High Blood Pressure
High Blood
Pressure Control, Heart Palpitations,
Arrhythmias, Mitral Valve Prolapse, and Blood Testing Information
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Testimony about Achieving Low Blood Pressure by Diet Therapy
Dear Mr. Rieske,
I don't know if you remember me, but I wrote to you some months ago to thank you for the advice you gave to young women to refrain from aborting or relinquishing their children for adoption. I now would like to thank you again - this time for your dietary advice.A few months prior to stumbling upon your Website, Biblelife.org, I had told my doctor I did not wish to take medication for high blood pressure. I told her I wished to change my diet and lose weight to see if that would get it under control. The next morning, I began the DASH diet, which is the typical low fat, high grain diet. I restricted my kcal to about 1600 daily. I was losing weight, but I was hungry all the time and did not know if I could sustain this way of eating for the long haul. I was determined, though, because I didn't want to go back to the doctor empty handed and feel that pills were my only recourse.
After I'd been on this regimen for two months, I found your Website and began reading. I was reading because I was very interested in what you were talking about in terms of Calvinism. As a Christian, I'd had my questions about Calvinism. I then noticed your section about diet. I read the section and the next day I began to follow the Atkins induction plan. I had lost 15 pounds at that point on the DASH plan. Since starting on the low carbohydrate, high fat plan, I have lost another 20 pounds and my blood pressure is now 117/77!
Since starting the Atkins plan, I have done a great deal of reading and research into the politically-based history of the low-fat diet in our culture. It is shameful. I now share with people the benefits I have received eating fat and restricting carbohydrates. Not only is my blood pressure normal and my weight much better, but I no longer suffer from the acid reflux that plagued me daily for over two decades. I had resigned myself to a life of acid reducing medications and over the counter tablets to control this problem. I haven't had to use any of these for months now. The acid reflux is cured!
Here is how I now typically eat. I eat no grains or legumes or starchy vegetables. I eat eggs, meat, fish and fowl, including the fat and the skin. I eat butter, coconut oil and olive oil on my foods. I eat non-starchy vegetables. I also eat almonds and walnuts. I eat small amounts of cheese and very occasionally, I will eat some berries. I do not eat other fruits, though.
I absolutely believe that God led me to your Website. He knew that I was ready to make a commitment to better health this time, and took me to where I needed to go to find the information that would help me. I have no doubt this is true. I had heard of Atkins and low carb diets for several years, but was convinced that they were unhealthy. I believed dietary fat and cholesterol would harm me. I believed I had to eat grains to be healthy. I even believed that vegetarianism was probably the healthiest diet and had stopped eating meat on many days! I was adamantly against these low carb diets. I had read information stating they were healthy, but I didn't believe a word of them. But, something changed in me when I read your Website. Something told me I could trust what you were saying. I believe that "something" was God.
So, thank you very much for putting this information out there. I don't know if you hear from many people, but I want you to know that your Website has helped to change my life for the better. I go back to it from time to time to read about other topics. I'm currently reading Darwinism Refuted, a Website I found linked from your site. It is fascinating.
To support this website just place 1 or 2 dollars in an envelope and send it to:
Kent R. Rieske
5086 Cottonwood Drive
Boulder, CO 80301
Medical references and medical professionals almost universally proclaim that high blood pressure (hypertension) increases the risk of cardiovascular and heart disease. This proclamation is most likely backwards. Cardiovascular disease and heart disease are most likely the major causes for hypertension. As an example, a restriction in a major heart artery from any cause reduces the blood and oxygen flow to the heart muscle. The body reacts harshly by trying to restore the blood flow to this vital organ. The hormonal systems of the body and actions of the heart react to the heart artery restriction by taking the following actions:
The heart attempts to restore blood and oxygen flow to the heart muscle by increasing the force of the contractions. The heart muscle literally contracts faster and harder.
The body reduces blood flow to the peripherals in order to deliberately increase the blood pressure. The high blood pressure is necessary in order to provide adequate flow through the restricted artery of the heart. The body accomplishes this adjustment of the blood flow by producing vasoconstriction hormones to constrict the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries of the peripherals. One can easily observe vasoconstriction. The veins in the back of the hands appear flat rather than bulging with blood flow. The hands and feet are cold to the touch because of the reduced blood flow. Doctors attempt to use vasodilators as a hypertension treatment, but the vasodilators are fighting against the real problem, not providing a lasting resolution to the problem.
The resulting hypertension increases the blood and oxygen flow to the heart muscle, thereby overcoming the effects of the artery restriction.
The KEY to reducing blood pressure is removal of artery plaque throughout the body. It could be in the heart, kidneys, legs, neck, head, or anyplace else. The body increases the blood pressure in an effort to keep blood flow going past the partial blockage or restriction.
Plaque removal is done with 2000 mg of real niacin plus 10 or 20 mg of Zorcor (Simvastatin).
Plavix 75 mg with dinner plus aspirin 81 mg with breakfast keeps a ruptured plaque deposit from causing a blood clot and heart attack or stroke. You will never even know it was prevented.
Take L-Taurine plus P5P for heart muscle health and elimination of palpitations.Those with hypertension should seriously consider a medical examination to determine the precise condition of the heart arteries. A treadmill stress test is not the best method because of the serious health risk of having a heart attack or dying during the test or soon thereafter. Read more about the hazards or a treadmill stress test below. The better tests are an angiography, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), or multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT). A stent can be place over the artery restriction to restore full blood flow and thereby instantly curing the hypertension.
Certainly normal blood pressure reduces the incidence of stroke, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, and sudden death. However, investigators were surprised to learn that the all-cause mortality was not affected by active treatment when diastolic blood pressure was less than 95 mmHg. Those taking active blood pressure treatment died at the same all-cause rate as those in the control group who got no treatment at all.
Best Treatment to Prevent a Heart Attack
The plaque that restricts the heart artery is a ticking time bomb because of the threat of sudden rupture. The body attempts to repair a tiny rupture by forming a life-threatening blood clot. Unfortunately, the blood clot can restrict the entire artery or break loose to flow down the artery and form a block where the artery is smaller. Plaque that is very small can also present a risk of a sudden fatal heart attack. Autopsies have shown that many heart attack victims died because of the rupture of a small plaque deposit even though much larger plaque deposits remained intact. This threat of sudden plaque rupture, block clot formation, and heart attack can be greatly reduced or eliminated by taking drugs which prevent the formation of the blood clot. Upon rupture of the plaque deposit, the drugs keep the damaged lining of the artery from forming a blood clot. The body can then heal the damaged spot without the person ever knowing that anything happened. The person does not suffer a heart attack. He feels no pain because arteries do not contain any nerve cells. He has avoided a heart attack without even changing his daily activity. The following drug treatment should be taken by anyone with high blood pressure who is suspected of having heart artery plaque deposits.
Plavix. Take one 75 mg of Plavix with breakfast each day.
Aspirin. Take one 81 mg of over-the-counter Aspirin with breakfast each day.
This treatment with Plavix and Aspirin is not without side effects. The combination reduces the clotting ability of the blood as planned. Therefore, cuts or injuries bleed easier, and the body burises much more easily. The treatment must be suspended before having elective surgery. Read more about suggested treatment for heart disease and effectively lowering high-cholesterol on the following web page.
What is hypertension (high blood pressure)?
These patients had serious hypertension with an average sitting systolic blood pressure between 160 and 219 mmHg. The blood pressure control drugs lowered the average systolic blood pressure by 23 mmHg. The decrease in stroke and heart attack is certainly desirable, but the drugs must have increased the risk of death in other areas that were not being monitored. The study report stated that the "all-cause mortality was not affected by active treatment." However, the statistical results (-14%, P=0.22) indicate the overall death rate was 14% higher in those taking blood pressure control medications.
The Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial
"The Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial enrolled 4,695 patients >60 years old, with hypertension, for a median follow-up of 24 months (range 1-97 months). All patients were initially started on masked placebo. After three run-in visits one month apart, average sitting systolic blood pressure was between 160 and 219 mmHg, with diastolic blood pressure <95 mmHg. During randomization, participants were assigned to nitrendipine 10-40 mg daily (n=2,398), plus enalapril 5-20 mg daily and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5-25 mg daily if needed, or to matching placebo (n=2,297). The primary endpoint was a composite of fatal and non-fatal stroke. Other endpoints included congestive heart failure (CHF), myocardial infarction (MI), sudden death, and all cardiac endpoints (a composite of CHF, MI and sudden death).
Sitting systolic and diastolic blood pressures fell by 23 mmHg and 7 mmHg, respectively, in the active-treatment group (n=2,398), and by 13 mmHg and 2 mmHg, respectively, in the placebo group (n=2,297). The rate for the primary endpoint, a composite of fatal and non-fatal stroke, was reduced by 42% with active treatment (P=0.003). Non-fatal stroke decreased by 44% (P=0.007). All cardiac endpoints decreased by 26% (P=0.03), while all-cause mortality was not affected by active treatment (-14%, P=0.22)."
The Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators.
Blood Pressure Control Without Drugs
Many medical references list "normal" blood pressure for an adult as 120/80 mm. Hg. Others list a normal blood pressure as 130/85. Very few references list a high pressure as being normal for older adults, but in the past a blood pressure below 150/90 was considered normal for older adults.
Many studies draw the conclusion that the slightest increase above normal can increase the incidence of a stroke or a heart attack. These conclusions are highly suspect because the studies are not able to separate blood pressure as the only variable. People who have a stroke or a heart attack typically have contributing factors such as coronary artery disease, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormone abnormalities, fatty acid deficiencies and/or protein deficiencies. As an example, vegetarians are at risk for a hemorrhagic stroke. A low-fat, low-cholesterol vegetarian diet commonly results in dangerously low blood cholesterol, which makes one prone to hemorrhagic stroke even though blood pressure is normal. Quoting Voyajer on the LowCarber.org message board:
"This type of stroke is very rare. It is called intraparenchymal hemorrhage where the brain starts bleeding internally. It is only found in Asian countries where they don't eat enough meat and animal products and especially where they don't eat saturated fat which is the only thing that protects against it."
Pharmaceutical companies are emphasizing blood pressure in order to get more people to use their drugs. Many of the claims about blood pressure are simply scare tactics by companies with an agenda. The medical profession places a high emphasis on prescription drugs as the treatment for high blood pressure. At most they may suggest a lower salt intake, reducing weight, and increasing exercise. These steps do help but are still inadequate in most cases. The following steps are more extensive and more successful at reducing high blood pressure.
Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by a ruptured blood vessel or capillary in the brain. High blood pressure is not the only cause. The strength and health of the blood vessels are vitally important but often overlooked. This is the reason many people suffer a hemorrhagic stroke even though they have normal or below normal blood pressure. The low-fat, low-cholesterol vegetarian diet commonly results in dangerously low blood cholesterol, which makes one prone to a hemorrhagic stroke. The low-carbohydrate diet with high levels of protein and natural animal fats provides the nutrition necessary to build strong, healthy blood vessels.
Heart doctors sometimes prescribe Coumadin, Plavix, and aspirin for patients with some heart artery blockage after treatment. The most serious risks associated with Coumadin treatment is hemorrhage. A friend has been on Coumadin for years because of a stroke. She fell while on a cruise ship vacation and began bleeding uncontrollably internally. She nearly died before getting to a hospital. If you have any fall, bad bump, or bruising, seek medical attention before severe symptoms start. Head injuries are a very serious concern.
