BEWARE of Healthcare Insurance Links to NSA Prism Program
Your Insurance Company Could Make Your Life a Living HELL.
The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is using healthcare insurance companies to collect your personal data for their Prism Program. My Medicare replacement insurance company continues to harass me with telephone calls and mail in an attempt to have a "doctor" come to my house "free of charge" for a review of my healthcare needs. I told them that I would call the police if someone came to my door.
Do not tell doctors, nurses, hospitals, or healthcare workers anything about your personal information that is not directly related to and highly limited to your illness. Never say you are depress, anxious, worried, concerned, frustrated, etc. Do not answer any unnecessary questions about you living situation, income, job, vacations, property ownership, etc. All of these organization are a part of the NSA Prism Program with the goal of making a big fat file about you.
BEWARE . . . The reports and data could easily be falsified. The fear is that the reports will be falsified even when no visit or interview occurs. There will be no way to challenge or correct these false reports. The reports will be used to:
1. Place you on the "no fly" list.
2. Cancel your drivers license.
3. Deny credit for cards, loans, or a mortgage.
4. Make you ineligible for many jobs.
5. Deny firearm purchases and confiscation of existing firearms.
6. Cancel insurance on automobiles, property, etc.
7. Forcibly make you move from your home into a government healthcare facility.
8. Forcibly make you surrender management of your personal affairs to a court appointed person with power of attorney.
9. Freeze your personal property and bank accounts for others to manage (steal).
10. Take your kids away and give them to pedophiles in Social Services.United States has been sliding toward tyranny for many years. President George W. Bush accelerated the slide with the support and approval of the Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives when he enacted many laws in violation of the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights. These violations of the Bill of Rights include illegal searches, seizure of property, personal detention, imprisonment, and execution.
"And you shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32Test all things; hold fast what is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21
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Copyright © 2014 - 2016 by Kent R. Rieske, B.Sc., and Bible Life Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
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