Balanced Diet?
Truth About the Balanced Diet Theory
the Four or Five Groups of the Food
Guide Pyramid
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Are these foods we are told to eat making us sick? Yes, absolutely.
USDA Food Guide Pyramid and FDA Recommended Daily Allowance
Carbohydrates = 60%, Fats = 30% and Protein = 10%
Warning! This diet will cause many diseases when eaten for 20 years.
The human body requires about 90 essential nutrients to maintain vigorous health. These elements are not a food group. Science cannot show that eliminating one or more entire food group has any detrimental effect at all on the body. In fact, the opposite is true. Several food groups should be severely limited in order to return to the healthy diet. Health will improve immensely when grains, fruit, and most nuts are removed from the diet. Other groups should be modified to remove sweets, milk, yogurt, potatoes, yams, and other high-carbohydrate vegetables.
Essential Nutrients for Human Health
16 Vitamins
60 Minerals
12 Amino Acids
3 Fatty Acids
The professional dietary and medical advice given by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has been an utter failure. The USDA has published the official diet in the form of an icon called the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. The USFDA has published the official USFDA Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for carbohydrate, protein, and fat. However, therein lies a big flaw. Neither the Food Guide Pyramid nor the RDA is based on scientific facts. If you follow the Food Guide Pyramid as your daily nutritional guide, you will encounter many related degenerative diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, bowel disease, autoimmune diseases, and many more. The USDA Food Guide Pyramid and FDA Recommended Daily Allowance are solely responsible for the current high incidence of adult onset Type II diabetes which has tripled in the last 30 years. Type II diabetes is becoming common among teenagers, who were once thought to be excluded from this "age related" disease. People with diabetes have a significantly increased risk of cancer. Now the USDA has the gall to tell us it was our fault for not exercising enough. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now. Exercise will not prevent the escalating health care crisis.
USDA - Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005.Top Ten Exercise Health Myths About Running, Jogging, Biking, Marathons, and Triathlons
Everyone wants to eat a healthy diet, and many people spend a considerable amount of time trying desperately to determine what that diet should be. Opinions by doctors and nutritional experts vary widely, which leads one to a mass of conflicting data and statistics. In frustration, most people either give up or lean toward the majority or "official" low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. Numerous health organizations exist which are connected to some educational institution or government agency. These health organizations align themselves in solidarity which gives the surface appearance of correctness beyond question. The major responsibility for our diet recommendation rests on the shoulders of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The USDA has published the official diet in the form of an icon called the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. The USFDA has published the official USFDA Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for carbohydrate, protein, and fat. However, therein lies a big flaw. Neither the Food Guide Pyramid nor the RDA is based on scientific facts. If you follow the Food Guide Pyramid as your daily nutritional guide, you will encounter many related degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, bowel disease, autoimmune diseases, and many more. The USDA Food Guide Pyramid and FDA Recommended Daily Allowance are solely responsible for the current high incidence of adult onset Type II diabetes which has tripled in the last 30 years. Type II diabetes is becoming common among teenagers who were once thought to be excluded from this "age related" disease.
USDA - Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005.
The new 2005 USDA Food Guide Pyramid adds more confusion by having many different pyramids from which you must make a selection. This system will cause the current obesity, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease epidemics that were caused by the previous Food Guide Pyramid to become more severe.
The USFDA Nutritional Guidelines Are Not Scientific. |
Many people think the Atkins’ low-carbohydrate diet is lacking essential nutrients because it doesn't match the results of the Food Guide Pyramid. Their reference is the US Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) Nutritional Guide for Daily Values (DV) as shown on all nutrition labels. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Guide Pyramid was developed by vegetarians with an agenda. Nathan Pritikin and Senator George McGovern were the perpetrators. There is no science behind the Food Guide Pyramid. It was a scam from the beginning -- a make-believe nutritional plan to limit the consumption of animal products. The results has been rampant heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, intestinal diseases, and a medical handbook full of other ailments. The USFDA Nutritional Guide is based on the Food Guide Pyramid. This is easy to prove. Simply go to a food count book or and enter a 2000-calorie diet exactly according to the pyramid. The results will show every nutritional requirement to be perfectly achieved. It’s all a scam. There is no hard science behind the establishment of the USFDA daily nutritional requirements.
Fat Children Will Be The Norm Within A Decade.
Children 'harmed' by vegan diets US scientist claims.