One should be very cautious about excessive blood thinning. Never eat garlic or take any garlic supplements while on blood thinning drugs Garlic is a very potent blood thinner. Be extremely cautious, too, about taking any herbal remedies and supplements. A wide assortment of herbal products--including St. John's Wort, coenzyme Q10, bromelains, dan-shen, dong quai, garlic, and ginkgo biloba--are known to interact with Coumadin or otherwise affect coagulation. This diet program recommends coenzyme Q10 as Coumadin is discontinued.
Vitamin K is a blood clotting factor. A deficiency in vitamin K leads to bleeding. Therefore, a deficiency in vitamin K while on blood thinners is a serious concern. On the other hand, doctors are concerned that too much vitamin K could increase the risk of blood clots. Check the link below to see why taking the vitamin K supplement recommended here is important and blood clots should not be a concern.
MedlinePlus Herbs and Supplements: Vitamin K
The low-carbohydrate, high-fat, high-protein diet presented here works because the level of blood insulin is held to a minimum. Insulin causes artery blockage, not saturated fat or cholesterol. This diet also builds strong arteries and veins so hemorrhagic stroke and bleeding are less likely. One will notice that he rarely bruises on this diet because of the strong, healthy arteries and veins. Spontaneous bruising around the back of the hands is a sure sign of weak blood vessels.
Correcting Mineral Deficiencies and Imbalances
Step No. 1 - Correcting mineral deficiencies and imbalances is the most important step toward reducing high blood pressure. The first step is a close review and adjustment of the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and all other trace minerals.
Tap water should not be drunk. Nearly all tap water has a very bad mineral imbalance. You must stop drinking tap water. Supermarket water labeled as "natural spring water" or "distilled water" is not acceptable either. Only buy supermarket water that has been processed by the reverse osmosis process, or install your own reverse osmosis with UV lamp water system under the kitchen sink. Use reverse osmosis water for drinking and cooking. It must be taken to the job or on vacation.
Trace mineral supplements should be taken. The importance of vitamins to good health is widely known. But what you may not know is that minerals are also essential to good health. Without minerals to act as catalysts many vitamins cannot perform their necessary functions. Minerals need to be in a form that can be readily absorbed by your body. Minerals commonly occur in a metallic form - which means that they resist interaction with water and are not always easily taken up by the body. Take one (1) fl. oz.(2 tablespoons) of colloidal minerals per day in a glass of water or with the tomato juice - protein drink listed below or with a meal.
NOW Colloidal Minerals and Trace ElementsSelenium supplement should be taken. Selenium deficiency causes many heart problems including irregular heart beat, heart palpitations, cardiomyopathy (deterioration of the heart muscle), sudden heart attack, and death. Other deadly diseases include liver failure, cancer, pancreatitis, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Care should be taken to not overdo a good thing. Selenium can have toxic symptoms when taken in excess. Your doctor may advise against selenium if you are taking certain drugs. Selenium Deficiency and Toxicity.
Taurine or L-taurine amino acid should be taken. Highest concentration of taurine is in the heart. Taurine is involved in stabilization of heart rhythm. Loss of intracellular taurine in the heart leads to arrhythmias. Taurine is useful medically in the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF). Take one 850 mg tablet 1 or 3 times a day.
Taurine - Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.
Are you dangerously deficient in taurine - Part 1 - Bodyecology.com
Are you dangerously deficient in taurine - Part 2 - Bodyecology.com
L-Taurine amino acid is very important for proper heart function and cardiovascular health. Read Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solutions book for details.
Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's Answer To Drugs
This is the best book for determining the correct vitamin and mineral dosage for therapeutic (disease curing) effect, excessive dosage amounts and normal recommendations. Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution discussing the vital function of vitamins and nutritional supplements and then provides a list of diseases and complaints that the supplements can help cure or alleviate.
Vitamin P5P. Vitamin P5P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate, the active form of vitamin B6) is needed to promote taurine production and for use in cell metabolism. Take one or two 50 mg capsules per day. Conventional vitamin B6 is not an acceptable substitute. Both can be taken. Vitamin P5P is used by cells in metabolizing L-Taurine.
Copper supplement should be taken. Copper is vital for healthy arteries. Copper deficiency is widespread and leads to many serious diseases including cerebral aneurysms (rupture causing a stroke), abdominal aorta aneurysms (rupture causing instant death from internal bleeding), nerve damage, birth defects, cerebral palsy, and mental deterioration. Do not take high doses of zinc because it depletes copper. Copper Deficiency and Toxicity.
Zinc supplement should be taken. Zinc is a very important mineral. Supplement the diet four times per week (every other day) with zinc and copper in the range of 30 mg zinc and 3 mg copper in a 10/1 ratio. Excessive amounts of zinc have been found to be detrimental to the cardiovascular system.
Manganese supplement should be taken. Manganese is important in many enzyme systems, blood sugar control, energy metabolism, and thyroid hormone function. Manganese is required for the body to make the powerful antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) which reduces cell damage from free radicals and reduces inflammation. High doses of other minerals can deplete manganese when it is not supplemented also.
Follow the vitamin, mineral, and supplement program list on the following link. Adding colloidal trace minerals to the list of other minerals is extremely important.
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.
Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Biological Functions.
Sodium should be avoided. A high-potassium, low-sodium diet protects the body against cancer and cardiovascular disease. Consuming salty foods or drinks can cause an irregular heart rhythm, arrhythmias, and a surge in blood pressure in only a few minutes. Getting too much sodium chloride (table salt) in the diet coupled with diminished dietary potassium is a common cause of high blood pressure. Strictly reduce all sodium intake. Most people become addicted to salt. Many people cannot control their addiction to salt even though they have been told of the harmful effects. People with weak dietary self-control usually fail to control their blood pressure, weight, and health. Salt becomes toxic to these people because the body does not excrete the salt as necessary to maintain health. The body becomes heavily ladened with an excessive amount of sodium. The symptoms include the retention of water in body tissues and cells that increases during the waking hours of the day. Blood pressure increases accordingly and is typically higher in the evening than in the morning. During the night the body begins to dump the water and sodium in the urine. A very low-sodium diet begins to show some benefits after about one month, and the benefits continue to increase for many months thereafter. Purging the excess sodium from the cells of the body could take as long as one year. Even so, salt restriction alone is not enough to achieve the maximum amount of reduction in the blood pressure as suggested by numerous studies. You must control salt intake in order to successfully achieve control of hypertension.
Potassium should be taken. Potassium is an extremely important electrolyte that functions in the maintenance of water balance and distribution, acid-base balance, muscle and nerve cell function, heart function, kidney function, and adrenal function. Supplement the diet with potassium, magnesium, and CoEnzyme Q10. One must increase his consumption of potassium chloride which is readily available as Morton's Salt Substitute for low-salt diets. Never take other brands that contain monopotassium glutamate. The sodium chloride salt added to food in the manufacturing and preparation causes an imbalance in the sodium/potassium ratio. Foods high in potassium and low in sodium are vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed meats and fish, but a restriction in fruit is strongly suggested because it contains a high level of fructose that is associated with high blood pressure. Processed foods have a 10 to 1 ratio of sodium to potassium while natural foods have a ratio of only 1 to 10. Use the potassium salt substitute instead of table salt. The body process is called the sodium-potassium pump. Read the section titled, The Nerve Message.
Electrolyte intake and nonpharmacologic blood pressure control.
Prevention of hypertension.
Salt intake and hypertension therapy.
Dietary sodium and potassium in the genesis, therapy, and prevention of hypertension.Caution! Excessive Potassium can slow the heart rate and block cardiac impulses from the atria to the ventricles. The reason for this is that a high extracellular concentration of potassium reduces the resting membrane potential of cardiac muscle fibers. This causes a reduction in the intensity of the action potential and weaker heart contractions. If the extracellular concentration of potassium is great enough, the resting membrane potential will be eliminated and cardiac muscle cells will not generate impulses. This is the reason potassium supplements have caution labels.
Life-Threatening Electrolyte Abnormalities.
Avoid Glutamate Like the Plague. Glutamate is a powerful hypertensive agent. Glutamate is the body's most powerful neuro exciter. It is made in the body naturally, but glutamate is made to an excess when various forms of glutamic acid are found in the diet. Glutamate causes blood pressure to skyrocket. Glutamate also causes virus infections such as herpes cold sores on the lips and herpes genital sores to flare. Lips can develop splits that do not heal. Absolutely avoid the following common sources of glutamate in the diet:
L-Glutamic acid which is a common nutritional supplement.
Monopotassium glutamate as found in some "salt substitute" products. Use Morton's Salt Substitute with potassium chloride instead.
MSG - Monosodium glutamate commonly used as a food flavor enhancer.
Natural flavoring that may contain unlisted glutamate such as the red meat, steak, and hamburger additive used by Wal-Mart.
Natural seasonings in processed foods, herbs, and spices which may contain unlisted glutamate.
Processed foods such as soups, prepared meals, sauces, dressings, etc. because they most likely contain unlisted glutamate.
Glutamate is a Powerful Hypertensive Agent |
Glutamine can be supplemented in the diet without fear of an excess conversion to glutamate which is an unhealthy neuro exciter.
"Intercellular Glutamine to Glutamate conversion is done inside each cell which needs Glutamate. The process is very fast and very tight Glutamate levels are maintained as everything stays inside the cell."
"The Glutamine to Glutamate conversion and control is not at all like the carb to glucose conversion and slowly reacting insulin/gulcagon control system which can be over loaded my high GI carbs, vary widely and has to work over the whole body."
"Within each cell that needs Glutamate to work, there is a part of the DNA structure which needs to express enzymes to do the conversion of Glutamine to Glutamate. The DNA will only express these enzymes when the level of intercelluar Glutamate drops below a set point. The cell's DNA will then detect this low level of Glutamate and cause enzymes to be produced to do the conversion. When the Glutamate level increases above its set point, the DNA will stop producing the enzyme and Glutamate levels will stay constant until the cell starts using Glutamate in its operation. This conversion process is very fast, as only a very small amount of Glutamate is needed to be converted, it needs to be so to maintain tight intercellular levels of critical chemicals. As the levels drop again, the above will occur again and so on.......... This way intercellular Glutamate levels, like many other intercellular chemical levels are maintained with-in very tight bounds and widely varying precursor levels."
Calcium should be avoided. Avoid taking excessive amounts of calcium from supplements. Calcium has a serious negative ramification in that it depletes magnesium from the body. Seventy-five percent of the people in the United States eat a diet that is deficient in magnesium. This low-carbohydrate diet allows a generous quantity of hard cheeses that are high in calcium. The daily multivitamin tablet also had calcium; therefore, do not supplement with a separate calcium tablet if cheese is consumed.
Acute hypercalcemic hypertension in man: Role of hemodynamics, catecholamines, and renin.
