick weight loss, reduced blood pressure and reduced cholesterol. Look for the companion book for recipes. It has some very interesting case studies from the doctor's patients. It includes data from past civilizations proving the low-carbohydrate diet is the most healthy.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. ISBN: 006001203X.Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution
This is Dr. Atkins newest book. The main topics are the cause, prevention and cure for diabetes and heart disease which have become major health concerns in the United States and many other developed countries.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. with Sheila Buff ISBN: 0312251890.This book by Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Dan Eades has an excellent chapter on "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which describes the cause of bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases.
The following sites has excellent information on a good diet for healing and health preservation.
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Kent R. Rieske
5086 Cottonwood Drive
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