Vegan Parents Charged With Manslaughter of Child Because of Vegan Diet.
Professional nutritionists argue to the death in support of these myths but will supply no solid science to support them. Their arguments are based on theories, conjecture, or outright lies. Unbiased research, the study of primitive societies, and eating a low-carbohydrate diet easily proves these myths are fraud and ignorance. For example, nutritionists say that fresh meat contains no vitamin C, and medical societies claim that a vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy. They claim that fruit and vegetables must be eaten to prevent scurvy. These claims are easily proven to be false. The Eskimos lived for centuries on an all-meat and animal fat diet of seal, polar bear, caribou, fox, wolf, whale, fish, and fowl without developing any sign of scurvy. White men lived with them for many years in the early 1900s without showing sign of scurvy, thus proving the lack of scurvy was not racial. In fact, sailors on whaling vessels often cured their scurvy by eating fresh meat. Fresh meat is the only food that provides complete nutrition. The concept that a healthy diet requires eating daily from four or five food groups is pure nonsense without any scientific basis. Nutritional and medical societies simply ignore scientific facts.
It is a scientific fact that fructose sugar in fruit causes insulin resistance that increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes. See the following truthful study that proves fructose as found in abundance in fruit and fruit juice is one of the root causes for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and Alzheimer's disease.
Beginning in 1906, arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson and his companion, Karsen Anderson, spent several years living with Eskimos in Northern Canada. They lived on an all-meat and fat diet of seal, polar bear, caribou, and fish. Doctors and nutritionists insisted that was impossible. The Eskimos had no carbohydrates and no fiber in their diets but suffered no detectable health effects. In fact, their health was excellent with absolutely no dental caries, no heart disease, no cancer, and excellent bone health. To prove his statements were true, both men entered Bellevue Hospital in New York City to live for a full year on a supervised diet of meat and fat only. At the end of the year, both men had improvements in health as could be measured by all the tests available at the time.
Stefansson 1 - Eskimos Prove an All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health.Many large food manufacturing organizations have lobbied the US Congress and pushed money into newspapers, books, universities, nutritional organizations, and medical organizations during the last 60 years to convince the consumer these myths are true. You can test yourself to see the degree of brainwashing that has crept into your thinking. Extensive study and searching are required to get past the lies and distortions of these organizations, politicians, and religious vegetarians to reach the facts presented here for your benefit.
This website will prove the most healthy diet for humans is:
70% total fat on a calorie basis
31% saturated fat
7% polyunsaturated fat
25% monounsaturated fat
7% other fats
27% protein
3% carbohydrates (20 gm of which 3 gm or less is fiber).Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.
Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cholesterol Science.
Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions, and Lies That Will Destroy Your Health.
Top Ten Historical Events That Created Our Current Health and Nutritional Quagmire.
Problems with the USDA Food Guide Pyramid
Scientifically, many of the foods highly recommended by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid cause disease over time, and many that are shunned are healthy and heal the body. The following are the harmful foods.
Fruit - Fruit is treated by most health organizations as the most awesome food on Earth. This is scientifically untrue. Fruit contains high levels of fructose, a type of sugar. It has been known for 50 years that fructose causes insulin resistance that leads to diabetes. A common laboratory practice is to feed test animals fructose in order to induce insulin resistance and continue with experiments related to diabetes. The table sugar molecules (sucrose) is made up of half glucose and half fructose. Fruit is natures candy. Yes, fruit does contain some healthy vitamins, but this does not offset the harmful effects of the fructose. Eating fruit is the same as throwing a vitamin tablet in the a bottle of soda sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. The major media and professional nutritional organizations present phytochemicals and bioflavonoids in fruit as if they are essential to the human diet. They are not. Phytochemicals and bioflavonoids do not prevent or cure any disease. Fruit and other carbohydrates cause diabetes. Diabetics are four times more likely to develop heart disease and twice as likely to develop cancer.
Whole Grains - Whole grains have now become the wonderfully healthy food that "grains" were not. This claim is false. All grains are lacking in some amino acids. Grains have bad omega-6 fatty acids that are pro-inflammatory as scientifically proven. The high carbohydrate content of grain zings the blood glucose level, causing blood insulin levels to rise. Insulin causes plugged heart arteries and heart disease. See the link below to learn more about the cause of heart disease. This is not the end of the harmful effects of eating grain. Grains contain fungus and candida yeast spores that infect the intestines, causing inflammatory bowel diseases. The fungus produces poisonous mycotoxins that do more damage. The grains are sprayed with fungicides in storage to help prevent mildew and rot. These chemicals are damaging to the body and digestive tract as well. Whole grains are bad dudes. All primitive societies that ate a high-grain diet suffered severely as a result. Whole grains cause inflammatory bowel disease. Those with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have a very high risk of developing colon and other cancers as well.