"Acute hypercalcemic hypertension in man: Role of hemodynamics, catecholamines, and renin. The effect of acute hypercalcemia on blood pressure, blood volume, hemodynamic parameters, plasma norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, renin, and aldosterone concentrations was investigated. After 1 hour of equilibration, 10 patients received an infusion of calcium gluconate in 5% dextrose (calcium 15 mg/kg of body wt in 3 hours). The calcium infusion increased the mean serum calcium from 8.7 to 13.0 mg/dl, the systolic blood pressure from 144 10 to 184 (SEM) 12 mm Hg (P < 0.001), the diastolic pressure from 78 4 to 93 5 mm Hg (P < 0.01). The plasma volume was decreased by 9% (P < 0.001), whereas the hematocrit was increased (P < 0.05). Heart rate and cardiac output remained unchanged. Total peripheral resistance was increased from 1643 223 to 2256 387 dynesec/cm5 (P < 0.05). The plasma epinephrine concentration rose from 4.5 0.7 to 6.9 1.2 ng/dl (P < 0.01). The plasma norepinephrine concentration was unchanged after 2 hours and increased only slightly after 3 hours of calcium infusion. Plasma renin, aldosterone, and dopamine concentrations were not significantly changed. These findings demonstrate that acute hypercalcemic hypertension is mediated by an increase in peripheral vascular resistance. Hypercalcemic hypertension may be induced by a direct effect of calcium on blood vessels; calcium-mediated increase in adrenal epinephrine release may play a mild contributory role, and plasma volume contraction, an inhibitory role."
Avoid Calcium Chloride in Canned Vegetables. Calcium chloride is added "as a firming agent" by food manufacturers to many canned vegetables including tomatoes, carrots, mixed vegetables, potatoes, and zucchini. Do NOT consume these canned vegetables. The calcium chloride can raise the systolic blood pressure by 20mm and the diastolic blood pressure by 15mm within a hour or two. The effect can completely overpower your blood pressure medicine.
Calcium is an essential mineral needed to build and maintain bones and teeth, as well as to provide efficient muscle contraction and blood clotting. However, calcium chloride (CaCl2) is used: in ice removal and dust control on dirt roads, in conditioner for concrete, to provide body for automobile tires, and as an additive in canned vegetables.
Calcium in the cells of the heart increases the force of the contractions, thereby raising your blood pressure. Calcium constricts blood vessels which increases resistance and reduces the blood supply and oxygen to the heart. "Calcium channel blocker" hypertension drugs reverse the negative effects of calcium by preventing the movement of calcium into the cells of the heart and blood vessels. As a result, they relax blood vessels and increase the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart while reducing its workload.
Calcium Channel Blocking Agents
Many medical references and professionals claim that calcium can lower the blood pressure. This is highly questionable since doctors commonly prescribe calcium channel blocker drugs to treat hypertension. Doctors also administer IV calcium chloride as an emergency treatment for patients with dangerously low blood pressure (hypotension).
Calcium is rarely mentioned as a cause for hypertension. The reason for this is intuitively obvious. Calcium is the "holy mineral that prevents osteoporosis." Health and nutrition experts have a serious conflict of interest. They continue to advise women to gorge themselves on calcium as a means of preventing bone loss and osteoporosis. These nutritional and medical experts cannot bring themselves to expose the fact that calcium also raises blood pressure and causes heart disease. Women are constantly being told to gorge themselves with low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, and fruit while shunning meat in order to protect their bones. This advice has failed to prevent osteoporosis. In fact, these recommendations have caused the current osteoporosis epidemic.
Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures, and Degenerative Disc Disease.
Magnesium supplements should be taken. Perhaps magnesium should be classified as the most important supplement to take for reducing hypertension, heart palpitations, and arrhythmias. A magnesium deficiency is common in nearly everyone, and the amount of magnesium in the cells is difficult to raise. The magnesium will take several weeks or months to build up in the body so don't expect immediate results. Heart palpitations may stop within a few weeks. The heart rate should be very steady and equally spaced. A magnesium deficiency is also related to many other diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, migraine headaches, and asthma. Magnesium is a natural and safe laxative when taken in excess. People are commonly magnesium deficient, so this magnesium supplement is highly recommended. Take one Magnesium Glycinate 400 200 mg three times a day with a meal. Break the magnesium glycinate in half. Take one half about one-quarter of the way through the meal and the other half at the three-quarter point to help distribute the magnesium. KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 is the highly absorption form of magnesium chelated with amino acids that can be taken at twice the dosage as other brands without causing intestinal distress. Do not substitute another brand. Magnesium is essential for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
Essential Facts About Magnesium.
Magnesium-Deficiency Catastrophe: The Magnesium Web Site.
Magnesium is essential for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
Diuretic blood pressure control prescription drugs also deplete the body of electrolytes, especially potassium and magnesium, which most likely are already deficient. One should be prepared to reduce the diuretic dosage according to his doctor's instructions when taking these minerals. Correcting the electrolytes reduces the need for the diuretic.
The higher magnesium is also very good for the bones. Magnesium may be more important for bone health than calcium according to Drs. Eades. Avoid excessive calcium because it depletes the magnesium. Excess sodium also depletes both potassium and calcium.
Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures, and Degenerative Disc Disease.WARNING: Magnesium can be toxic for those who have either renal (kidney/liver) problems or atrioventricular blocks.
Follow the vitamin, mineral, and supplement program list on the following link. Adding colloidal trace minerals to the list of other minerals is extremely important.
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.
Adopt the Low-Carb Lifestyle
Step No. 2 - Adopt the low-carbohydrate lifestyle. This alone can reduce elevated blood pressure because it acts as a powerful diuretic. Excess retained water is eliminated from the body. Dietary carbohydrates are stored in the body as glycogen. One gram of glycogen holds three grams of water. On the low-carbohydrate diet the stored glycogen is used by the body and in doing so releases the stored water as urine. This is the reason the low-carbohydrate diet acts as an effective natural diuretic to reduce blood pressure. The effectiveness works only when the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is extremely low at about 20 grams per day. The diuretic effect may be completely lost at 40 grams per day. Eating carbohydrates after eliminating the stored water will result in an immediate retention of water and a corresponding increase in blood pressure.
Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate & Cholesterol Science.
Click here to see the "Foods We Should Eat."
Click here to see the "Foods That Are Absolutely Forbidden."
Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions and Lies That Will Destroy Your Heath.
Avoid Harmful Food Additives
Step No. 3 - Do not drink any diet soft drinks containing aspartame. Do not eat any foods sweetened with aspartame. Aspartame is converted in the body to the amino acid phenylalanine that is the precursor to tyrosine, which, in turn, is the precursor to dopamine and the excitatory neurotransmitters, epinephrine and norepinephrine (commonly called adrenalin and noradrenalin). These neurotransmitters are powerful vasoconstrictors that constrict the blood vessels to raise blood pressure dramatically. Aspartame hypes the hormonal system causing hunger, anxiety, and insomnia (lack of sleep). Do not take phenylalanine and tyrosine supplements except as part of a low-carb whey protein powder. Phenylalanine and tyrosine are both helpful in treating depression, but both should be avoided by persons with hypertension. Phenylalanine should be avoided for people with:
High blood pressure. Has hypertensive properties.
Urination Difficulties Caused by Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH or enlarged prostate).
Pregnancy. The excitatory neurotransmitters are not good for the baby.
Pigmented melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer.
PKU (phenylketonuria). Disorder related to improper phenylalanine metabolism.
Panic disorder and/or anxiety attacks.
Insomnia or difficulty obtaining adequate sleep.
This is not simply a prejudice against aspartame. Most of the negative claims against aspartame are false. Most critical sources claim that aspartame turns to formaldehyde in the blood. This is basically false. Ten percent of the aspartame can be converted in the small intestines into methanol which could possibly be converted to formaldehyde, but this does not occur because formaldehyde is not found in the blood of a person who consumes aspartame sweetened diet drinks and foods. However, it is a scientific fact that aspartame is broken down into phenylalanine during digestion. Diet drinks containing aspartame give this warning on the can for people with PKU who cannot metabolize phenylalanine.
Acceptable drinks are unsweetened tomato juice, tea, water, and coffee. Coffee has a short-term effect of increasing blood pressure but is not nearly the problem that is commonly claimed. The rash of criticisms of caffeine are mostly false except in the tendency to cause breast tenderness in women. Caffeine can cause high blood pressure in some people. Weak regular coffee and black tea are acceptable. Don't drink decaf coffee or decaf black tea due to the toxic chemicals used to remove the caffeine. Peppermint tea is preferred. A small amount of lemon or lime juice squeezed from a small wedge of fresh lemon or lime can be added to water or tea. Ginger root tea is great. Cut a piece about the size of the small fingertip from fresh ginger root. Remove the skin. Chop and squeeze with a garlic press. Put the juice and pulp in a cup, French press or tea ball and add boiling water for two minutes. Strain out the pulp. Ginger has a spicy flavor and is very soothing to the tummy and digestive tract. Aspartame and Splenda diet sodas and regular sodas are absolutely forbidden. Do not drink apple cider vinegar because the health claims are unfounded. The malic and acetic acids in apple cider vinegar can burn the throat and promote bacterial vaginosis.
Many popular books and web sites about health and medical topics make no connection between aspartame and high blood pressure even though the scientific facts and experimental evidence are absolutely solid. Aspartame causes high blood pressure. These books and web sites are "in bed" with the artificial sweetener manufacturer and the diet food industry. Watch out for books and web sites with a hidden agenda.
Do not drink any fruit juice or regular soft drinks because they contain high levels of fructose and sugar. Do not drink cows' milk, goats' milk, rice milk, soy milk, or any energy drinks because they contain sugar, fructose, lactose, and other carbohydrates. Do not drink beverages containing alcohol. Do not drink any drink containing more than two calories per 16 oz. (0.47 liters).
Miscellaneous Foods, Drugs and Herbal Products to Avoid.
The following additional foods, drugs, supplements, and herbal products have been found to increase blood pressure. These should be avoided.
Excessive consumption of alcohol.
Birth control pills.
Ephedra (ma huang).
Lobelia or other sources of lobeline.
Reducing Anxiety Induced High Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate
Step No. 4 - A panic disorder and/or anxiety attacks can send blood pressure and pulse rate soaring for no apparent reason. This is caused by hormones that trigger a "fight or flight" response in the body. These panic or anxiety attacks can be greatly reduced by taking commonly available supplements without the need for costly prescription drugs that have dangerous side effect.
L-Tryptophan and P5P. <== Very Important. Emotions and mood swings, such as excitement, anxiety, and depression can have very negative effects on the body, including high blood pressure, high heart pulse rate, poor digestion, constipation, or diarrhea. The combination of these supplements is a major breakthrough in blood pressure control. It works by calming the hormones. The combination of NSI L-Tryptophan (an essential amino acid) and vitamin P5P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate, a form of vitamin B6) reduce anxiety. P5P is needed to convert L-tryptophan to serotonin. The serotonin calms the cardiovascular system. Serotonin promotes sound sleep and can be the cure for insomnia, an awesome side benefit. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of mood. Take one 500mg L-tryptophan capsule and one 50mg P5P capsule twice a day with breakfast and dinner. Do not substitute 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) for the pure pharmaceutical L-tryptophan recommended here. The body does react to them in the same way. Do not substitute vitamin B6 for the P5P. It is not the same. These two supplements may not be available at your local vitamin store. Click the links above to buy them via mail order on the Internet or telephone. Do not skip this important new alternative treatment for anxiety and panic attacks.
