Myths, Distortions, and Lies About Beef
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beef, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and health?
Yummy! He really looks delicious.
News You Can Use
Vegetarian Diet Deficiencies Are a Proven Fact.
Cholesterol, Energy, Healing, Sex, and Babies.
Beef Steak Taste and Flavor Test
There have been no independent studies or tests showing that grass-fed beef steaks taste better than feedlot beef steaks. The opposite is true. Feedlot steaks generally obtain a higher grading because they have better fat marbling in the meat. In a blind taste test feedlot beef will be rated as tasting better than grass-fed beef. The claim by organic and grass-fed beef producers that their meat tastes better and is more healthy is simply a scam, and gullible consumers believe it because they are psychologically brainwashed into believing so. If you tell a lie often enough people will believe it.
Grass-fed beef producers generally claim their meat is leaner, and this is true. However, lean meat always gets a lower USDA grading than fatty meat with a good marbling of fat. The grass-fed beef producers speak of beef fat as if it were unhealthy. Beef fat is not unhealthy. All beef fat, including the saturated fat, is very healthy and heals the body. Grass-fed beef producers also claim their beef has a higher omega-3 fat content which is false and another one of their scams.
The beef industry is its own worst enemy. The minority "organic" and "grass-fed" part of the beef industry bad-mouths the majority in hopes of increasing the sale of its overpriced products but in doing so turns people away from eating beef entirely. Few people pay the outrageous price for the "organic" and "grass-fed" beef because regular supermarket beef is expensive compared to pork, chicken, and turkey, and they go away with the erroneous impression that beef is not a healthy food. Shoppers go to the supermarket to buy chicken because of the lies propagated by the grass-fed beef growers. The chicken producers simply love the myths propagated about beef by the grass-fed beef producers.
The beef industry also emphasizes the cuts that are naturally low in fat as more healthy which gives the impression that the high-fat cuts are less healthy. The beef industry gives the impression that beef fat is unhealthy which is false. The beef industry does very little to defend its own product. This page presents the truth about beef because the beef industry won't.
A high iron content in the blood promotes the oxidation of LDL cholesterol within the endothelium layer of the blood vessel. Some researchers have implicated free elemental non-heme (not attached to hemoglobin) iron in the blood as being a risk factor for heart disease. Therefore, the iron in whole grains and other vegetable foods can be a risk factor in heart disease, but the heme iron in beef and other meat is not. Only some iron in food is absorbed well by the body. Heme iron, found in meat, poultry, and fish is much better absorbed than the non-heme iron (elemental iron) found in plants foods and eggs. For example, your body absorbs four times as much iron from a 90-gram serving of beef sirloin steak (cooked) than from a 175 mL (3/4 cup) serving of bran flakes. However, heme iron does not accumulate in the body to cause an unhealthy overdose like non-heme iron found in whole grains. The body can easily secrete the extra heme iron obtained from eating red meat to maintain a healthy balance, but the body has a difficult time getting rid of excess non-heme iron obtained from eating whole grains.
The harsh criticisms of red meat and saturated fat are not supported by scientific research or anthropological surveys.
Studies Prove Beef Is A Safe And Healthy Food.
Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.
Animal Rights Terrorists Strike Again?
Facts about Fats - The Skinny on Fats by Dr. Mary G. Enig and Sally Fallon.
Twenty-Seven (27) Studies Show That Saturated Fat Raised the Good HDL.
The More Fat You Eat the Lower Your Bad Triglycerides.
Studies Show Meat, Dairy and Eggs Do Not Increase Breast Cancer.
Study Shows Saturated Fat is Not Linked to Diabetes.
Another scam is the sprinkling of sugar on beef steaks to give them a sweet flavor. This is a disgusting practice that is widespread in both feedlot beef and grass-fed beef. Avoid the label listing "natural flavors." These additives could contain sugar and MSG, a nerve toxin that makes cancers incurable.
Feedlot operators feed steers grain because it makes them fat, and fatty steaks taste better. Cows are herbivores. They eat grains. It is their natural food. Grains do not make the steers sick or unhealthy in any way as claimed by vegetarians and other mislead people. Carbohydrates cause "age related" diseases in humans over a period of 20 years or less. Feedlot steers go to slaughter at the young age of 2 years, not enough time for a steer to develop diet-related diseases. Cows and humans have completely different digestive systems. We are basically carnivores with the ability to also digest herbs.
Vegetarians have been brainwashed into thinking vegetarianism is a healthy way of eating. You will find on any osteoporosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or other inflammatory bowel disease forum that 80% of the sufferers are vegetarians or ex-vegans. Yet, only 6% of the population are vegetarian. The protein-deficient vegan diet will blow your guts out, cause degenerative disc disease, and kill you with cancer or a hemorrhagic stroke, guaranteed.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida, and Others.
Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures, and Degenerative Disc Disease.
Is Beef Safe to Eat?
Beef is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Beef is naturally loaded with protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and a multitude of other nutrients that are essential for optimal health. All of the negative claims against eating red meat are lies, and the negative studies are fraudulent. A diet consisting of 100% red meat would provide wonderful health.
Click on the picture of the USDA prime porterhouse steak to see an enlargement.
The claims that supermarket beef contains harmful antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, toxins, diseases, and bad fats are simply false. This website will expose these myths, distortions, and lies propagated by vegetarians, grass-fed beef salesmen, and carbohydrate food manufacturing companies.
TEST: If you believe supermarket beef steaks from feedlot steers are unhealthy in any way, you have been brainwashed.
A "Christian" pastor who scams the public with his "organic, free-range" beef business has sent hate mail to the author of this website on Christmas day, 2009. The pastor sends out hate mail on Christmas. Wow! This is obviously the apostasy of the church as prophesied in the Holy Scripture. He is certainly destined to spend eternity in Hell for his worship of animals.
The design of our digestive organs and digestive enzymes shows that mankind is basically a carnivorous (meat eating) species with the ability to digest carbohydrates from grains, nuts, legumes, fruit, and vegetables. Health is damaged in proportion to the amount of these carbohydrates consumed in the diet. Meat does not putrefy in the gut as falsely claimed by vegetarians. The stomach secretes a large amount of acid and enzymes to break down the protein into individual amino acids for absorption in the small intestine. The body was designed to digest meat and does so without the need for bacteria.
Death by diseases caused by eating organic vegetables is at least a million times greater than the risk of death from mad cow disease. Thousands die every year from the filthy manure being thrown on organic vegetables. It is most probable that manure obtained from animals infected with mad cow disease can cause mad cow disease after being thrown on organic vegetables.
Exposing the Myths, Dangers, and Lies About Organic Food.
Prion Diseases and Mad Cow Disease.The vegetarians of Southern India eat a low-calorie diet very high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fat. They have the shortest lifespan of any society on Earth, and their bodies have an extremely low muscle mass. They are weak and frail, and the children clearly exhibit a failure to thrive. Their heart disease rate is double that of the meat eaters in Northern India. HL Abrams. Vegetarianism: An anthropological/nutritional evaluation. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 1980, 32:2:53-87. The optimal diet for humans can be determined by anthropological research studies that show humans have primarily been meat eaters. Anthropological Research Reveals Human Dietary Requirements for Optimal Health by H. Leon Abrams, Jr., MA, EDS.
Soybean plants are the most genetically modified organism (GMO) in the United States' food supply. As of January, 2006, the percentage of soybeans that have been genetically modified is estimated to be 75% and spreading fast. Virtually all products on supermarket shelves that contain any soy or soy protein have all been contaminated. Just because a soy product is labeled "organic" does not mean it is GMO free. Vegetarians gorge themselves on soy products such as soy milk and soy burgers. Vegetarian foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, crackers, pastas, and energy drinks have all been fortified with soy protein made from GMO contaminated soybeans.
'Cereals don't deserve to be called food.'