Potatoes and Yams - These are probably the least unhealthy of the high-carbohydrate food groups, but the unhealthy effects still occur. Potatoes and yams contain starches which are nothing more than very long chains of glucose molecules with branches. Potatoes produce a blood sugar rush as fast as table sugar in candy. Potatoes are just as bad at causing health problems as candy.
Milk - Milk is a dreadfully unhealthy drink for humans. The pasteurized milk is worse than raw milk. Many people have eaten products made from sour milk. The Hunza people of Pakistan are a good example. They had no choice because they did not have refrigeration. Pasteurized milk still contains harmful bacteria. Pasteurized milk instantly makes one sick with raging diarrhea when it turns sour because the good bacteria have been killed in the pasteurizing process, leaving only the bad bacteria. Never drink milk, and never give it to kids, although giving kids fruit juice is even worse than giving them milk. Do not drink cows' milk, goats' milk, rice milk, soy milk, or any energy drinks because they contain sugar, fructose, lactose, and other carbohydrates. Milk does not prevent osteoporosis. It actually makes it worse as proven in scientific studies. Milk causes inflammatory bowel diseases.
Supermarkets offer fruit from seven continents 365 days of the year as the rate of diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, heart, and bowel diseases soar. Get a clue.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida, and Others.
A high fat, low carbohydrate diet improves Alzheimer's disease in mice.
Diabetes - The Cause, Prevention, Treatment, and Control of Hypoglycemia and Type 1 & 2 Diabetes
Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures, and Degenerative Disc Disease.
Healthy Foods that the USDA Food Guide Pyramid Shuns
Saturated animal fats are not the cause of heart disease. Red meat is a wonderful whole food that heals the body and prevents disease. Red meat contains all of the essential nutrients for health. Many different Eskimo tribes lived in perfect health entirely on red meat. One tribe lived in the high mountains of Alaska and lived entirely on Big Horn sheep meat. Others lived entirely on caribou meat. The North American Plains Indians lived almost entirely on buffalo meat. They dried and ground lean meat to which they added rendered buffalo fat. This mixture was called pemmican. It was a whole food consisting of 70 percent fat. Fresh red meat does not cause cancer. Processed deli meat has been linked to colon cancer; fresh red meat has not. All deli meat contains sugar and bad chemicals. The unhealthy effect is from the additives, not from the red meat. Click on the picture of the delicious beef Porterhouse steak to see an enlargement.
Hard cheese is one category of products made from cows' milk that is wonderfully healthy. The bacterial process in making hard cheese removes all of the lactose, leaving the healthy fat and protein. Avoid cheese spreads, cottage cheese, yogurt, and cream cheeses.
Proponents of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid treat chicken fat as if it were a poison that would instantly plug the arteries of the heart. This attitude is absolute nonsense. Chicken fat is wonderful food that heals and nourishes the body. The chicken skin is the best part of the bird, especially when baked to a medium crisp consistency. The author of this web page enjoys baked chicken by drinking a half cup of melted chicken fat from the bottom of the baking pan.
All animal, fish, and fowl meats are wonderfully healthy foods when purchased fresh or fresh frozen and unprocessed before cooking at home or by the restaurant. Never buy chickens or turkeys that have been injected with a sugar/salt solution. The fatty cuts of meat are the best and should be chosen over lean cuts. Never eat lean meat without a healthy serving of animal fats. If the cooked meat is naturally lean, it should be eaten by dipping in the melted cooking fat.
Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.
Studies Prove Beef Is A Safe And Healthy Food.
Myths, Distortions, and Lies About Beef.
Eggs Do Not Cause Bad Cholesterol.
High-insulin (hyperinsulinemia) increases Alzheimer's disease in mice studies.
A high fat, low carbohydrate diet improves Alzheimer's disease in mice.
"Mice with the mouse model of Alzheimer's disease show improvements in their condition when treated with a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. A report published today in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism, showed that a brain protein, amyloid-beta, which is an indicator of Alzheimer's disease, is reduced in mice on the so-called ketogenic diet."