Improve Breathing and Stop Bad Habits
Step No. 5 - Breathing exercises reduce high blood pressure. Don't skip this last step. It may be the most important one for you. In a recent test a blood pressure reading of 154/100 dropped to 129/79 in only 15 minutes simply by practicing the proper breathing technique. Improper breathing can cause a dramatic rise in blood pressure. The proper breathing technique can be learned, replacing old breathing habits that cause elevated blood pressure. Mechanical Engineering principles are related to proper breathing. Learn proper breathing techniques on the following page.
Exercise Correctly - Don't Kill Yourself
Step No. 6 - Some exercise is very important to maintain overall health and vigor. The lack of exercise will result in a tired feeling and reduced energy. The best time for exercise is after the breakfast meal while the cortisol hormone level is still high. Late afternoon and evening exercise is less desirable because it stimulates the body too late in the day. A brisk 30 minutes walk four times a week with some uphill effort is considered to be the minimum. The exercise should include a 15-minute period of high output and heavy breathing. A person near his ideal weight should increase the activity, and a very overweight person requires less. The extra weight provides a high level of exertion for the overweight person.
Aerobic exercise is very helpful in lowering blood pressure. The exercise should be in accordance with your physician's limitations. It can be overdone and should not produce any negative side effects. The correct aerobic exercise can drop blood pressure from 155/95 before the exercise to 125/78 within 15 minutes after completion of the exercise.
Constriction of the arteries and arterioles is a major case of high blood pressure. This condition can be seen by observance of the blood veins in the back of the hand when in a relaxing state. Blood veins that show easily and make the skin rise indicate a high flow rate. Flat veins in the back of the hand indicate vasoconstriction and a low flow rate. High blood pressure is associated with flat blood veins and a low flow rate.
Top Ten Exercise Health Myths About Running, Jogging, Biking, Marathons, and Triathlons
A short period of aggressive aerobic exercise for 15 to 25 minutes causes the body to discharge vasodilating hormones into the blood vessels. The body is attempting to increase blood flow to the muscles as demanded by the exercise. This action lowers the blood pressure, dilates the arterioles, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Some of the best exercises are uphill bicycle riding, hill climbing, swimming, aggressive walking on an inclined treadmill, or pedaling a stationary bicycle. The exercise should be done two or three times a week.
Recent Success Story From a Person Suffering From Heart Disease, Obesity and High Blood Pressure "I find myself spending more and more time on your website! As I emailed a month or so ago, the “perfect diet-perfect nutrition” section of your site has really helped me a lot following a heart attack in 2004 and two more (clots in the right coronary artery) within the next year and a half. These were fixed with stents (4 total), and when I was told in October 2005 that the next procedure would be a bypass, I decided to explore other health remedies. I had already stopped smoking, lost a lot of weight through calorie restriction (260 lbs down to 210 lbs) and did multiple vigorous cardio workouts each week after my first (June 2004) heart attack, but I was still eating low fat and high carb until October 2005 when my last blockage occurred (by the way, my last two attacks occurred after vigorous exercise). It was at this time that I discovered your website and tried the diet you recommend. My cardiologist was supportive (except for the high fat part, of course), and my bloodwork was awesome after a month on this diet, and I was allowed to discontinue two cholesterol medications, an anxiety medication and my beta blocker blood pressure medicine. I also believe the magnesium supplements, a reduction in hard cheese and the potassium chloride salt substitute have corrected my atrial fibrillation. The last three medications that I would like to discontinue are the aspirin, Plavix and Coumadin — working with my cardiologist of course. I ordered some Carlson’s Cod Liver Oil and some Co-Q10 to add to my current regimen of vitamin C, magnesium, and selenium supplements, but being on the Coumadin, I want to be cautious about the amount of cod liver oil I use, as my PT/INR is at about a 2.2 right now and beyond 6 is considered dangerous." Notice that this gentlemen continued to suffer heart artery blockage even after following his doctor's recommendation of a low-fat diet, stopping smoking, exercise, good weight loss and taking many drugs. It just didn't work. Recent Success Story From a Man Suffering From Angina Heart Pain, Head Pain, Malaise and a Stubborn Weight Plateau "About 4 years ago was the last time I had a doctor check my cholesterol. My triglycerides were dangerously sitting at 1500 so I took his advice, stopped drinking so much pop, started eating what I thought was a healthy diet, and I eventually quit smoking. I'm 28 years old, and I had chest pains for at least 8 years. In the last few years I started getting the same sharp pains in my head. At one point I even quit eating meat because of the chest pains, but they were always there. One day I ran into
your website while searching for something that would clean blood clots,
and from that day forward the sharp pains faded. It's been about 45 days
on this diet, but the pains were completely gone within days. I honestly
haven't felt them since that day when I ate a package of bacon and a about
3 pounds of hamburger. I ate lots and lots of fatty I will always remember you as someone who saved and changed my life forever. Thank You very much." |
Aspartame used to sweeten diet sodas and diet foods causes vasoconstricting and hypertensive reactions that completely overpower everything else in this program. Aspartame can also overpower blood pressure lowering prescription medications. It is absolutely imperative that all aspartame be eliminated from the diet. One can of diet soda per day that contains aspartame will nullify all of the anti-hypertension activities presented here.
Caution! You should understand that the scientific techniques presented here are expected to lower your blood pressure. This can be a concern for those on prescription blood pressure medications. The blood pressure could drop to an undesirably low level. You should discuss this with your doctor and be prepared to taper off your blood pressure medications. The reverse is also true. You cannot go back to your old lifestyle after discontinuing your medications because your blood pressure will quickly go back up again. You should be prepared to increase your medication if you discontinue these blood pressure reducing methods.
False Hypertension Advice
Many medical organizations, nutritional organizations, doctors, and professional nutritionists present a long list of recommendations that they claim will reduce hypertension. However, most of these recommendations do not work as has been proven by the high level of hypertension in all of these English-speaking countries. The following are some of these false recommendations.
Red meat and Eggs - Many doctors and nutritionists claim we should avoid eating red meat and egg yolks because they contain arachidonic fatty acid (AA) that raises the blood pressure by causing vasoconstriction. This theory is false. Most people with hypertension already eat very little red meat and eggs, but they still have high blood pressure. Red meat and eggs do not cause high blood pressure in any way. The diet program presented here encourages eating high levels of red meat and eggs.
Saturated Fat - Many doctors and nutritionists claim saturated fats cause hypertension. This claim is false.
Vegetarian Diet - Many doctors and nutritionists claim the vegetarian diet prevents or cures hypertension. These claims are false. Many vegetarians develop high blood pressure.
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet - The DASH eating plan is a low-fat and low-saturated-fat diet that emphasizes eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods. People with hypertension can quickly and easily test this diet for themselves. They will find the DASH diet is false.
Manage Stress - The claim is often made that managing stress can control hypertension. This is only true over a short term when a sudden high stress situation raised the level of the "fight or flight" hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. People in high stress professions such as airline pilots and race drivers do not have higher levels of blood pressure than the general public. In fact, it is generally lower. Eating a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet raises the blood levels of insulin, cortisol, and adrenaline hormones that contribute to hypertension.
Sleep, Baths and Snacks - The recommendation that a warm bath and a snack before bedtime will give a more refreshing and relaxing sleep pattern that will reduce hypertension is false. Many people with hypertension also have sleep apnea, but a warm bath and a snack will not provide any cure for sleep apnea. In fact, the warm bath and snack will most likely raise blood pressure. If you have hypertension, simply test this false theory for yourself.
Soy Products - Claims has been made that soy in cookies reduces blood pressure because of the protein content. This claim is false. The minor four point drop observed in the study was simply caused by the reduction of sugar and grains in the diet. If eating protein were the answer to hypertension, the recommendation should certainly be red meat, not soy.
Prescription Drugs for Treating Hypertension
The following drugs may exhibit fewer and less severe side effects than many of the other drugs given to reduce blood pressure. Tekturna is a kidney renin blocker that can be taken in the evening. Avapro is an angiotension 2 receptor antagonist or blocker that can be taken with breakfast. Your doctor many suggest they be taken at separate times rather than together.
Blood pressure control medications are known for inhibiting libido (reduced sex drive). These two drugs appear not to have this negative side effect, which is rare among blood pressure reduction drugs.
Avapro (generic name Irbesartan pronounced ihr-beh-SAHR-tan). "Avapro is an angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist. It works by decreasing certain chemicals in the body, which cause blood vessels to narrow and sodium and fluids to be stored in the kidneys." The negative side effects are generally less severe than many of the other prescription hypertensive drugs.
Tekturna (generic name aliskiren hemifumarate). "Renin is secreted by the kidney in response to decreases in blood volume and renal perfusion. Renin cleaves angiotensinogen to form the inactive decapeptide angiotensin I (Ang I). Ang I is converted to the active octapeptide angiotensin II (Ang II) by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and non-ACE pathways. Ang II is a powerful vasoconstrictor and leads to the release of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla and prejunctional nerve endings. It also promotes aldosterone secretion and sodium reabsorption. Together, these effects increase blood pressure. Ang II also inhibits renin release, thus providing a negative feedback to the system. This cycle, from renin through angiotensin to aldosterone and its associated negative feedback loop, is known as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Aliskiren is a direct renin inhibitor, decreasing plasma renin activity (PRA) and inhibiting the conversion of angiotensinogen to Ang I. Whether aliskiren affects other RAAS components, e.g., ACE or non-ACE pathways, is not known."
Tekturna is also sold internationally by the manufacturer, Novartis, under the brand name Rasilex.
A Medical Treadmill Stress Test Can Kill You
The Merck Manual states that taking a treadmill or exercise stress test causes 1 in 5000 persons to suffer a heart attack or death. This is said to be "a small risk," but in fact it is an outrageous rate. If one person in 5000 had a heart attack or died while mowing the law, the daily death rate in the United States during summer would be in the hundreds of thousands. Keep in mind, a high percentage of those taking the treadmill stress test have mild or no heart disease and are not at risk whatsoever. The test proves they didn't have a heart attack at that energy level. Others who have artery blockage severe enough to be detected by the test are at an extreme risk of heart attack or death on the treadmill. A test that shows a positive result upon death of the patient is absolutely ridiculous. The doctor tells the family members of the deceased, "Yep, he had heart disease alright."
A massive class action lawsuit should be brought against the professional medical community by relatives of those people killed as a result of a medical treadmill heart stress test. This class action lawsuit would be similar to that brought against the tobacco industry and the asbestos fiber industry for causing cancer in people exposed to those products.
Nearly everyone has heard of a friend, relative, or neighbor who went to his heart doctor for an examination that includes a treadmill stress test. In many cases the patient is aware of a heart condition and has been suffering from symptoms of heart disease. The standard medical procedure for the treadmill heart stress test is to stress the heart to the point of damage that is confirmed by the instruments. The typical instruments are electrocardiogram (ECG) or echocardiogram. The patient is then told he has a heart problem. Well, duh! The point of damage is actually a mild heart attack. Many times the patient has a very serious heart attack right on the treadmill, collapses and dies soon thereafter. More commonly, the patient goes home where he suffers a serious heart attack within hours or days and often dies. His death was caused by the doctor's unnecessary and dangerous test. The death is easily dismissed because the patient was suffering from heart disease. This practice is not unlike the past medical practice of draining blood from the patient until he finally succumbed.