Learn the truth about the terribly unhealthy vegetarian diet at:
Vegetarianism: Another View by H. Leon Abrams, Jr.
The Myths of Vegetarianism.
The Naive Vegetarian.
Vegan vs High-Protein Diet Debate.
Vegetarians develop high cholesterol and can't correct it.
Beyond Vegetarianism - Raw Food, Vegan, Fruitarian, and Paleo Diets.
Animal Rights Terrorists Strike Again?The responsibility to see that our meat supply is healthy is on the shoulders of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This is reason enough to be highly suspicious of our meat supply. Even so, our present supermarket beef is a safe, wholesome, and a very healthy food.
The Bible Condemns Abstaining From Eating Meats
The Bible describes those who recommend abstaining from eating meats as extremely evil. They are teaching doctrines of devils with lies and hypocrisy. The same is said about those who are against marriage.
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, [and commanding] to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God [is] good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: 5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. (KJV)
Advice to Vegetarians
Please don't be a liar and a hypocrite. Don't sneak around eating meat when others can't see you, like other vegetarians. Don't eat fish and call yourself a vegetarian. Fish have a face and a mother. Don't eat eggs and call yourself a vegetarian. Half of the chickens born to become egg layers are male and must be killed to prevent the egg farms from being overrun by roosters. Don't support killing half of the chickens to support your egg diet and call yourself a vegetarian. Don't consume milk, cream, and cheese while you call yourself a vegetarian. Cows must produce a calf each year to keep giving milk, otherwise they dry up. Half of those calves are male and must be killed to prevent the dairy farm from being overrun by bulls. Drinking milk and eating cheese results in half of the animals being killed. Don't be a liar and a hypocrite by telling others not to eat meat while you eat fish, cheese, and eggs.
True Vegetarianism Exposed
Vegetarianism is a religion that is falsely disguised as a healthy way of eating. The leaders of the vegetarianism religion worship animals. Radical religious vegetarians value animals the same or even more than they value humans. The result of their spreading myths, distortions, and lies about healthy eating has lead to a dramatic surge in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer that is not found in low-carbohydrate, high-fat, meat-eating societies. The low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet of the last 40 years has caused the early deaths of millions of people and untold suffering, both of which continue unabated to this day.
Vegetarians spread lies about beef. An example is the common claim that protein causes gout. Many people are brainwashed in their belief of these lies. Gout is actually caused by carbohydrates in the diet.
Gout surge blamed on sweet drinks - BBC News - February 1, 2008.
"Men who consume two or more sugary soft drinks a day have an 85% higher risk of gout compared with those who drink less than one a month, a study suggests."
Myth No. 1 - Does Supermarket Beef Contain Antibiotics?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. Animals are given antibiotics at times, but the residue is not permitted in the final meat that you buy at the supermarket. Antibiotics are removed by the body of the animal over time just as they are in humans. The administration of antibiotics is stopped in advance of slaughter to allow the antibiotics to be removed naturally by the animal. Therefore, we should have very little concern about the presence of antibiotics in the meat we purchase at the supermarket, cook, and serve to our families.
Myth: The use of antibiotics and hormone growth implants in livestock production is causing hazardous residues in beef and contributing to the development of health problems in humans.
Fact: No residues from feeding antibiotics or growth hormones are found in beef, and there is no valid scientific evidence that antibiotic use in cattle causes illness resulting from the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
"Antibiotics may be given to prevent or treat disease in cattle. A "withdrawal" period is required from the time antibiotics are administered until it is legal to slaughter the animal. This is so residues can exit the animal's system. FSIS randomly samples cattle at slaughter and tests for residues. Data from this Monitoring Plan have shown a very low percentage of residue violations. Not all antibiotics are approved for use in all classes of cattle. However, if there is a demonstrated therapeutic need, a veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic that is approved in other classes for an animal in a non-approved class. In this case, no detectable resides of this drug may be present in the edible tissues of the animal at slaughter."
No study has ever shown that supermarket feedlot beef contains unhealthy antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, herbicides, or any other toxins. No study has ever shown that eating supermarket feedlot beef causes any disease, ailment or health concern of any kind. Scare announcements claiming otherwise are simply lies.
Myth No. 2 - Does Supermarket Beef Contain Unsafe Hormones?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. Animals are given hormones to increase growth and to correct for the lack of hormones caused by the castration of young bulls. However, these animals have naturally occurring hormones which are also found in humans and other animals. These hormones are not permitted to be of a nature or quantity that would present any health hazard when consumed by humans.
"Hormones may be used to promote efficient growth. Estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone (three natural hormones), and zeranol and trenbolone acetate (two synthetic hormones) may be used as an implant on the animal's ear. The hormone is time released, and is effective for 90 to 120 days. In addition, melengesterol acetate, which can be used to suppress estrus, or improve weight gain and feed efficiency, is approved for use as a feed additive. Not all combinations of hormones are approved for use in all classes of cattle. Hormones are approved for specific classes of animals only, and cannot be used in non-approved classes."
Hormones are naturally present in infinitesimal amounts in all meat, whether from implanted animals or not. There is more estrogen in plant-source foods, especially soy, than there is in meat. The human body produces hormones in quantities much greater than would ever be consumed by eating beef or other foods. Hormones in beef from implanted steers have no physiological significance for humans whatsoever. The estrogen level in a 3-oz. serving of beef from an implanted steer is 1.85 nanograms. (A nanogram is a billionth of a gram.) The level in the same size portion of beef from a non-implanted steer is 1.3 nanograms. By comparison, a non-pregnant woman produces 480,000 nanograms of estrogen daily.
It is interesting that so many women are in a panic about hormones in beef when they are taking massive doses of synthetic hormones for birth control and hormone replacement therapy after menopause. They also eat food and drink water from plastic bottles that contain esters which are chemically similar to estrogen. All animal life contains natural hormones. Chicken contains chicken hormones, and fish contains fish hormones.
Organic Chickens Found to be Contaminated with Cancer Causing Antibiotic
Many men as well as women avoid eating beef in the false belief it is full of dreadful hormones. Yet, they jump headlong into the soy mania as they consume mega-doses of phytoestrogens which cause serious disruptions in healthy hormones levels in both sexes. These phytoestrogens are believed to contribute to the early maturation of girls and the late maturation of boys. They also contribute to the 50% drop in the sperm count in men in recent years. The panic over beef hormones is totally unwarranted.
Myth No. 3 - Does Supermarket Beef Contain Pesticides?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. Beef could possibly get pesticides from the corn, grain, and hay but this is unlikely. Pesticides that are presently approved are highly biodegradable and are not likely to be on the animal's food supply at the time it is eaten. In addition, the animal's liver removes the pesticide in the same way as it does in humans. Very little pesticide residues remain in the flesh and fat.
Fruits and vegetables are the most likely to contain pesticides because they may have been picked too soon after their application. Even so, the marketing of organic fruits and vegetables is another scam which won't be covered here. Hint! You know those big, beautiful, perfect "organic" apples in the store? They are a fraud because worm-free apples are absolutely impossible to grow without pesticides.
Exposing the Myths, Dangers and Lies About Organic Food.
Amino acids found in red meat are natural detoxifiers of the body. They protect against radiation, pollution, ultra-violet light, chemicals, and other causes of increased free radical production. Aspartic and glutamic amino acids found in red meat help to protect the liver by aiding in the removal of ammonia from the body. The lysine amino acid found in red meat is essential in children for bone, muscle, artery, and connective tissue formation. Red meat builds strong bones in kids.
Myth No. 4 - Does Supermarket Beef Contain Bad Fats?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. The national and state beef associations in the United States are their own worst enemy because they propagate the lie that beef fat is unhealthy by suggesting one eat low-fat cuts. Beef contains very healthy fats which are essential in the human diet in order to grow, heal, and thrive. Yes, beef contains some saturated fats, but saturated fat is not the villain described by the "politically correct nutrition" groups. Saturated fat is very healthy food. Learn the history of the United States' government's low-fat diet recommendations at the following Science Magazine site. The low-fat diet conclusions were completely devoid of research and science and were contrary to the opinion of many nutritional professionals.