"The report, by Samuel Henderson, from Accera, Inc, Colorado and colleagues from Belgium runs counter to previous studies suggesting a negative effect of fat on Alzheimer's disease."
Obesity and disease are increasing as more diet and health information is made available because people believe the "balanced-diet" lies.
Reference Books and Online Support Groups:
Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
This is a must-read book. Gary Taubes is an award-winning scientist who has specialized in exposing misleading, incorrect, or fraudulent science. His seven-year research in every science connected with the impact of nutrition on health shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong. For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates are better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet with more and more people acting on the advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes.
Taubes argues persuasively that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, easily digested starches) via their dramatic effect on insulin -- the hormone that regulates fat accumulation -- and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number. There are good and bad calories. Taubes traces how the common assumption that carbohydrates are fattening was abandoned in the 1960s when fat and cholesterol were blamed for heart disease and then -- wrongly -- were seen as the causes of a host of other maladies, including cancer. He shows us how these unproven hypotheses were emphatically embraced by authorities in nutrition, public health, and clinical medicine in spite of how well-conceived clinical trials have consistently refuted them. He also documents the dietary trials of carbohydrate restriction which consistently show that the fewer carbohydrates we consume the leaner we will be.
With precise references to the most significant existing clinical studies, he convinces us that there is no compelling scientific evidence demonstrating that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease; that salt causes high blood pressure; and that fiber is a necessary part of a healthy diet. Based on the evidence that does exist, he leads us to conclude that the only healthy way to lose weight and remain lean is to eat fewer carbohydrates or to change the type of carbohydrates we do eat and, for some of us, perhaps to eat virtually none at all.
TNT DIET - Targeted Nutrition Tactics
by Jeff Volek, Ph.D., RD and Adam Campbell, Men's Health Magazine
The explosive new plan to blast fat, build muscle and get healthy.The TNT Diet is a great book for bodybuilders and everyone else who wants to preserve and build lean muscle while controlling body fat. This book is a must read for anyone on the low-carbohydrate diet.
Active Low-Carber Forums - Atkins & low-carbohydrate Diet Support Group
You can talk with others who have bowel diseases or Candida about their experiences. Registration is free but is required before you can post your own message or question. You can click above to visit and read posts by others. Look for the "Candida Yeast & IBS" topic link.
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life
Life Without Bread is an important addition to the growing body of literature on the benefits and importance of low-carb diet. Written by Christian Allan, Ph.D., and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D., the book is based on Dr. Lutz's experience using carbohydrate restricted diets with thousands of patients for more than 40 years. It is based on extensive research in the medical and scientific literature and provides ample references. The book presents a unified theory of how high (and even moderate) levels of dietary carbohydrate cause or exacerbate various health problems and how carbohydrate restriction can help people to recover from those problems.
The book Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D. has a chapter on gastrointestinal diseases. Don't be mislead by the title to believe the cure is the simple elimination of bread. Mr. Lutz's older book is out of print but has essentially the same information. It may even contain more detail than his new book above. Fortunately, Chapter VII: Gastro-Intestinal Tract of the older book can be read online.
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Revised and Improved
The Atkins' New Diet Revolution is the best book for an initial dietary change and quick weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol. Look for the companion book for recipes. It has some very interesting case studies from the doctor's patients. It includes data from past civilizations proving the low-carbohydrate diet is the most healthy.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. ISBN: 006001203X.Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution
This is Dr. Atkins newest book. The main topics are the cause, prevention, and cure for diabetes and heart disease which have become major health concerns in the United States and many other developed countries.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D. with Sheila Buff ISBN: 0312251890.Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's Answer To Drugs
This is the best book for determining the correct vitamin and mineral dosage for therapeutic (disease curing) effect, excessive dosage amounts, and normal recommendations. Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution discusses the vital function of vitamins and nutritional supplements and then provides a list of diseases and complaints that the supplements can help cure or alleviate.
This book by Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Dan Eades has an excellent chapter on "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which describes the cause of bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases.
Why Stomach Acid is Good for You
This groundbreaking book unleashes a brilliant new plan for permanently curing heartburn by relieving the root cause of the problem -- low stomach acid. The fact is that heartburn is caused by too little stomach acid -- not too much, as many doctors profess. Book by Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard.
Three Books Are Now Available!
here to review and order!!
The books are more complete than the web pages!!
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health clinics.
Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.
Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs.
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