A treadmill heart stress test does not rule out coronary artery disease. It does not measure the amount of plaque in the heart arteries. One or as many as four arteries of the heart can have plaque accumulation each with an obstruction as much as 75% without any adverse indication by the treadmill stress test instruments. A person can be given a good report by the doctor while having several arteries half plugged with plaque without either of them knowing it. Treadmill stress tests are not definitive, and they are dangerous.
Nuclear Isotope
Treadmill Stress Test
(Acceptable under certain conditions)
The name for this test is a Radionuclide Imaging or Radionuclide Angiography. This test is safe ONLY if the condition of the arteries has already been determined by an angiography, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT).
A nuclear isotope treadmill stress test is an accurate method for measuring blood flow to all areas of the heart during rest and under stress. A radioactive isotope is injected in a vein of the arm while the patient is at rest. The patient then lies horizontally on the table of a machine where a detector rotates about the chest area of the body. The arms are placed above the head in a position that becomes very uncomfortable for the 20-minute duration. The device takes a 20-second exposure before rotating in increments for a total of 30 exposures. The radiation from the heart creates a picture of the blood flow. The radiology exposures give a very precise picture of the blood flow in all heart arteries and in the heart muscle. It shows the exact amount of artery blockage caused by plaque, artery fat, or other defects. It also shows areas of the heart muscle that may have been damaged by an earlier heart attack and the exact extent of the resulting scar tissue.
The resting test could be evaluated to determine the extent of the artery restrictions before proceeding to the treadmill stress test, but it rarely is. The report for the resting test and the stress test usually follows by a day or more. The treadmill stress test cannot be postponed because the radioactive isotopes have a very limited life. Therefore, one of the other tests should be done in advance to determine the condition of the arteries before taking this or any other treadmill stress test.
The patient is then taken to the treadmill where ECG sensors are attached. The treadmill starts slowly as the patient walks and increases in both speed and slope until the patient achieves a pulse rate of 85% of maximum or more. The maximum rate is calculated as 220 minus the age. The patient is injected with another shot of the radioactive isotope one minute before the treadmill is allowed to be stopped. He is then taken immediately back to the radiology machines for another 20-minute session of 30 pictures. The resting pictures and stress pictures are read (analyzed) by a radiologist who prepares the report.
This test is best used after placement of a stent or after artery bypass surgery as a tool to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and the condition of the heart. It can also be used several years later for an ongoing evaluation of the patient's heart condition. It is an excellent tool for making sure stents, bypass arteries, and other arteries are not becoming plugged.
Heart Palpitations and Arrhythmias
"Palpitations are unpleasant sensations of irregular and/or forceful beating of the heart. In some patients with palpitations, no heart disease or abnormal heart rhythms can be found. Reasons for their palpitations are unknown. In others, palpitations result from abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Arrhythmias refer to heartbeats that are too slow, too rapid, irregular, or too early. Rapid arrhythmias (greater than 100 beats per minute) are called tachycardias. Slow arrhythmias (slower than 60 beats per minute) are called bradycardias. Irregular heart rhythms are called fibrillations (as in atrial fibrillation). When a single heartbeat occurs earlier than normal, it is called a premature contraction. Abnormalities in the atria, the ventricles, the SA node, and the AV node of the heart can lead to arrhythmias."
MedicineNet - Heart Palpitations.Combined use of cryoballoon and focal open-irrigation radiofrequency ablation for treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation: results from a pilot study.
Heart Rhythm 2010 Apr;7(4):452-8. Epub 2009 Dec 24.Abstract
"BACKGROUND: Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) achieved using a cryoballoon has been shown to be safe and effective. This treatment modality has limited effectiveness for treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF).
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate a combined approach using a cryoballoon for treatment of PVI and focal radiofrequency (RF) left atrial substrate ablation for treatment of persistent AF.
METHODS: Twenty-two consecutive patients with persistent AF were included in the study. PVI initially was performed with a cryoballoon. Left atrial complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAEs) then were ablated using an RF catheter. Finally, linear ablations using the RF catheter were performed.
RESULTS: Eighty-three PVs, including five with left common ostia, were targeted and isolated (100%). Seventy-seven (94%) of 82 PVs targeted with the cryoballoon were isolated, and 5 (6%) required use of RF energy to complete isolation. A mean of 9.7 +/- 2.6 cryoablation applications per patient was needed to achieve PVI. Median time required for cryoablation per vein was 600 seconds, and mean number of balloon applications per vein was 2.5 +/- 1.0. In 19 (86%) patients in whom AF persisted after PVI, CFAE areas were ablated using the RF catheter. Two cases of transient phrenic nerve paralysis occurred. After a single procedure and mean follow-up of 6.0 +/- 2.9 months, 86.4% of patients were AF-free without antiarrhythmic drugs.
CONCLUSION: A combined approach of cryoablation and RF ablation for treatment of persistent AF is feasible and is associated with a favorable short-term outcome.
Copyright 2010 Heart Rhythm Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
PMID: 20188229 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]"What is disturbed heart rhythm or arrhythmia?
The first approach to preventing palpitations, arrhythmias, and other abnormal heart rhythms is to correct imbalances in electrolytes and minerals. The minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium must be in balance. Most diets have excessive sodium and calcium and are deficient in potassium and magnesium. Trace minerals usually not found in a multivitamin tablet are vital.
Doctors often attempt to correct disturbed heart rhythm or arrhythmia with electric shock therapy whereby they run electrodes through the blood vessels to reach the heart. These electric shock treatments usually do not work or the effect is only temporary. This treatment is very high risk. Damage can occur to the blood vessel walls including a possible rupture. Plaque or other material can be dislodged from the blood vessel wall whereupon it travels to distant sites in the body to form clots, blockage, and a stroke. The electric shock therapy also has the risk of stopping the heart or causing the irregular heart beat to become even worse.
Correcting mineral deficiencies and imbalances is the most important step toward the elimination of palpitations and arrhythmias. The first step is a close review and adjustment of the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and all other trace minerals.
Tap water should not be drunk. Nearly all tap water has a very bad mineral imbalance. You must stop drinking tap water. Supermarket water labeled as "natural spring water" or "distilled water" is not acceptable either. Buy only supermarket water that has been processed by the reverse osmosis process, or install your own reverse osmosis with UV lamp water system under the kitchen sink. Use reverse osmosis water for drinking and cooking. It must be taken to the job or on vacation.
Trace mineral supplements should be consumed. The importance of vitamins to good health is widely known. But what you may not know is that minerals are also essential to good health. Without minerals to act as catalysts many vitamins cannot perform their necessary functions. Minerals need to be in a form that can be readily absorbed by your body. Minerals commonly occur in a metallic form - which means that they resist interaction with water and are not always easily taken up by the body. Take one (1) fl. oz.(2 tablespoons) of colloidal minerals per day in a glass of water or with the tomato juice - protein drink listed below with a meal.
NOW Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements
Doctors often use dangerous electric shock therapy instead of resolving the true cause for irregular heart beat which is mineral deficiencies and mineral imbalances.
Selenium supplement should be taken. Selenium deficiency causes many heart problems including irregular heart beat, heart palpitations, cardiomyopathy (deterioration of the heart muscle), sudden heart attack and death. Other deadly diseases include liver failure, cancer, pancreatitis and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Care should be taken to not overdo a good thing. Selenium can have toxic symptoms when taken in excess. Your doctor may advise against selenium if you are taking certain drugs. Selenium Deficiency and Toxicity.
Taurine or L-taurine amino acid should be taken. Highest concentration of Taurine is in the heart. Taurine is involved in stabilization of heart rhythm. Loss of intracellular taurine in the heart leads to arrhythmias. Taurine is useful medically in the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF). Take one 850 mg tablet 1 to 3 times a day.
Taurine - Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.
Are you dangerously deficient in taurine - Part 1 - Bodyecology.com
Are you dangerously deficient in taurine - Part 2 - Bodyecology.com
L-Taurine amino acid is very important for proper heart function and cardiovascular health. Read Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solutions book for details.
Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's Answer To Drugs
This is the best book for determining the correct vitamin and mineral dosage for therapeutic (disease curing) effect, excessive dosage amounts and normal recommendations. Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution discussing the vital function of vitamins and nutritional supplements and then provides a list of diseases and complaints that the supplements can help cure or alleviate.
Vitamin P5P. Take vitamin P5P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate, the active form of vitamin B6) is needed to promote taurine production and for use in cell metabolism. Take one or two 50 mg capsules per day. Conventional vitamin B6 is not an acceptable substitute. Both can be taken. Vitamin P5P is used by cells in metabolizing L-Taurine.
Copper supplement should be taken. Copper is vital for healthy arteries. Copper deficiency is widespread and leads to many serious diseases including cerebral aneurysms (rupture causing a stroke), abdominal aorta aneurysms (rupture causing instant death from internal bleeding), nerve damage, birth defects, cerebral palsy and mental deterioration. The amount of copper in a daily multivitamin is general sufficient. Excessive copper in the diet is detrimental.
Manganese supplement should be taken. Manganese is important in many enzyme systems, blood sugar control, energy metabolism and thyroid hormone function. Manganese is required for the body to make the powerful antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) which reduces cell damage from free radicals and reduces inflammation. High doses of other minerals can deplete manganese when it is not supplemented also.
Follow the vitamin, mineral and supplement program list on the following link. Adding colloidal trace minerals to the list of other minerals is extremely important.
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.
Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Biological Functions.
Sodium should be avoided. Slash the intake of sodium by eliminating as many sources of common table salt (sodium chloride) from the diet as possible. Virtually all processed foods have very high quantities of added sodium chloride salt. Read every label and avoid salt. Common table salt, sodium chloride, can cause heart palpitations and arrhythmias because the electrolyte depletes potassium and disrupts nerve signals to the heart muscles. A high-potassium, low-sodium diet protects the body against cancer and cardiovascular disease. Getting too much sodium chloride (table salt) in the diet coupled with diminished dietary potassium is a common cause of high blood pressure, palpitations and arrhythmias. Strictly reduce all sodium intake to test sensitivity. Even so, salt restriction is not enough, as suggested by numerous studies.
Potassium should be taken. One must increase his consumption of potassium chloride which is readily available as Morton's Salt Substitute for low-salt diets. Never take other brands that contain monopotassium glutamate. The sodium chloride salt added to food in the manufacturing and preparation causes an imbalance in the sodium/potassium ratio. Foods high in potassium and low in sodium are vegetables, fruits, unprocessed meats and fish, but a restriction in fruit is strongly suggested because it contains a high level of fructose that is associated with high blood pressure. Processes foods have a 10 to 1 ratio of sodium to potassium while natural foods have a ratio of only 1 to 10. Use the potassium salt substitute instead of table salt. The body process is called the sodium-potassium pump. Read the section titled, The Nerve Message.
Electrolyte intake and nonpharmacologic blood pressure control.
Prevention of hypertension.
Salt intake and hypertension therapy.
Dietary sodium and potassium in the genesis, therapy, and prevention of hypertension.Low-Carber Forums - Heart Palpitations.
"Many low carb foods are naturally high in potassium.