The Soft Science of Dietary Fat - History of the Low-Fat Diet Fraud by Gary Taubes
"To understand where this complexity can lead in a simple example, consider a steak--to be precise, a porterhouse, select cut, with a half-centimeter layer of fat, the nutritional constituents of which can be found in the Nutrient Database for Standard Reference at the USDA Web site. After broiling, this porterhouse reduces to a serving of almost equal parts fat and protein. Fifty-one percent of the fat is monounsaturated, of which virtually all (90%) is oleic acid, the same healthy fat that's in olive oil. Saturated fat constitutes 45% of the total fat, but a third of that is stearic acid, which is, at the very least, harmless. The remaining 4% of the fat is polyunsaturated, which also improves cholesterol levels. In sum, well over half--and perhaps as much as 70%--of the fat content of a porterhouse will improve cholesterol levels compared to what they would be if bread, potatoes, or pasta were consumed instead. The remaining 30% will raise LDL but will also raise HDL. All of this suggests that eating a porterhouse steak rather than carbohydrates might actually improve heart disease risk, although no nutritional authority who hasn't written a high-fat diet book will say this publicly."
Dr. Robert C. Atkins
"Saturated fat has gotten a bum rap. The real enemy of your health is trans fat, which lurks in many processed foods. Many people mistakenly think all fats are nutritional villains responsible for everything from coronary artery disease to obesity. To the contrary, many health problems may actually be caused by deficiencies of certain fatseven the much maligned saturated fats. Fats serve an array of important functions, including cushioning our organs against shock and insulating vital tissues against cold. They also influence body-temperature regulation, pain sensitivity, appetite control and cognitive performance."
"Saturated fats, found in large proportions in meat, butter and other animal products, as well as in such tropical vegetable oils as palm and coconut, are usually solid at room temperature. Numerous studies show that these fats play many beneficial roles in our bodies, such as enhancing the immune system, protecting the liver and helping build healthy bones."
People keep repeating the myths, distortions and lies about the percentage of saturated fat in grass-fed, free-range beef versus grain-fed, feedlot beef. Again, they have the mindset that saturated fat is unhealthy when it is not. As an example, Dr. Ron Rosedale in a speech stated,
"There is a great deal of difference between a non-grain fed cow and a grain fed cow. Non-grain fed will have only 10% or less saturated fat. Grain fed can have over 50%. There is a big difference. A non-grain fed cow will actually be high in Omega 3 oils."
The difference in saturated fat in grain-fed beef and feedlot beef is negligible, if any whatsoever. In any case, saturated fat is very health and heals the body. The same can be said about the Omega-3 fatty acids. However, the transcript is from a very interesting speech which has great information for diabetics and those who do not want to become diabetic.
Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects by Ron Rosedale, M.D.
The actual percentage of saturated fat in the fat of free-range buffalo is 43%; deer/venison is 38%; elk is 37%, and domestic grain-fed beef is 39%. The statements that grain-fed beef has a higher percentage of saturated fat than wild game or grass-fed free-range beef is simply false. In fact, wild game can have a higher percentage of saturated fat in the fat than that of the feed-lot, grain-fed steer. This correct information can be found in the following book.
Know Your Fats by Dr. Mary G. Enig.
The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol.
Twenty-Seven (27) Studies Show That Saturated Fat Raised the Good HDL.
The more fat you eat the lower your bad triglycerides.
Studies Show Meat, Dairy and Eggs Do Not Increase Breast Cancer.
Myth No. 5 - Is Supermarket Beef Low In Omega-3 Fats?
This may surprise you but the answer is YES. All mammals are low in essential Omega-3 fats which are best found in cold water fish and to a lesser degree in some grains, fruits, and vegetables. Flax seed is one grain that has a high level of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in grain-fed beef is small, but the same is true for grass-fed or free-range beef. Beef is not a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids nor is more expensive grass-fed or free-range beef.
The Omega-3 fat scam implies that feedlot beef is lower in Omega-3 fatty acids than free-range beef and wild game. The amount of Omega-3 fatty acid in any beef or wild game is strictly a function of the ambient temperature and temperature of the fat. The animal's body produces more Omega-3 fatty acid in the fat just under the hide, especially during winter. Cold fat will become stiff and brittle without the Omega-3 fatty acid. The internal body fat is lower in Omega-3 fatty acid because it is at a constantly warm body temperature. The scam is carried out by selectively testing the fat during summer in feedlot beef and testing free-range beef and wild game during winter months. It is all a bunch of big fat lies. See the table in Myth No. 6 below.
Many people completely miss the point that the essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in beef are more plentiful in the fatty cuts, such as ribs and ribeye steaks, simply because there is more fat to eat. They also believe that the saturated fat is unhealthy, which is false.
The Weston A. Price Foundation - Splendor From The Grass - Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
"But this is one claim that should NOT be made for pasture-fed beef. Chickens raised on pasture or given special feed will have more omega-3 fatty acids in their skin and egg yolks than chickens fed exclusively grain, but ruminant animals like cattle are designed to produce saturated fats. No matter what they are fed, cattle will store about 7 percent of the various types of omega-3 fatty acids in their cell membranes and less than 1 percent of omega-3 fatty acids in their adipose tissue, that is, in the fat in and around their muscles."
"When cattle get fatas they do very quickly in feed lotsthey put on a lot of adipose fat so that the overall percentage of omega-3 fatty acids compared to the other types of fat goes down. But the absolute amount of omega-3 fatty acids continues to climb. And the saturated fats that accumulate in the fatty tissues actually help the body assimilate the omega-3 fatty acids more efficiently."
The Free-Range, Omega-3 Ostrich Meat Scam
Another recent scam and fraud is the advertisements that "Free-Range, Omega-3 Ostrich Meat" is more healthy than other bird or animal meats. You will quickly find that the sellers of this product do not give you the percentage of Omega-3 fatty acids in the meat, and it would be lie if they did. The Omega-3 fatty acids in animal and fish flesh is strictly a percentage of the ambient temperature. Ostriches are typically grown in warm climate and are normally found in nature in very hot climates of Africa. Therefore, the flesh of ostriches will always be very low in Omega-3 fatty acids when grown in these climates. These producers may feed the birds Omega-3 rich fish scraps but that does not go into the flesh of the birds. Ostrich meat is claimed to be low-fat and that is true. However, fowl fat is not unhealthy. The skin on chicken, turkey and goose is an excellent source of healthy fats and should always be eaten with the bird. Lean meat is actually unhealthy. In past years when the reindeer of Northern Canada were lean the Eskimos would become very concerned about their health. They knew eating lean meat such as rabbit would result in diseases and death. They called the resulting sickness "rabbit disease."
Myth No. 6 - Does Beef Have a Poor Omega-6 / Omega-3 Ratio?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. Dr. Loren Cordain is a professor of exercise physiology at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colorado and a renowned "expert" in the area of Paleolithic nutrition. He has written much about the Paleolithic (hunter-gatherer) diet. In past years he falsely claimed that the Paleolithic people where basically vegetarian gatherers who lived on fruit, vegetables, nuts, and grains. He has since reversed his position to accept the fact that these people were basically hunters. It is obvious because the caves and sites where the Paleolithic peoples lived were scattered with animal bones, arrow heads, spear heads, and other hunting weapons. He has made claims that wild game meat has a much lower (better) Omega-6 / Omega-3 fatty acid ratio than domestic beef to give the impression that our current beef supply is unhealthy. This conclusion is false. The following interview with Dr. Robert Crayhon is interesting but contains misinformation about the Paleolithic diet.