1 can (7 oz/ 200g) sockeye salmon - 1,391mg
1 medium California avocado - 1,097mg
1/2 package (5 oz/ 140g) spinach - 824mg
1 medium stalk broccoli - 526mg
1/2 cup canned diced tomatoes - 290mg
1/8 tsp potassium-salt substitute - 325 to 500mg
Dehydration and low potassium often go hand in hand. When you start to increase your potassium intake, it is important you also increase the water too."
Caution! Excessive Potassium can slow the heart rate and block cardiac impulses from the atria to the ventricles. The reason for this is that high extracellular concentrations of potassium reduce the resting membrane potential of cardiac muscle fibers. This causes a reduction in the intensity of the action potential and weaker heart contractions. If the extracellular concentration of potassium is great enough, the resting membrane potential will be eliminated and cardiac muscle cells will not generate impulses. This is the reason potassium supplements have caution labels.
Life-Threatening Electrolyte Abnormalities.
Potassium is an extremely important electrolyte that functions in the maintenance of water balance and distribution, acid-base balance, muscle and nerve cell function, heart function, kidney function, and adrenal function. Supplement the diet with potassium, magnesium and CoEnzyme Q10.
Calcium should be avoided. Avoid taking excessive amounts of calcium from supplements. Avoid taking excessive amounts of calcium from supplements. Calcium has a serious negative ramification in that it depletes magnesium from the body. Seventy-five percent of the people in the United States eat a diet that is deficient in magnesium. This low-carbohydrate diet allows a generous quantity of hard cheeses that are very high in calcium. The daily multivitamin tablet also had calcium, therefore do not supplement with a separate calcium tablet if generous amounts of cheese are consumed. Doctors commonly prescribe "calcium channel blocker" drugs to treat heart disease because of the excess calcium to magnesium ratio in the cells of the heart muscle.
Magnesium supplements should be taken. Perhaps magnesium should be classified as the most important supplement to take for reducing hypertension, heart palpitations and arrhythmias. A magnesium deficiency is common in nearly everyone, and the amount of magnesium in the cells is difficult to raise. The magnesium will take several weeks or months to build up in the body so don't expect immediate results. Heart palpitations should stopped within a few weeks and not returned. The heart rate should be very steady and equally spaced. A magnesium deficiency is also related to many other diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, migraine headaches, and asthma. Magnesium is a natural and safe laxative when taken in excess. People are commonly magnesium deficient so this magnesium supplement is highly recommended. Take one Magnesium Glycinate 400 200 mg three times a day with a meal. Break the magnesium glycinate in half. Take one half about one-quarter of the way through the meal and the other half at the three-quarter point to help distribute the magnesium. KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 is the highly absorption form of magnesium chelated with amino acids that can be taken at twice the dosage as other brands without causing intestinal distress. Do not substitute another brand. Magnesium is essential for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
Essential Facts About Magnesium.
Magnesium-Deficiency Catastrophe: The Magnesium Web Site."The mineral elements sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium play a central role in the normal regulation of blood pressure. In particular, these mineral elements have important interrelationships in the control of arterial resistance. These elements, especially sodium and potassium, also regulate the fluid balance of the body and, hence, influence the cardiac output. Evidence shows that the present levels of intake of mineral elements are not optimum for maintaining normal blood pressure but predispose to the development of arterial hypertension. Research results suggest that without sodium chloride (common salt) and other sodium compounds being added to the diet arterial hypertension would be virtually non existent. Moreover, blood pressure would not rise with age. In communities with a high consumption of added sodium, a high intake of potassium and, possibly, magnesium seem to protect against the development of arterial hypertension and the rise of blood pressure with age. A marked reduction of sodium intake is effective in treating even severe hypertension. A moderate restriction of sodium intake or an increase in potassium intake exert remarkable antihypertensive effects, at least in some hypertensive patients. Magnesium and possibly also calcium supplements may be effective in reducing blood pressure in some hypertensives. In hypertensive patients treated with drugs sodium restriction and potassium and magnesium supplementation enhance the therapeutic effect, reduce the number and dosage, and lessen the adverse effects of prescribed antihypertensive drugs. Hence, a fall in sodium consumption and increases in potassium and magnesium consumption are useful in preventing and treating arterial hypertension."
Ann-Med. 1991 Aug; 23(3): 299-305Balancing the electrolytes will take several weeks. A doctor should always be consulted about any heart or other health problem. However, many doctors do not address these problems by making dietary adjustments in the electrolytes. They may attempt to reduce symptoms using prescription drugs that can have other very negative side effects. A direct dietary approach is by far the most preferred method to correct the underlying problem.
WARNING: Magnesium can be toxic for those who have either renal (kidney/liver) problems or atrioventricular blocks.
Beware of Dangerous Spiked Drinks. Coffee and tea served at coffee shops is often "spiked" with additional caffeine, adrenal hormones, or stimulating herbal products. Cold "energy" soft drinks are also spiked with stimulants. These additives are intended to hype the central nervous system and adrenal hormones to cause a "rush" that becomes addictive to the customer. As an example, just a few sips of regular fresh brewed black coffee purchased from a major coffee shop chain often causes a sudden increase in the pulse rate and heart irregularities such as palpitations, arrhythmias, and other abnormal heart rhythms. This occurs after drinking less than 4 oz. (60 ml) of the fresh brewed coffee. Avoid those restaurants and coffee shops that serve coffee or tea that increases the pulse rate. Never consume an "energy" drink.
Beware of Bacteria Contaminated Coffee. Many coffee shops and restaurants us a fresh brewed coffee dispenser that contaminates the coffee with pathogenic bacteria. These bad bacteria upset healthy digestion without the consumer discovering the source of the food poisoning. The worst type of dispenser can be recognized as an insulated tank with a pump on the top. The internal parts of the pump are rubber or plastic diaphragms and tubes that cannot be cleaned. Most coffee shops and restaurants make no attempt to clean the pump mechanism. Rubber and plastic parts easily harbor bad bacteria that continue to multiply. The coffee in the pump also cools easily. The temperature of the hot coffee is not high enough to sterilize the parts. The best coffee dispenser is the type with a spherical clear glass pot that is very easy to clean and inspect. The coffee filter mechanism should be a stainless steel cone that is also easy to clean. Ask your coffee shop or restaurant about their coffee brewing and dispensing system. Inspect the clear glass serving pots for cleanliness. Don't drink coffee that is brewed and dispensed from a poorly designed system.
Blood Testing Information
Laboratories affiliated with HealthCheckUSA will perform any of a large number of health screening tests without a doctor's prescription, and they provide a very detailed report of the results by Internet and/or mail. You can elect to have a physician interpret the results at additional cost or interpret them yourself from information on the report. Other websites as listed below provide information to assist you in understanding your test results. Any test result out of the normal range will be indicated and should be reviewed with greater concern.
HealthCheckUSA will also have a trained professional visit your home to take the necessary samples at additional cost, if desired, and you will receive the report with your results in the mail. All of this can be done without leaving your home.
An appointment and a 12-hour fast are required before the blood is drawn. Simply make the appointment in the morning and hold breakfast until afterward.
HealthCheckUSA affiliates have nearly 10,000 centers strategically located in all 50 states. Many of these laboratories are used by doctors to conduct health screenings for their patients. Because HealthCheckUSA helps hundred of thousands of health-conscious consumers throughout the USA, they can offer health screenings at some of the most affordable prices in the nation. You simply order your tests online and take the order to your nearest testing center.
HealthCheckUSA.com | Health Screening Tests You Can Obtain Without a Physicians Prescription.
The following are website that give helpful information for interpretation of your results.
Blood Tests and Interpreting Blood Test Results.
Blood Test Results - Normal Ranges.
How to interpret your blood test results.
Mitral or Bicuspid Valve, Aortic Valve, Tricuspid Valve, and Pulmonary Valve Prolapse, Regurgitation, or Restriction
The delicate tissues of heart valves can easily become damaged by a deficiency of essential fatty acids or disease such as rheumatic fever or infective endocarditis. Heart valves are "check" valves with a set of flaps (called leaflets or cusps) which allow blood flow in only one direction. Valve prolapse or regurgitation is a condition in which a segment of the valve fails to seal upon closing. The blood is allowed to flow in the reverse direction, and the heart pumping efficiency is reduced accordingly. The valve may also be defective by failure to open completely. The symptoms can include chest pains, angina (heart pain), heart palpitations, cardiac (heart) arrhythmias, rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, fainting spells, fatigue, shortness of breath, heavy breathing, breathlessness while lying down (orthopnea), severe shortness of breath during the middle of the night (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea), sweating without activity, symptoms of heart failure, leg swelling, and leg pain. Serious cases can lead to blood stagnation, blood regurgitation, blood clots, and death. The heart has four valves.
The tricuspid valve is between the right atrium and right ventricle.
The pulmonary semilunar valve is between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery.
The mitral or bicuspid valve is between the left atrium and left ventricle.
The aortic semilunar valve is between the left ventricle and the aorta.
Recent Testimony From Sufferer of Aortic Valve Regurgitation Caused by Rheumatic Heart Disease "Dear Sir, In the first Echocardiogram report dated 2/3/05, it is stated that "The color flow doppler study reveals moderate to severe aortic regurgition and least moderate mitral regurgition, with very early dilatation of the left ventricle and left atrium." In the Conclusion of Cardiac Catheterization, which was performed on 4/15/05, it is said that:" 1- Moderate to severe (3+) aortic regurgition. 2- Mild(1+) mitral regurgition. 3- normal coronary arteries. 4- Rheumatic heart disease." After that I started to use cod liver oil and borage oil as described in your website. One year later, I had another Echo done on 04/05/06. The summary of the Echo is: "A 2D echo with M-Mode and color Doppler was performed. The left ventricle in size. The left ventricle systolic is normal. There is no evidence of left ventricle hypertophy. There is turbulent flow in the LOVT. The aortic valve is not visualized, cannot r/o a bicuspid valve.........The aortic valve is not well visualized. There is turbulent flow in the LOVT, cannot rule out a bicuspid valve. There is mild aortic insufficiency." I had another Echo done on 10/17/06 because I wanted to verify the last report of Echo. It is said in the report that: "the Impression was Mild Aortic Regurgitation. Normal left ventricular function." I had another Ecoh done about 3 months ago. I do not have the report, but I remember clearly the result is the same "Mild aortic regurgitation". The Cardiogram I did last month is normal. I went to a new cardiologist with all my paper with old and new result (the first cardiologist believes only his Catheterization on 4/15/05). The new doctor noticed the difference between the old Echo and the new ones and he suggested me to make new Echo and Nuclear Stress test on 10/04/07. By the way, I have taken Benicar 20mg for more than 2 years. Your help has been greatly appreciated." |
All of the steps of the following protocol are required to have any hope of improving heart valve problems.
Step No. 1 - Supplement the diet with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Supplementation with the correct ratio of essential fatty acids has been shown to heal the delicate tissues of heart valves. The same supplementation has been shown to heal hard, cracked, and bleeding skin on the hands and heal many other tissues of the body. It is very effective in healing the delicate tissues of the intestinal tract.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida, and Others.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Take one tablespoons of Carlson's Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil twice a day with a meal. Take one tablespoon 1/2 hour before a meal if you burp an unpleasant fish taste. If necessary, remove the taste from the mouth by chasing with a small amount of 100% pure tomato juice not made from concentrate. Cod liver oil has a high level of vitamin D. The importance of taking cod liver oil (EPA and DHA fatty acids) and borage oil (GLA fatty acid described below) cannot be over-stated. This combination is absolutely required.