Loren Cordain: "In our laboratory, we have analyzed various tissues in wild game meat and we have found that muscle tissue contains Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of 3.5-4 to 1. This ratio is higher in storage fat and bone marrow, and slightly lower in certain organs. In the brain, this ratio is 1 to 1. Pre-agricultural humans, as opposed to modern humans, enjoyed eating the organs of wild animals. Certainly, they were eating the brains of the animals that they killed. The Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio couldn't have been much lower than 4 to 1 if we only ate the meat. If we only ate the brain, it would have been roughly 1 to 1. If fish were included in the diet, it would have further reduced the 4:1 ratio found in the muscle of terrestrial animals. Additionally, the inclusion of most plant foods (but not all) would have also reduced the 4:1 ratio. The conclusion I have come to is that the average Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio in pre-agricultural humans would have always been lower than 4 to 1, but probably not lower than 2 to 1 depending upon season, locale and macronutrient intake."
Robert Crayhon: "So what I'm understanding that you're saying is that it's a far worse thing to overdo carbohydrates and imbalance your diet than the chance of a minute hormone or pesticide residue in your steak. It's more important to balance macro-nutrients."
Loren Cordain: "Generally, yes. Obviously if it were possible, it would be best to eat wild game, meat free of pesticide, but I don't think that's a reality."
The main problem with Dr. Cordain's explanation is in the analysis of the animal muscle without regard to layers of fat that primitive people preferred over the lean muscle. He has disregarded or distorted this fact. The Paleolithic people would possibly have had an Omega-3 and Omega-6 deficiency had they eaten only the lean wild game muscle as Dr. Cordain suggests. Lean venison is not good tasting, and deer hunters routinely grind the lean venison with venison fat or added beef fat to improve the flavor. In fact, the local supermarket here in Colorado has a waiting list for hunters to obtain the suet (fat) from beef trimmings to add to their venison. See the true story below about the pemmican made by the North American Plains Indians from buffalo meat and fat. Dr. Cordain states in his book, The Paleo Diet, that venison is 40% protein and 60% fat but suggests cutting off the fat and eating a deer roast which is only 19% fat. The Paleo peoples did NOT cut off the fat. They preferred eating the fat first as all recent primitive people do.
Dr. Cordain's information about the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio is wrong for some cuts of beef and wrong about the Omega-6/3 ratio for venison and elk. The best fat research has been done by Dr. Mary G. Enig. The following table information is from her book, Know Your Fats.
Type of Meat |
Omega-3 fat, g |
Omega-6 fat, g |
Omega-6/3 Ratio |
Deer/Venison Roasted, 3.5 oz. |
0.09 |
0.53 |
5.9 |
Elk Meat Roasted, 3.5 oz. |
0.06 |
0.34 |
5.7 |
Buffalo Meat Roasted, 3.5 oz. |
0.06 |
0.14 |
2.3 |
Beef Steak, Club Broiled, 1/4" Trim, 3.5 oz. |
0.02 | 0.28 | 14.0 |
Beef Roasted,
Bottom Round, 1/4" Trim, 3.5 oz. |
0.17 |
0.47 |
2.8 |
Lamb, Shoulder Roast, 1/4" Trim, 3.5 oz. |
0.34 | 1.27 | 3.7 |
The second problem with Dr. Cordain's explanation is his impression that the wild game Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio is more healthy than the ratio in supermarket beef. It is false that the ratio is slightly lower in wild game than beef. Some cuts of beef have a better ratio than wild game and some are worse. Some studies have shown that high levels of Omega-6 are unhealthy, but beef is nowhere near this level. There is no magic ratio of 4:1 that is the limit for good health, and the wild game meat does not meet this arbitrary limit. Our current society has a very high level of Omega-6 in the form of vegetable oils which is certainly unhealthy. Dr. Cordain should have targeted the vegetable oils as the problem and not the domestic beef supply. The unhealthy vegetable oils high in Omega-6 fatty acids are:
Safflower Oil (80%)
Sunflower Oil (68%)
Corn Oil (57%)
Soybean Oil (53%)
Cottonseed Oil (53%)
Peanut Oil (46%)
The third problem with Dr. Cordain's explanation is that he bases his analysis on North American deer and elk while ignoring buffalo, which was the major food source in North America for primitive people. We can see from the above table that buffalo meat has a lower amount of Omega-6 fatty acid and a better ratio. The discussion about current North American wild game is also a moot point because the Paleolithic people lived worldwide, and many of the animals they hunted and ate have become extinct. The Paleolithic people also captured and ate birds, fish, eggs, and insects which would have provided additional Omega-3 fatty acids.
We don't need beef that is high in Omega-3 fatty acids because we normally enjoy a good supply of cold water fish as a very high source of Omega-3 fats. Personally, this author eats salmon regularly and takes two tablespoons per day of Carlson's Lemon Flavored Cod Live Oil for the Omega-3 and two capsules of borage oil for the GLA Omega-6 fatty acid. GLA and Omega-3 fatty acids together produce prostaglandins, called E1 Series. This type of prostaglandin helps reduce inflammation and aids in digestion.
Eating animal brains as Dr. Cordain suggests is not common in our society, and they are not easily obtained even if one chooses to eat them. The entire point Dr. Cordain is trying to make is moot given the differences in our societies.
People also overlook the fact that Arachidonic Fatty Acid (ARA) is an Omega-6 fat. According to Dr. Mary G. Enig in her book, Know Your Fats, arachidonic fatty acid was once labeled as essential in the human diet but she claims it can be made in the body from Linoleic Fatty Acid. Getting ARA in the diet insures health because the body does not always convert fats efficiently. ARA is still an essential fat for cats and other carnivores.
Arachidonic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A true analysis of meat for the Omega-6 fatty acid content should exclude ARA because it is the only Omega-6 fatty acid needed for good health. A good percentage of the Omega-6 fats in meat is the healthy ARA. Omega-6 fatty acids in vegetable oils are the unhealthy fats.In summation, the claim that grass-fed beef has a lower Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio is a total scam. The fat in supermarket beef that was fattened in a feedlot is perfectly wonderful food. The fatty cuts of meat should be preferred and eaten, not cut off and discarded as is the common practice.
Myth No. 7 - Were Paleolithic Diets Low In Fat?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. Many books like Neanderthin: Eat Like a Caveman by Ray Audette and Troy Gilchrist try to present the position that caveman hunters ate a lower fat diet because the flesh of wild game is much lower in fat than that of domestic beef, but they still claim the Neanderthin diet is moderate to high in fat. Indeed, wild game flesh is generally much lower in fat than domestic beef, but the caveman hunter did not eat only the meat. In fact, studies have shown that cavemen, North American Indians, and Eskimos ate diets very high in animal fats. They preferred the fats and tended to waste the lean meat in times of plenty. The Neanderthin book tries to have it both ways. The book says natural animal fat is healthy, and the authors quote many examples. The Neanderthin book goes on to treat fat from farm animals as being unhealthy. The Neanderthin book suggests that the fat in commercially raised animals is bad. This is nonsense and scientifically wrong. The Neanderthin book claims that commercial meat has a higher omega-6 content than wild meat. This false claim must have been copied from Robert Crayhon. After going at long lengths to convince the reader that primitive cavemen ate a moderate to high-fat diet, the authors suggest the modern supermarket shopper eat a low-fat diet by cutting off the skin from chicken and the fat for other meats. See the following bad advice from page 82 of Neanderthin.
"If you choose to regularly eat commercially produced grain-fed beef, chicken, and pork, try to limit yourself to the leanest cuts of these meats. Don't eat the skin on your chicken or turkey. Trim visible fat as much as possible. Buy low-fat ground beef."
The Neanderthin authors have a hissy-fit about the false claim that omega-6 fatty acids in commercial meats is higher than in wild game meats. They then place nuts and seeds on the preferred food list. Nuts are seeds are extremely high in omega-6 fatty acids that the authors claim should be avoided. This inconsistency in common logic is deplorable. Omega-6 fatty acids are scientifically proven to be inflammatory and unhealthy in any significant quantity. This fact means that the small amount in commercial meats is acceptable, but the higher amount in most nuts and seeds is unacceptable. The Neanderthin book has it backwards. The best nuts that are low in omega-6 fatty acids are pine nuts, macadamia nuts, and hazelnuts. All seeds are high in omega-6 fatty acids. The suggested reading is Dr. Mary G. Enig's highly respected book, Know Your Fats,
The Neanderthin authors claim that protein in corn fed to beef is carried over to protein in the meat. This is pure nonsense. Digestion and fermentation in the cow breaks the protein in corn down into the individual amino acids that are used to build new protein molecules in the cows' flesh.
They also fail to understand the great health benefits of cod liver oil and give a strong recommendation against it. The comment about the level of vitamins A and D in cod liver oil being dangerous is nonsense. One would have to eat 30 tablespoons per day for six months to approach any toxicity level.
Neanderthin authors made another big mistake in strongly recommending fruit. Cavemen did not have a constant supply of high fructose fruits as found in our modern supermarkets who sell hybrid, extra sweet fruit products. The fructose in fruit is no different from the fructose in sugar or in high fructose sweetened soft drinks. Laboratory scientists commonly feed mice fructose in order to induce insulin resistance and diabetes for research. Cavemen may have eaten a sour apple or two each year in some moderate climates.
The paleo or caveman diet proponents always open the "fruit door" to let in the raging fructose monster. This is a major error. The average caveman ate very little or no fruit. Fructose causes diabetes, cancer, heart disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, and a host of other autoimmune diseases.
Another major mistake in the Neanderthin book is placing hard cheeses on the forbidden list. The authors take a religious approach to diet rather than a scientific approach that amounts to caveman worship. Hard cheeses are awesome high-fat, high-protein, and low-carbohydrate foods that are highly recommended. Hard cheeses are one of the few processed food groups that everyone should consume in large amounts. The only disadvantage is the high salt level in some cheese simply to allow a very long shelf life. Swiss cheese generally has the lowest levels of salt.
The foundational error in the Neanderthin book is the recommendation that everyone literally eat like a caveman. This is impossible and immediately doomed to failure. Very few people have access to wild animal meat. and the criticisms against feedlot beef, commercially raised chickens and pork are simply wrong.
Dr. Robert Crayhon and Dr. Loren Cordain in the interview link below give the impression that wild game meat is better than domestic beef because there is less fat in the muscle of wild game animals.
Robert Crayhon Interviews Loren Cordain on Paleolithic Diet
Robert Crayhon: "Why is it that so many people are so adamant about the negative effects of animal products? Is it because of the extraordinary difference in quality between a piece of wild game meat that may have 7-10% fat and fat of a high-quality, vs. corn-fed cattle that have 40% fat of a completely different nature? Is it the pesticides or hormone residues in the meat? Is it all of the above?"
Loren Cordain: "Wild game muscle averages about 2% fat by weight which translates to about 15% by energy. Lean cuts of domestic meat may contain 5-7% fat by weight and 30-35% fat by energy."
Loren Cordain: "The western diet is overburdened not only by saturated fats" ...
The conclusion that primitive hunter-gatherer people ate a low-fat diet and less saturated fat because wild game has lower muscle fat is totally false.
The North American Indians ate pemmican, a 50/50 mixture of dried, crushed, and shredded lean meat and rendered (heated) animal fat, yielding a food product that provided 70% of its calories from fat. Dried berries were sometimes added. The pemmican would keep for years and provided complete nourishment. The Hudson Bay Company and North West Company (fur traders) purchased pemmican from the Indians by the ton and even had a specification whereby they would pay a high price for premium pemmican made with bone marrow fat. The Indians and European explorers in North America also preferred the buffalo tongue for consumption after a kill due to its high fat content.
Pemmican Recipe by Lauren Muney at Physicalmined.comAnother problem Dr. Cordain has in his book, The Paleo Diet, is that he recommends a large assortment of high-carbohydrate modern hybrid fruits and leads his readers to believe his diet is the same as that of the caveman. The Paleolithic peoples had a very limited number of fruits in their locale, and it was only available in a very limited season. This natural fruit was very low in fruit sugar and often sour. Eating hybrid fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds shipped worldwide to your local supermarket 365 days a year does NOT model the Paleo diet.
Dr. Cordain claims his diet is a low-carbohydrate diet, but it is not.
He recommends 30-40% carbohydrates, which is considered high in diet categories. Making such a recommendation is a fraud because his diet is basically the same old low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet that will make you fat and induce age-related degenerative diseases. Dr. Cordain also makes statements about the true low-carbohydrate diets, like Dr. Atkins' diet, which are false. His book is full of statements that are contrary to scientific facts. Dr. Cordain is an ex-vegetarian who claimed for years that the Paleo peoples were vegetarian. He was wrong then, and he is still wrong about the true Paleo diet.
This website presents the true primal paleo or caveman diet, not the Neanderthin or Paleo Diet books.
Caveman Cuisine by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
"Camel fat, from the kind of animal the Neanderthals apparently hunted to extinction, is a whooping 63% saturated! Wild boar fat is about 41% saturated, exactly the same as lard from a domestic pig. Kidney fat-which modern man avoids but which the cave man would have eaten-is highly saturated. Buffalo kidney fat is 58% saturated, antelope kidney fat is 65% saturated, elk kidney fat is 62% saturated and mountain goat kidney fat is 66 % saturated. Caribou marrow has a preponderance of monounsaturated fat, and a small amount of polyunsaturated, but still contains more than 27% saturated fat. Figures for elephant tongue are unavailable but beef tongue is 45% saturated. Bears, which yield 48% of their kilocalories as fat, have a preponderance of monounsaturated fat, the same kind found in olives, almonds and other nuts."
Eskimos lived all winter on nothing but caribou meat. They prepared a mixture using 80% caribou fat and 20% caribou meat. Other Eskimo tribes ate an all-meat and animal fat diet of seal, walrus, polar bear, moose, caribou, fox, wolf, whale, fish, and birds. Their health was found to be excellent by explorers Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Karsten Anderson. "Strong Medicine" by Dr. Blake F. Donaldson, MD. is a book about the Inuit-style meat-only Eskimo diet.
Stefansson 1 - Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health.
Australian Aborigines by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
Caveman dwelling sites have been shown to contain the broken fragments of large leg bones of animals. These people broke the bones open to obtain the marrow, which is fat.
Mankind prefers a diet very high in fat when not influenced by our modern "fat-phobia" society.
Anyone trying a low-fat, meat-only diet will soon find the Indians and Eskimos were correct by eating a high-fat diet. Dr. Cordain could easily discover this truth if he would simply give his lean-meat-only theory a try for a month. He first has to realize the Paleo people had no vegetables or fruits for most of the year.
Many of the so called "experts" in the study of primitive societies reach the wrong conclusion about their dietary fat intake or deliberately present distorted conclusions. These promoters of the low-fat primitive diet are not strong promoters of a high-meat diet. Instead, they lead people away from the consumption of beef by the comparison with wild game, knowing that the average person does not have the ability to obtain the wild game meat. The net result is a lower consumption of all meat which may, in fact, be their hidden agenda.
Many of these "experts" also have a negative opinion of saturated fats as Dr. Cordain states above, but these negative statements have been proven false in many studies as referenced in the book, "Dr. Robert C. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Revised and Improved."
Weston A. Price, DDS, traveled worldwide in the 1930's to investigate the health of primitive peoples who could not obtain foods of the western world. He and his wife found that all of these primitive groups ate a diet very high in fat. Some ate primarily animal meat and fat while others ate primarily seafood. Their diets did not make a difference in their health. They were all extremely healthy, strong, robust and had almost no dental cavities. They all had a broad dental arch (jaw shape) and the women had very easy childbirths because of the broad pelvic structure. Children of these people who moved to a modern society area developed crowded teeth with many cavities, and the women suffered difficulties in childbirth similar to our present western society. The "civilized" Indians of northern Canada also suffered greatly from tuberculosis and were sent back to live with the primitives, where they were cured of their disease by the primitive diet which was nearly 100% meat and fat.