Borage Oil is Beneficial Under Inflammatory Conditions.
Bowel Disease Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency.
Cod Liver Oil: The Number One Superfood.Borage Oil. Supplement with omega-6 gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) by taking one borage oil capsule per day. The body can not produce essential fatty acids - you must get them from the food you eat. Your body uses GLA and omega-3 fatty acids to make E1 series prostaglandins that help reduce inflammation, aid digestion and help regulate your metabolism. Avoid all other omega-6 vegetable oils as found in nuts, seeds and grains.
Benefits of Borage Oil.Fish oil is not considered to be as effective as cod liver oil. Cod liver oil has a higher concentration of EPA and DHA essential fatty acids and contains a high level of vitamin D. Flaxseed oil is not acceptable because it contains a high concentration of Omega-6 fatty acids and a low level of GLA fatty acid. Primrose oil is not considered to be as effective as borage oil. Borage oil has a higher concentration of GLA fatty acid.
Fatty Acids by Leo Galland, MD.
Increased Requirements for Essential Fatty Acids in Atopic Individuals:
A Review With Clinical Descriptions by Leo Galland, MD, FACN, FACP
Gesell Institute of Human Development, New Haven, Connecticut.
See Case No. 3.Step No. 2 - Eat a high-fat, high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet.
It is very important to eat a low-carbohydrate diet because it will automatically make big changes in the hormones, such as a big reduction in blood insulin levels.
Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate & Cholesterol Science.
Click here to see the "Foods We Should Eat."
Click here to see the "Foods That Are Absolutely Forbidden."
Step No. 3 - Supplement the diet with extra vitamins, minerals and other supplements.
The goal here is to overwhelm the body with extra vitamins, minerals, and other supplements in order to create optimum health and healing. Research has shown that 85% of patients with mitral valve prolapse have latent tetany due to chronic magnesium deficiency. Take the same minerals as describe above for blood pressure control. Tetany is a condition of physiologic calcium imbalance marked by tonic spasm of muscles and often associated with deficient parathyroid secretion. Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are to be taken because the body needs every essential element in order to heal. A deficiency in just one element will prevent healing. The following is a list of suggest vitamins, minerals, and supplements.
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R. Rieske.
Step No. 4 - Human Growth Hormone Boost Using Amino Acid Therapy
Bodybuilders eat a high-protein diet and supplement the diet with additional protein powder in order to build body mass, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones. This practice has been proven to be correct over several decades of testing and refinement in the diets of millions of bodybuilders. The science behind the high-protein diet confirms the results found in actual practice.
Ketogenic, Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Bodybuilders.
Meat provides the full compliment of all essential and non essential amino acids needed to heal the neck and spine without adding undesirable carbohydrates to the diet. Vegetarian foods such as whole grains, soy and legumes do not fulfill these requirements and are unacceptable substitutes.
Bodybuilders typically eat a lot of meat as a high-quality protein source. They also supplement the diet with protein powder drinks and shakes. Whey protein powder contains all of the essential and nonessential amino acids necessary to build a healthy body. The product listed below is made from the whey protein of cows' milk. All of the lactose (milk sugar) has been stripped from the product during manufacture. It is pre-digested using special healthy bacteria to breakdown the protein molecules into the individual amino acids and branched-chain amino acids. The amino acids can pass through the intestinal-blood barrier in the human intestinal tract to quickly become available for healing the body and building bone collagen, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Extra L-glutamine (glutamine) amino acid is also recommended.
Protein and L-Glutamine Drink. Prepare a drink made with whey amino acid protein powder which is enriched with extra glutamine amino acid. The protein powder consists of a full compliment of amino acid isolates that heal the body and require no digestion. Prepare the drink by blending 8 to 16 oz of reverse osmosis with UV lamp water or unsweetened, low-sodium tomato juice with 1 heaping teaspoon (12 gm) of whey protein powder plus 1 rounded teaspoon (8 gm) of glutamine amino acid powder. Stirring vigorously with the teaspoon is sufficient. The whey protein must be specified on the carton as isolates from cross flow microfiltration and ion-exchange, ultrafiltered concentrate, low molecular weight, and partially hydrolyzed whey protein peptides rich in branched chain amino acids and glutamine peptides. The low-carbohydrate type at 1 gm per scoop or less is best, but it should not be more than 4-5 gm of carbohydrates per scoop. Do not substitute protein from soy, egg, casein, or any other source. Sugar or any other sweetener is unacceptable. Use the "natural flavor" without additives. This amino acid drink can be enjoyed anytime with or without a meal. Amino acids are foods that build and maintain the body. Refrigerate whey protein powder and discard if it is old. Whey protein powder can cause some gas and an unusually "full" feeling. Discontinue the whey protein powder if the reactions are unpleasant. Continue to take the glutamine powder.
L-Glutamine Amino Acid.
Ultimate Lo Carb Whey Powder - Natural Flavor by Biochem.
Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.This combination of amino acids has been shown to provide the following healing properties:
Provides pain killing effects by healing the nervous system.
Absorption of body building amino acids without requiring digestion.
Stimulates insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which functions similarly to insulin and enhances protein synthesis and healing.
Fights infections by stimulating the immune system. All immune cells are made from poly-peptides of amino acids.
Provides bone growth of protein collagen and strengthens bones. Poor digestion has been shown to cause osteoporosis and degenerative bone disease.
Provides all of the amino acids required to heal and grow ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles, intestinal tract, heart muscle, and all other organs of the body.
Prevents hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) symptoms in people with hypoglycemia or diabetes.
The three most nutritionally important omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic fatty acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA). Alpha-linolenic fatty acid is one of two fatty acids traditionally classified as "essential." The other fatty acid traditionally viewed as essential is an omega-6 fat called linoleic acid. These fatty acids have traditionally been classified as “essential” because the body is unable to manufacture them on its own and because they play a fundamental role in several physiological functions. As a result, we must be sure our diet contains sufficient amounts of both alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid.
Do not supplement the diet with methionine amino acid. The metabolism of methionine produces homocysteine which is a sulfur-containing amino acid. It exists at a critical biochemical juncture between methionine metabolism and the biosynthesis of the amino acids cysteine and taurine. Homocysteine is used to build and repair tissues, but an excess of homocysteine has been shown to be a major factor in hardening and obstruction of the arteries causing full-blown heart disease.
Amino acids are also used by the body to create human growth hormone. The creation of human growth hormone in the elderly is very limited. Therefore, you must supplement the diet with the addition of these amino acids to give an extra boost to the body. A protein deficiency is one of the major causes of degenerative disc disease. The body cannibalizes amino acids from the spine when searching for amino acids to satisfy other body functions.
Warning! Many products are sold with claims that they boost the human growth hormone. Most of these claims are false. The human growth hormone is large and cannot be taken orally because the large molecule cannot pass through the intestinal blood barrier of the gut. The body simply digests the hormone, breaking it down into the individual amino acids from which it is made. Supplemental products containing HGH (human growth hormone) are a fraud. They do not work. Injections of synthetic human growth hormone were thought to be a great anti-aging discovery. The injected hormone did perform miracles, but it was soon discovered that it also caused many types of cancer. Do not take HGH supplements or HGH injections.
Step No. 5 - Take Do-it-Yourself Stem Cell Therapy
Yes, you can take do-it-yourself stem cell therapy. Doctors and the US Food and Drug Administration (USDA) are very much against these types of do-it-yourself treatments in the same way they are against all do-it-yourself alternative medicine. The USDA resisted giving the product recommended here an approval as a therapeutic drug. This has turned out to be a great advantage because we can now buy it without a doctor's prescription. So the research company that developed this stem cell product simply began selling it as a "nutritional supplement." You can order it on the Internet without a doctor's prescription. It is safe and very easy to take orally. It is shipped via one-day express in a special insulated box kept frozen with dry ice.
Most stem cell claims are lies that will never be fulfilled. Stem cells will not cause you to grow a new heart. Stem cells will not overpower catabolic hormones, protein deficiencies, fat deficiencies, and the high-carbohydrate diet, but the stem cells recommended here will help heal damaged tissues and promote growth.
The following page identifies the myths, lies, and scams surrounding the stem cell topic. Research results have been faked. Universities and research organizations are scrambling to get a share of the hundreds of millions of dollars from the governments of the United States and other countries worldwide.
However, research has developed some stem cells that do encourage your existing cells to heal, regenerate, multiply, and propagate. These stem cells are to be taken to help reverse degeneration of the spine. The stem cells to take are called porcine embryonic mesenchymal cells, or mesenchyme. A liquid molecular extract from porcine adrenal glands is included for enhancing adrenal function. The following link provides more detailed information on the stem cells and a suggested Internet source.
BioPathics: Mesenchyme-Little Known Rejuvenating Healer.
"The result is regeneration or replacement of the damaged cells. The implications for speedy and full recovery from everything from broken bones to herniated discs are enormous. We now have the potential to create healing where there was previously no hope of recovery. Later in this article, you'll hear how one of the authors restored severely herniated discs that should have required surgical fusion, as well as greatly accelerated recovery from a ruptured Achilles tendon.
Interestingly, the mechanism for organ formation from mesenchymal cells is still present in some adult animal species. For example, it is the presence of mesenchymal cells that allows a salamander to regenerate its tail if cut off. In the human adult, the only mechanism where these cells normally function is in the healing of wounds.
The mesenchyme available on the market in the U.S. is made from porcine embryonic mesenchymal cells. The cells are harvested from pregnant cattle destined for slaughter and subsequent human consumption. Only healthy fetuses from healthy cattle are used. Because mesenchyme is, by definition, undifferentiated fetal cellular material, it has not yet developed immune markers. It is therefore accepted by the human host without provoking an attack by the immune system and can freely work its magic on any number of physical injuries and traumas.
Mesenchyme has the ability to migrate to any tissue in need of repair and, once at the site, to take on the characteristics of the healthy cell it associates with. When mesenchyme is next to cartilage, it becomes cartilage and replaces or repairs damaged cartilage. This is true for organ tissues too: for example, when it is next to kidney mesenchyme becomes kidney. If one has damaged cells from a broken bone, mesenchyme associates itself with the wounded tissue, assumes the specific characteristics of that type of bone, and begins to repair the damaged tissue and create new bone cells. It sounds incredible, but much research has verified this unique action. Thus, mesenchyme has great potential in regenerating diseased or injured tissues of all kinds (van den Bos 1997).
The use of mesenchyme as a therapeutic substance arises from experiments conducted early in the 20th century by Dr. Alexis Carrel, 1912 Nobel Laureate in Biology, who demonstrated that organic tissues could be regenerated in vitro by the addition of fresh younger cells to the culture medium. In the 1930s, the Swiss endocrinologist Dr. Paul Niehans developed a technique for extracting cells from animals and injecting them into his patients to compensate for their bodies' deficiencies (Niehans 1960). One of the types of cell he found most beneficial was mesenchyme.
Mesenchyme used in conjunction with other whole cells and cellular extracts was popular in Europe during the 1960s and 1970s. Many well-known celebrities and politicians visited reputable clinics and spas, including Dr. Niehans' Clinique La Prairie in Clarens, Switzerland, to receive live cell therapy. Notables such as Charles de Gaulle, Charlie Chaplin and Sir Winston Churchill were just a few of the wealthy, powerful and famous figures of the last century who went to these spas for live cell therapy, which included mesenchyme as a basic part of the rejuvenation process.