Myth No. 8 - Are Grass-Fed or Organic Beef Better Than Supermarket Beef?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. Technically feedlot beef can be claimed to be organic if the animal is never given an antibiotic or hormone. All of the feed must also be from organic sources. The scam occurs when the seller gives the meat the "organic" label but keeps the "feedlot" method of fattening a secret, thereby tricking the vast majority of the public who never suspect they have purchased "feedlot" beef. Actually, there is no official classification of "organic" beef, and using the term may be false advertising. However, the price of this organic or grass-fed beef is extremely high, and the profit margins could be 300% to 500% greater than regular supermarket beef. This high profit margin provides extra funds for producers to promote their products using antibiotic and hormone scare tactics, myths, distortions, and lies. Many low-carbohydrate diet gurus are jumping on the bandwagon to promote these products for a cut of the profits. We can be certain many grass-fed beef salesmen are selling regular supermarket beef and making false claims in order to reap the tremendous profit.
The marketing of grass-fed and organic beef is basically a scam.
Another example of the myths, distortions, and lies about beef in the New York Times story titled, Power Steer. This seven page story should be read with caution because it is full of lies and distortions such as:
"Superbugs" are created by giving steers antibiotics. This is a lie.
"Estrogen" given to steers has caused a drop in human male sperm count. This is a lie.
"Saturated fat" in grain-fed steers is unhealthy. This is a lie.
"Antibiotics" given to steers are ingested by humans. This is a lie.
Many of the people against the consumption of beef propagate these lies, yet they propose that people consume large amounts of grains, corn, and soy products. The grains make people fat and cause diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The vegetable estrogen hormone in soy products is the real reason for the drop in male sperm count and early maturation of girls. Estrogen is also released into the food supply by plastic food containers.
"Organic" beef is admitted to be tougher and leaner than normal supermarket beef. A young supermarket steer certainly has more tender, fatter, and tastier steaks than that of an old breeder or milk cow.
All cattle start out eating grass; three-fourths of the steers (castrated males) are "finished" (grown to maturity) in feedlots where they are fed specially formulated feed based on alfalfa hay, corn, or other grains. This extra corn and grain cause the beef to put on more fat which makes it wonderfully delicious.
The fattest cuts of beef have the better flavor and are more healthy.
This is the reason Dr. Robert C. Atkins recommends leaving all the fat on the beef and eating it all.
Myth No. 9 - Does Beef Cause Cancer and Other Diseases?
This may surprise you but the answer is NO. Actually, natural unprocessed fresh beef and other natural meats heal the body and prevent disease. The human immune system is composed of protein molecules made from meat. A diet high in meat will provide a robust immune system which prevents and cures diseases. Animal protein does not cause osteoporosis, reduce bone density, or cause kidney disease as claimed by many vegetarians and others who propagate lies.
Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures, and Degenerative Disc Disease.Bioterrorism.
Bioterrorism should be a major suspect in the outbreaks in E-coli contamination of beef. The incident with Jack-In-The-Box burgers several years ago was much too widespread to have been caused by some fecal matter on one beef carcass. Bioterrorism has already been proven in one case in which a restaurant salad bar was contaminated with E-coli. Animal rights activists should be considered primary suspects in beef contamination incidents because they infiltrate the beef processing plants as employees and contaminate the beef with laboratory grown pathogens.
Myths & Truths About Beef - Weston A. Price Foundation
The website above describes the myths and truths about the relationship between beef, heart disease, cancer, E-coli, autoimmune diseases, asthma, "Mad Cow Disease," impotence, land usage, aging of vegetarians versus meat eaters, and saturated fat. The following is a quote from the above site:
"E. coli DNA is used as a vector in genetically modified soybeans. The E. coli causing problems in fast food hamburgers is called facultative bacteria, which means that it operates with or without air. Does this bacteria come from the genetically modified soy and is it more dangerous than E. coli that occurs in the guts of cattle? Its a question that needs answering. Says Walters: This E. coli the news releases keep talking about is not a consequence of slaughterhouse personnel not washing their hands enough, Involved is the negative spin, which is what it lives on. It is in the tissue. It is not errant E. coli leaving the intestinal tract and infecting the product. The scientists know this and this is why theyre trying to fall back on irradiation and heavy cooking.
Diabetes Solution - Chapter 9 by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein
"If you are a long-standing diabetic and are frustrated with the care you've received over the years, you have probably been conditioned to think that protein is more of a poison than sugar and is the cause of kidney disease. I was conditioned the same waymany years ago, as I mentioned, I had laboratory evidence of advanced proteinuria, signifying potentially fatal kidney diseasebut in this case, the conventional wisdom is just a myth."
"Non-diabetics who eat a lot of protein don't get diabetic kidney disease. Diabetics with normalized blood sugars don't get diabetic kidney disease. High levels of dietary protein do not cause kidney disease in diabetics or anyone else. There is no higher incidence of kidney disease in the cattle-growing states of the United States, where many people eat steak every day, than there is in the states where beef is more expensive and consumed to a much lesser degree. Similarly, the incidence of kidney disease in vegetarians is the same as the incidence of kidney disease in non-vegetarians. It is the high blood sugar levels that are unique to diabetes, and to a much lesser degree the high levels of insulin required to cover them (causing hypertension), that cause the complications associated with diabetes."
High Protein Diets: Separating Fact From Fiction
Stephen Byrnes, Ph.D., RNCP"It is excessive carbohydrate intake, not protein or animal protein intake, that can result in heart disease and cancer (1). Readers should note that the type of diet Gilbert advocates in her article is a high carbohydrate one because that is exactly what diets that are low in protein and fat are. Furthermore, the idea that animal products, specifically protein, cholesterol, and saturated fatty acids, somehow factor in causing atherosclerosis, stroke, and/or heart disease is a popular idea that is not supported by available data, including the field of lipid biochemistry (2)."
"The claim that animal protein intake causes calcium loss from the bones is another popular nutritional myth that has no backing in nutritional science. The studies that supposedly showed protein to cause calcium loss in the urine were NOT done with real, whole foods, but with isolated amino acids and fractionated protein powders (3). When studies were done with people eating meat with its fat, NO calcium loss was detected in the urine, even over a long period of time (3). Other studies have confirmed that meat eating does not affect calcium balance (4) and that protein promotes stronger bones (5). Furthermore, the saturated fats that Gilbert thinks are so evil are actually required for proper calcium deposition in the bones (6)."
"The reason why the amino acids and fat-free protein powders caused calcium loss while the meat/fat did not is because protein, calcium, and minerals, require the fat-soluble vitamins A and D for their assimilation and utilization by the body. When protein is consumed without these factors, it upsets the normal biochemistry of the body and mineral loss results (7). True vitamin A and full-complex vitamin D are only found in animal fats."
"If the protein-causes-osteoporosis theory teaches us anything, it is to avoid fractionated foods (like soy protein isolate, something Gilbert would no doubt encourage readers to consume given her zeal for soy) and isolated amino acids, and to eat meat with its fat. New evidence shows that men and women who ate the most animal protein had better bone mass compared to those who avoided it (8) and that vegan diets (most likely also advocated by Gilbert) place women at a greater risk for osteoporosis (9)."
"The claim that protein intake leads to kidney stones is another popular myth that is not supported by the facts. Although protein restricted diets are helpful for people who have kidney disease, eating meat does not cause kidney problems (10). Furthermore, the fat-soluble vitamins and saturated fatty acids found in animal foods are pivotal for properly functioning kidneys (11)."
However, highly processed meats have been linked to colon cancer. Early results of a major new study suggest that eating lots of preserved meats such as salami, bacon, cured ham, and hot dogs could increase the risk of bowel cancer by 50 percent. When it came to fresh red meat - beef, lamb, pork, and veal - there is no link. Previous studies have linked high meat intake to colorectal cancer, but these studies grouped fresh and processed meats together and give a distorted result.
Study Links Processed Meats to Cancer, not Unprocessed Red Meat.
Life Without Bread by Christian B. Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D.
This book shows how the connection between high-carbohydrate consumption and cancer is becoming more evident.
"After carbohydrates are consumed, the levels of sugar and glucose in the blood rise. The body responds by releasing insulin from the pancreas into the bloodstream. The carbohydrate theory of cancer is simple:
Too much insulin and glucose in the blood can cause cells to dedifferentiate, just as they do in cell lines, and thus can be a primary cause of dietary-related cancer." Pages 169-170.
"There have been many studies done, in animals and people, that indicate that fat content in the diet is not responsible for breast cancer or any other cancer. We know there's a tendency to blame dietary fat for just about everything that goes wrong, but that's just a lazy way out. Time after time, the studies show it just isn't true." Page 173.
"The Eskimos who ate only fat and protein never had any cancer in their population until a Western (high-carbohydrate) diet was introduced. Why don't we ever hear of cancer of the heart? Probably because the heart uses almost all fat for energy, thus cancer does not have a chance to develop in those cells. We hope that researchers will take the next step and start looking at what has been known for a long time. Dietary related cancer is a sugar metabolism disease just like all the others." Page 177.
Compound in meat prevents diabetes, study suggests
"WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- A common type of fat found in red meats and cheeses may prevent diabetes, according to a research team from Purdue University and The Pennsylvania State University."
Beef fat, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), may prevent cancer, study suggests
"Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) ranks among the most potent natural anticarcinogens for animals ever identified, and researchers are investigating ways of increasing its concentration in dairy products."
"CLA seems to be a stable component of milk fat. Some investigators have found that neither processing (heating, canning, etc.) nor storage has much effect on the CLA levels of dairy products. In contrast, studies of CLA levels in meat suggest that cooking and processing meat can increase its concentration of CLA. One study showed a nearly fivefold increase in the CLA content of ground beef after grilling."
"CLA may have various physiological effects. Researchers have found that CLA can suppress atherosclerosis in rabbits. Dr. Pariza and others have suggested that CLA has antioxidative effects. Antioxidants may help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease by inhibiting free radicals (disruptive atoms, and groups of atoms, that arise from normal metabolism).
"CLA research may interest not only health professionals but also meat producers. According to the February 1996 issue of Inform, a publication of the American Oil Chemists Society, mice, rats, chickens, and rabbits on diets that included CLA ate less overall and showed an increase in body protein and a drop in body fat. Thus, supplementing animals' diets with CLA might result in leaner meat and lower feed costs."
Typical lies, distortions, and myths about beef can be found in many vegetarian books. A typical example is Beef Busters by Marissa Cloutier, MS, RD. The following is a book review by Dr. Stephen Byrnes.
BOOK REVIEW: Beef Busters by Marissa Cloutier, MS, RD with D. Romaine and E. Adamson. Adams Media Corporation; 2002.
The subtitle of this book says it all: "Less Beef, Better Health! Lose weight, Clobber cholesterol, Avoid cancer, E. Coli., and Mad Cow."
At the outset, it should be noted that this book has no references, not even a bibliography, to back up its many sensationalistic claims. This book is a very poor example of scholarship. Dietician Marissa Cloutier continues the unfounded hysteria over Mad Cow Disease in this book which she blames on cattle-parts feeding in Europe. "The world is at risk!" she implies, so "Stop eating beef and buy my book!" She hints that Mad Cow Disease threatens the USA, but there have been no reports of it in the USA. Additionally, the research of British organic dairy farmer, Mark Purdey, has clearly shown that Mad Cow Disease is a non-infectious condition caused by certain neurotoxic pesticides applied to cattle's backs.
All of the usual false claims about beef's impact on health are here: Beef causes heart disease. Beef causes cancer. Beef causes obesity. Beef causes osteoporosis. All of these claims are false as other reviewers have shown--see, for example, Uffe Ravnskov's book THE CHOLESTEROL MYTHS, available at or by calling 1-877-707-1776 (USA and Canada).
She claims that the meat of yesteryear was much lower in "bad" saturated fat than today's meat--no references are given for this statement.
In her discussion of nutrients in beef, she makes no mention of such nutritional factors like carnitine, taurine, and CoQ10 which act to protect and enhance the circulatory and immune systems she claims beef damages.
In chapter four, she blames the saturated fats in beef for causing heart disease (wrong, wrong, wrong). She also mistakenly claims that beef elevates homocysteine levels because beef has a lot of methionine in it. She then rightly says that homocysteine levels can be reduced by adequate folate, B6, and B12 in the diet, but she fails to tell her readers that B6 and B12 are plentiful in beef! Folate is also found in organ meats like beef liver.
Of course, the carb-heavy USDA Food Guide Pyramid is put forward as the way everyone should eat. She also pushes soy foods in her recipe section.
This book is terrible. It is so bad I'm beginning to wonder if the initials "R.D." after Ms. Cloutier's name stand for "Real Dingbat" instead of "Registered Dietician."
Myth No. 10 - Don't Eat the Salmon?
This myth has been added because it ties in with the beef scams concerning Omega-3 fatty acids. There has been a wide dissemination of lies that the Omega-3 fatty acid content in farm-raised salmon is much lower than in ocean caught salmon. According to Dr. Mary G. Enig's highly respected book, Know Your Fats, the farm-raised salmon actually has a higher level of Omega-3 fatty acids than Chinook and Sockeye salmon. The wild Atlantic salmon is slightly higher by a negligible amount. The scam is to distort the data and blow it out of proportion without giving the factual data. The same technique is used to scare people into believing salmon has unhealthy levels of mercury and PCB chemical contamination when it is really an infinitesimal amount of no concern.
Atlantic Salmon, Farm raised, 3.5 oz. 2.14 g.
Atlantic Salmon, Wild, 3.5 oz. 2.20 g.
Chinook Salmon, 3.5 oz. 1.83 g.
Sockeye Salmon, 3.5 oz. 1.28 g.Farmed salmon is one of the most perfect and complete foods. Read the facts.
Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet of Salmon Provides Excellent Health.
The following is a color brochure in pdf format that can be downloaded for viewing or printing.
Farmed and Nutritious - The Real Salmon Story.
Myth No. 11 - Eat Only Eggs From "Free-Range" Chickens?
The myths that "free-range" chicken eggs are more healthy are related to the beef scam concerning Omega-3 fatty acids. The plea to eat eggs only from "free-range" chickens is a scam. Keeping chickens and turkeys in cages is perfectly fine. Chickens and turkeys must be the dumbest birds in the world, as those who have raised them can attest. You are also a dumb cluck if you think chickens are smart. Commercial "free-range" chickens may be given access to an outside area, but it is usually nothing but barren dirt, where they rarely go. The idea they are walking around in the grass eating insects is simple ignorance. When given the chance to be free they will return to their cage. Chickens would certainly stop laying eggs if the cage caused them to be under stress, but they lay eggs even more frequently. Giving animals like cows, pigs, and chickens human feelings is silly. Chickens and steers don't know the difference between a pen and a "free-range" lifestyle. They don't want to go on vacation to Scotland, Rome, or Hawaii either. Animals are not humans. All they care about is food, water, breeding, and companionship of the herd.
The Omega-3 egg is also a scam. Oh, certainly they could have a tiny bit more Omega-3 fatty acids if the producer is not cheating, but eggs should not be depended upon as your primary source for Omega-3 fats. There are no eggs that can provide adequate levels of Omega-3 dietary fats. It is much less expensive to buy regular eggs and eat some cold water fish or take cod liver oil as mentioned below. A reader sent comments about "free-range" chickens.