What makes mesenchyme so unique, special, and efficient is the fact that it is composed of pluripotential cells, also known as mesenchymal stem cells, which have the ability to become almost any kind of tissue or organ. Embryologically, all connective and supportive tissues arise from mesenchymal cells (Corliss 1976). The versatility of these pluripotential cells allows them to form cartilage, bone, muscle, connective tissue, and organ tissue (van den Bos 1997).
In all mammals mesenchyme eventually differentiates into three embryonic tissues - the endoderm, the mesoderm, and the ectoderm (Moore 1989). During embryonic development, these three primitive cell types differentiate into all the body's organs and tissues. The endoderm forms the linings of the digestive and respiratory tracts. The mesoderm develops into muscle, connective tissues, bone, and blood vessels. The ectoderm differentiates into the epidermis and the nervous system. A portion of the mesenchyme remains in the placenta and the yolk sac surrounding the embryo in the fetus. It is this mesenchyme that is carefully separated to become the commercially available product."The product to be taken can be obtained from many sources, but the following link is a good source at a reasonable price:
XtraCell CF Support 24 vials by Atrium BioTechnologies (Previously named CF Support NatCell by Atrium BioTechnologies)
CF Support contains a mixture of two patented extracts combined in a scientific formula to support healthy adrenal functions and maintain homeostasis. Atrium Biotechnologies has developed a patented biotechnological process to isolate and concentrate molecules in their most natural state.Features and Benefits:
Nutritional support for a healthy adrenal function
Helps regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Increases cellular metabolic activity by 166% in vitro
Organ-specific glandular substances
Preservative free, 100% natural
CF Support contains two patented fresh-cell extracts combined in a scientific formula for nutritional support in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The molecular extracts from adrenal and mesenchyme are highly bio-available and of the highest quality available on the market today. Glandular substances are organ specific rather than species specific. This means that glandular substances of animal origin have enough genetic similarity without antibody resistance to be able to assist similar cells in the human body.
XtraCell Adrenal is a liquid molecular extract from porcine adrenal glands. Enhancing adrenal function is an important goal in CFS. Low adrenal function was first proposed as a cause of Chronic Fatigue over 50 years ago. Debilitating fatigue is one of the major symptoms of low or altered adrenal function.
Bio-available molecular extracts of porcine adrenal may help support healthy adrenal function in humans. XtraCell Mesenchyme is a liquid molecular extract from foetal porcine source.
Mesenchyme is composed of pleuripotential cells, also known as mesenchymal stem cells. These cells have the ability to become almost any kind of cell; during the embryological development these cells form organ tissues, connective tissue, nervous system, etc. In-vitro assays have established that the molecular fraction of XtraCell Mesenchyme not only increases cellular proliferation but also increases cellular metabolism. Thus, bioavailable molecular extract of mesenchyme may be of nutritional support to maintain homeostasis.
One vial should be taken 30 minutes before bedtime. No food or excessive drink should be taken two hours before taking the product and nothing should be taken afterward. Take one vial each day for 20 days. Take the remaining four vials on a weekly schedule, one each week. Repeat the order if your degenerative heart valve damage is severe or your response is slow. Elderly people respond more slowly because of the lack of natural human growth hormone in the body.
The high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet described in Steps 1, 2 and 3 above must be started at least four weeks in advance of ordering the XtraCell liquid mesenchyme stem cell and shark cartilage therapy. This stem cell therapy is believed to be very beneficial, but it will not overpower the highly destructive catabolic adrenalin and cortisol hormones caused by eating the standard high-carbohydrate diet recommended by vegetarians and the USDA Food Guide Pyramid.
Step No. 6 - Expectations, Starting Journal and Follow-up Program Requirements
The expectations and measurements of progress are very important in order to be successful in the delicate heart valves. The following topics will help you in planning and measuring your progress. Success always builds confidence and leads to further success.
Expectations - This program will show weekly progress that you can measure by comparing your pain levels, activity restrictions, and overall comfort to that of the previous week.
Journal - Write a "Starting Journal" before you begin anything else. The journal should describe your present condition in great detail. Update your journal each week during the first four weeks in order to compare your weekly condition against your previous and starting journal entries. In this way you can accurately measure your progress. Your "Starting Journal" should include the following topics.
Enter facts such as the date, existing diseases, previous diet philosophy, prescription drugs being taken, etc.
Enter detailed descriptions of your pains, activity restrictions, and discomfort levels experienced during typical daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, job, recreation, and sleeping.
Enter a number representing the discomfort level from 0 to 10. Ten is severe physical limitations. Zero is feeling wonderfully normal without any restriction in ordinary daily activities whatsoever.
Enter symptoms that can include chest pains, angina (heart pain), heart palpitations, cardiac (heart) arrhythmias, rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, fainting spells, fatigue, shortness of breath, heavy breathing, breathlessness while lying down (orthopnea), severe shortness of breath during the middle of the night (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea), sweating without activity, symptoms of heart failure, leg swelling, and leg pain.
Follow-up Program - Write a completely new journal entry every month with all of the detailed information listed for the "Starting Journal." The "Monthly Journal" will help to prevent slippage back into your old lifestyle. Compare these entries to the previous month and to the "Starting Journal" entries in order to measure your progress. You must not revert back to your old way of life simply because you begin to feel better. Doing so most likely will cause your pain, discomfort, and physical limitations to return. Staying healthy and active requires a lifelong commitment and control of your treatment program. The following are a few follow-up guidelines and restrictions.
The high-fat, high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet required by this program is an absolute lifelong requirement. Health will suffer directly with the percentage of carbohydrates reintroduced back into the diet.
Insulin, adrenalin, and cortisol hormones must be strictly controlled by the diet program presented here.
Prescription drugs should be discontinued only upon your doctors approval, but taking unnecessary drugs presents other health risks because of side effects that can become severe.
Review your initial "Starting Journal" entries and the other "Monthly Journals" to measure and understand the changes in your condition. This review builds confidence and keeps you on a healthy program.
You may contact the author by clicking the mailbox above.
The Latest Blood Pressure Control News
Hole-in-the-heart self repair kit - BBC News - August 12, 2007.
Ventricular and Atrial Septal Defects - Cleveland Clinic.
U.S. study tips scale in favor of Atkins diet | BBC Health | March 7, 2007.
"The Stanford University study, of more than 300 women, rated Atkins ahead of three other popular diets. Those who followed Atkins for a year lost the most weight, and recorded the most beneficial effect on their cholesterol and blood pressure levels."
Reference Books and Online Support Groups:
Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
This is a must-read book. Gary Taubes is an award-winning scientist who has specialized in exposing misleading, incorrect, or fraudulent science. His seven-year research in every science connected with the impact of nutrition on health shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong. For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates are better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet with more and more people acting on the advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes.
Taubes argues persuasively that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, easily digested starches) via their dramatic effect on insulin -- the hormone that regulates fat accumulation -- and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number. There are good and bad calories. Taubes traces how the common assumption that carbohydrates are fattening was abandoned in the 1960s when fat and cholesterol were blamed for heart disease and then -- wrongly -- were seen as the causes of a host of other maladies, including cancer. He shows us how these unproven hypotheses were emphatically embraced by authorities in nutrition, public health, and clinical medicine in spite of how well-conceived clinical trials have consistently refuted them. He also documents the dietary trials of carbohydrate restriction which consistently show that the fewer carbohydrates we consume the leaner we will be.
With precise references to the most significant existing clinical studies, he convinces us that there is no compelling scientific evidence demonstrating that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease; that salt causes high blood pressure; and that fiber is a necessary part of a healthy diet. Based on the evidence that does exist, he leads us to conclude that the only healthy way to lose weight and remain lean is to eat fewer carbohydrates or to change the type of carbohydrates we do eat and, for some of us, perhaps to eat virtually none at all.
TNT DIET - Targeted Nutrition Tactics
by Jeff Volek, Ph.D., RD and Adam Campbell, Men's Health Magazine
The explosive new plan to blast fat, build muscle and get healthy.The TNT Diet is a great book for bodybuilders and everyone else who wants to preserve and build lean muscle while controlling body fat. This book is a must read for anyone on the low-carbohydrate diet.
Active Low-Carber Forums - Atkins & low-carbohydrate Diet Support Group
You can talk with others who have bowel diseases or Candida about their experiences. Registration is free but is required before you can post your own message or question. You can click above to visit and read posts by others. Look for the "Candida Yeast & IBS" topic link.
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life
Life Without Bread is an important addition to the growing body of literature on the benefits and importance of low-carb diet. Written by Christian Allan, Ph.D., and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D., the book is based on Dr. Lutz's experience using carbohydrate restricted diets with thousands of patients for more than 40 years. It is based on extensive research in the medical and scientific literature and provides ample references. The book presents a unified theory of how high (and even moderate) levels of dietary carbohydrate cause or exacerbate various health problems and how carbohydrate restriction can help people to recover from those problems.
The book Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D. has a chapter on gastrointestinal diseases. Don't be mislead by the title to believe the cure is the simple elimination of bread. Mr. Lutz's older book is out of print but has essentially the same information. It may even contain more detail than his new book above. Fortunately, Chapter VII: Gastro-Intestinal Tract of the older book can be read online.
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Revised and Improved
The Atkins' New Diet Revolution is the best book for an initial dietary change and quick weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol. Look for the companion book for recipes. It has some very interesting case studies from the doctor's patients. It includes data from past civilizations proving the low-carbohydrate diet is the most healthy.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. ISBN: 006001203X.Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution
This is Dr. Atkins newest book. The main topics are the cause, prevention, and cure for diabetes and heart disease which have become major health concerns in the United States and many other developed countries.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. with Sheila Buff ISBN: 0312251890.Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's Answer To Drugs
This is the best book for determining the correct vitamin and mineral dosage for therapeutic (disease curing) effect, excessive dosage amounts, and normal recommendations. Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution discusses the vital function of vitamins and nutritional supplements and then provides a list of diseases and complaints that the supplements can help cure or alleviate.
This book by Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Dan Eades has an excellent chapter on "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which describes the cause of bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases.
Why Stomach Acid is Good for You
This groundbreaking book unleashes a brilliant new plan for permanently curing heartburn by relieving the root cause of the problem -- low stomach acid. The fact is that heartburn is caused by too little stomach acid -- not too much, as many doctors profess. Book by Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard.
Three Books Are Now Available!
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Kent R. Rieske
5086 Cottonwood Drive
Boulder, CO 80301 USA
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation, or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health clinics.
Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.
Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs.
The following sites have excellent information on a good diet for healing and health preservation.
The World's Most Popular Diet & Nutrition Message Board
Copyright © 2002 - 2013 by Kent R. Rieske, B.Sc., and Bible Life Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is granted to copy this information in whole and without revision providing that full credit is given to the author. This information may not be copied in part and the information may not be included in any material that is offered for sale. You are encouraged to place a link to this article on your website page.
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Are the Sins of All Mankind Forgiven?
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Kent R. Rieske, Ministry
5086 Cottonwood Drive
Boulder, CO 80301 USA
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