"I agree with you the "free range" idea is bunk. I have been to a "free range" farm. It consisted of huge barns of chickens (10,000 per barn) that were meandering across concrete floors. That's what free range means here in New England."
Cows are about as dumb as chickens. A cow kept in a beautiful grassy pasture will lie down in its own excrement. Free-range chickens in the same pasture will scratch and pick in the excrement for lunch. Animals do not have human emotions or concerns because they are stupid animals.
One tablespoon of cod liver oil has more Omega-3 fatty acid than four (4) dozen eggs.
Look for Carlson's Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil and avoid the capsules. Omega-3 fats are easily oxidized and can quickly become rancid, as you can easily tell by the smell. Many fatty acids are sold in capsules to hide the fact that they may be rancid. Always open a capsule to check the odor. Food processors remove omega-3 fatty acids from their products to increase shelf life and eliminate the need for refrigeration.
Egg producers are well aware that consumers think an egg yolk with a darker color indicates a healthier egg. This is scientifically false. Consumers have been brainwashed into thinking darker eggs are better. This is nonsense. Egg producers simply add synthesized chemicals called carotenoids or other dyes to the chicken feed that will give the desired darker color yolk to cage-free eggs. They do the same thing to regular eggs and sell them as cage-free eggs. Adding color chemicals to feed is the same tactic salmon farmers use to give the flesh of farmed salmon a more desirable dark pink color. The reason for this scam is simple. The consumer is totally gullible and profits soar. The profits on cage-free eggs can be 1000% those of regular eggs. The egg producer can fill all the orders for cage-free eggs because many of the eggs don't come from cage-free chickens. It is simply fraud and the consumers just suck it up. Many consumers simply say, "If the egg producer cheats that is their problem, not mine." These consumers are actually assisting the egg producers in this scam. The consumer simply wants to feel good about their purchase. They are not really seeking scientific truth or good health. They just don't want the poor chickie to be in a cage. They visualize cage-free chickens as running through the grass eating bugs in the sun. This is denial of reality, part of the old head-in-the-sand routine.
Vegan Acid - Alkaline Theory is Nonsense
Vegetarians falsely claim that eating meat increases the body acid level. This is nonsense. Vegetarians typically suffer from acid reflux because they do not eat meat. Simply breathing properly can change the blood pH drastically within minutes. Deep breathing discharges carbon dioxide from the blood which reduces the blood acid and increases the pH level. The body normally controls the acid - alkaline balance within a very narrow range. A diet devoid of meat is unhealthy because the stomach normally excretes a large amount of hydrochloric acid during a meal in preparation for the digestion of meat.
Introduction: Acid-Base Balance: Merck Manual Home Edition.
Acidosis: Acid-Base Balance: Merck Manual Home Edition.
Alkalosis: Acid-Base Balance: Merck Manual Home Edition.
Meat does not "putrify" in the digestive tract as claimed by vegetarians. Don't believe their nonsense and lies.
The Key To Cancer Prevention Is Awesome Health and a Robust Immune System.
Cancer is caused by a combination of free radical damage to normal cells and the lack of body building amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Another major cause of cancer is believed by a growing number of professionals to be the excessive consumption of carbohydrates in the form of sugars, grains, fruits, and starchy vegetables. The third major cause of cancer is believed to be the consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fats) in the diet.
Cancer is NOT caused by eating animal products and natural saturated fats.
Instead, meat and natural fats are just the foods which promote health and prevent cancer because they give one awesome health. The rate of cancer has risen in all populations that increased their consumption of carbohydrates such as grains, sugars, and factory-made trans fats. Our modern diet as recommended by by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid and other health organizations has replaced the healthy natural animal fats with carbohydrates and trans fats. Read the truth about cancer at the following web page.
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Reference Books and Online Support Groups:
Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
This is a must-read book. Gary Taubes is an award-winning scientist who has specialized in exposing misleading, incorrect, or fraudulent science. His seven-year research in every science connected with the impact of nutrition on health shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong. For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates are better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet with more and more people acting on the advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes.
Taubes argues persuasively that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, easily digested starches) via their dramatic effect on insulin -- the hormone that regulates fat accumulation -- and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number. There are good and bad calories. Taubes traces how the common assumption that carbohydrates are fattening was abandoned in the 1960s when fat and cholesterol were blamed for heart disease and then -- wrongly -- were seen as the causes of a host of other maladies, including cancer. He shows us how these unproven hypotheses were emphatically embraced by authorities in nutrition, public health, and clinical medicine in spite of how well-conceived clinical trials have consistently refuted them. He also documents the dietary trials of carbohydrate restriction which consistently show that the fewer carbohydrates we consume the leaner we will be.
With precise references to the most significant existing clinical studies, he convinces us that there is no compelling scientific evidence demonstrating that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease; that salt causes high blood pressure; and that fiber is a necessary part of a healthy diet. Based on the evidence that does exist, he leads us to conclude that the only healthy way to lose weight and remain lean is to eat fewer carbohydrates or to change the type of carbohydrates we do eat and, for some of us, perhaps to eat virtually none at all.
TNT DIET - Targeted Nutrition Tactics
by Jeff Volek, Ph.D., RD and Adam Campbell, Men's Health Magazine
The explosive new plan to blast fat, build muscle and get healthy.The TNT Diet is a great book for bodybuilders and everyone else who wants to preserve and build lean muscle while controlling body fat. This book is a must read for anyone on the low-carbohydrate diet.
Active Low-Carber Forums - Atkins & low-carbohydrate Diet Support Group
You can talk with others who have bowel diseases or Candida about their experiences. Registration is free but is required before you can post your own message or question. You can click above to visit and read posts by others. Look for the "Candida Yeast & IBS" topic link.
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life
Life Without Bread is an important addition to the growing body of literature on the benefits and importance of low-carb diet. Written by Christian Allan, Ph.D., and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D., the book is based on Dr. Lutz's experience using carbohydrate restricted diets with thousands of patients for more than 40 years. It is based on extensive research in the medical and scientific literature and provides ample references. The book presents a unified theory of how high (and even moderate) levels of dietary carbohydrate cause or exacerbate various health problems and how carbohydrate restriction can help people to recover from those problems.
The book Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D. has a chapter on gastrointestinal diseases. Don't be mislead by the title to believe the cure is the simple elimination of bread. Mr. Lutz's older book is out of print but has essentially the same information. It may even contain more detail than his new book above. Fortunately, Chapter VII: Gastro-Intestinal Tract of the older book can be read online.
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Revised and Improved
The Atkins' New Diet Revolution is the best book for an initial dietary change and quick weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol. Look for the companion book for recipes. It has some very interesting case studies from the doctor's patients. It includes data from past civilizations proving the low-carbohydrate diet is the most healthy.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. ISBN: 006001203X.Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution
This is Dr. Atkins newest book. The main topics are the cause, prevention, and cure for diabetes and heart disease which have become major health concerns in the United States and many other developed countries.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. with Sheila Buff ISBN: 0312251890.Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's Answer To Drugs
This is the best book for determining the correct vitamin and mineral dosage for therapeutic (disease curing) effect, excessive dosage amounts, and normal recommendations. Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution discusses the vital function of vitamins and nutritional supplements and then provides a list of diseases and complaints that the supplements can help cure or alleviate.
This book by Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Dan Eades has an excellent chapter on "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which describes the cause of bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases.
Why Stomach Acid is Good for You
This groundbreaking book unleashes a brilliant new plan for permanently curing heartburn by relieving the root cause of the problem -- low stomach acid. The fact is that heartburn is caused by too little stomach acid -- not too much, as many doctors profess. Book by Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard.
SAFETY of FRESH PORK . . . from Farm to Table
Kevin's Way-Huge Beef Cattle Hotlist of Links
Read about the Failures of Vegetarianism from Long-Time Insiders
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health clinics.
Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.
Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs.
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